Anacroneuria vagante, Stark & Baumann, 2011Anacroneuria ypane, Stark & Baumann, 2011

Stark, Bill P. & Baumann, Richard W., 2011, Records Of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Bolivia And Paraguay With Descriptions Of Three New Species, Illiesia 7 (19), pp. 182-191 : 185-191

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scientific name

Anacroneuria vagante Anacroneuria ypane

sp. n.

Anacroneuria vagante sp. n.

( Figs. 6-10 View Figs )

Material examined. Holotype ♂, BOLIVIA: La Paz Department, Province Nor Yungas, Rio Vagante, Vagante , 16 ° 11’ S, 67 ° 41’ W, 3650’, 12 November 2009, S.M. Clark, H.R. Hinkson ( USNM). GoogleMaps

Adult habitus. General color brown, patterned with areas of dark brown and pale brown or yellow. Head with a large area of dark pigment covering ocellar region and extending forward and laterad over much of frons ( Fig. 6 View Figs ); lappets dark brown and occiput with area of dark pigment outlining a pair of triangles with pale centers; antennae and palpi brown. Mid and fore femora banded with dark pigment in apical third, tibiae uniformly dark brown (hind legs missing). Wings membranes brown, veins dark brown.

Male. Forewing length 8.5 mm. Hammer thimble shaped ( Fig. 7 View Figs ). Aedeagal apex simple, scoop shaped ( Figs. 8-10 View Figs ), but with heavily sclerotized lateral margins, a prominent dorsal keel which forms an Xpattern ( Fig. 10 View Figs ), and a pair of prominent membranous ventral lobes; lateral margins in dorsal aspect somewhat scalloped. Hooks slightly wider than in most species.

Female. Unknown.

Larva. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name, used as a noun in apposition, is based on the type locality of Rio Vagante.

Diagnosis. The aedeagus of A. vagante is most similar to that of A. karina Stark , known from Venezuela (Stark 1999), however that species lacks the distinctive head and pronotal pattern of A. vagante ; in addition the bases of the aedeagal hooks in A. karina are more swollen, the dorsal keel is shorter, and the ventral membranous lobes smaller in that species than in A. vagante . The aedeagus of the new species is also generally similar to that of A. manauensis Ribeiro-Ferreira , described from Brazil (Ribeiro- Ferreira & Froehlich 2001), A. puna Stark , described from Ecuador ( Stark 2001), and A. taylori Stark , described from Bolivia ( Stark 2004). The new species differs from the latter two in having a much broader area of dark pigment on the frons, but also differs from the former two species in having a prominent pair of membranous lobes on the aedeagal apex. It differs from the latter species in lacking subchelate aedeagal hooks and in having larger membranous lobes on the aedeagal apex.

Anacroneuria vagante sp. n. La Paz

Anacroneuria ypane sp. n.

( Figs. 11-15 View Figs )

Material examined. Holotype ♂, PARAGUAY: Amambay Department, Rio Ypane, cerca Pedro Juan Caballero , 25 November 1956, C.J.D. Brown ( USNM).

Adult habitus. General color brown, patterned with areas of pale pigment. Head with a large area of dark pigment extending from ocellar region over central frons ( Fig. 11 View Figs ); dark pigment area expanded laterally in central frons where a small oval pale area is located; lappets and antennae dark brown. Pronotum mostly dark but with a narrow pale median stripe and pale lateral areas. Hind femora dark brown in apical third but pale basally; hind tibia with small dark bands basally and apically but pale for most of length. Wing membrane brown, veins (particularly R vein) dark brown.

Male. Forewing length 10 mm. Hammer thimble shaped, apical diameter less than height ( Fig. 12 View Figs ). Aedeagal apex a short, simple, truncate scoop bearing a ventral pair of prominent membranous lobes ( Fig. 13 View Figs ); dorsal margin of apical area expanded into a pair of small rounded lateral lobes near point where hooks cross ( Fig. 15 View Figs ); dorsal keel lines absent, apex bent strongly dorsad, giving a foot-like shape in lateral aspect ( Fig. 14 View Figs ). Hooks slender.

Female. Unknown.

Larva. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name, used as a noun in apposition, is based on the type locality of Rio Ypane.

Diagnosis. This species is related to the Anacroneuria atrifrons Klap á lek group of species ( Froehlich 2008) which includes at least A. azul Rojas & Baena ( Stark et al. 1999), A. canchi Stark & Sivec (Stark & Sivec 1998) and A. pastaza Stark ( Stark 2001). Of these species, the aedeagus of A. ypane is most similar to that of the Colombian species, A. azul , but the membranous lobes in that species are smaller and a small transverse dorsal keel is present. The latter species also differs from A. ypane in having a much smaller area of dark head pigment.

Comments. Froehlich (2002) reported A. debilis (Pictet) from a single male collected in Parque Nacional Ybycui and A. trimacula Jewett from a single female collected at the same locality. Thus, Anacroneuria ypane becomes only the third member of the genus to be confirmed for Paraguay, and the first to be described from a Paraguayan specimen.

Anacroneuria PA-1

( Figs. 16-18 View Figs )

Material examined. PARAGUAY: Hernandarias , near Acaray River, 3 November 1956, C.J.D. Brown, 7♀ (BYUC) .

Adult habitus. General color pale brown, patterned with darker brown pigment. Head with a dark V connecting ocelli and extending toward bases of antennae ( Fig. 16 View Figs ); lappets and antennae dark brown, palpi pale. Pronotum pale brown with darker, slender rugosities scattered over disk; median suture with a narrow dark band on either side. Hind femora darker in apical third, hind tibia uniformly brown. Wings tinted pale brown, veins darker.

Male. Unknown.

Female. Forewing length 10-11 mm. Subgenital plate weakly four lobed; inner lobes separated by a shallow V-shaped notch ( Fig. 18 View Figs ) and outer lobes by a very shallow, wide notch. Sternum 9 posterior sclerite long, slender and sparsely setose; median sclerite covered basally and through median zone with fine, short setae, and bearing a few scattered longer, thicker setae near sclerite and laterally.

Egg. Spindle shaped, long, slender and darker on anterior pole ( Fig. 17 View Figs ).

Larva. Unknown.

Comments. We are unable to associate these females with any of the species known from the region. Certainly they are distinct from A. debilis and A. trimacula ( Froehlich 2002) and they are also distinct in egg morphology and subgenital plate shape from A. fuscicosta (Enderlein) and A. stanjewetti Froehlich , two regional species which have similar head patterns ( Zwick 1973; Froehlich 2002).

Anacroneuria PA-2

( Figs. 19-21 View Figs )

Material examined. PARAGUAY: Amambay Department, Rio Ypane, cerca Pedro Juan Caballero , 25 November 1956, C.J.D. Brown, 1♀ (BYUC) .

Adult habitus. General color pale brown, patterned with brown pigment. Head with a brown V-shaped pattern over ocelli and curving outwards toward anterior margins of eyes ( Fig. 19 View Figs ). Lappets and antennae pale brown, palpi paler. Hind femora entirely pale, tibiae pale except for small brown areas on distal and proximal ends. Wings transparent, veins pale brown.

Male. Unknown.

Female. Forewing length 15.5 mm. Subgenital plate four lobed; inner lobes separated by a wide, shallow notch ( Fig. 21 View Figs ), lateral lobes separated by shallow notches. Sternum 9 with obscure posterior sclerite; median sclerite covered laterally and along posterior margin with long setae, basal, median area covered with fine, short setae.

Egg. Spindle shaped, long, slender and bearing a small, membranous cap ( Fig. 20 View Figs ).

Larva. Unknown.

Comments. This female was collected with the holotype of A. ypane and appears distinct from it on the basis of color pattern, and from others known from Paraguay ( Froehlich 2002). We are also not able to match it with others known from the region.

Anacroneuria PA-3

( Figs. 22-24 View Figs )

Material examined. PARAGUAY: cerca Hernandarias , Boca de Rio Acaray, 4 November 1956, C.J.D. Brown, 2♀ (BYUC).

Adult habitus. General color brown, patterned with pale areas. Head with a dark quadrate area covering ocelli and extending to M-line; diffuse brown pigment occurs forward of M-line and extending anterolaterally from dark pigment ( Fig. 22 View Figs ); lappets and antennae brown, palpi pale brown. Pronotum pale brown with darker rugosities and a pale median band. Hind femora and tibia brown. Wings transparent, veins brown.

Male. Unknown.

Female. Forewing length 16 mm. Subgenital plate four lobed with lobes approximately equal in size ( Fig. 24 View Figs ). Sternum 9 with a wide, well developed posterior sclerite which bears prominent setae over most of length but bare mesally; mesal sclerite bearing long setae posterolaterally and fine setae basally and mesally.

Egg. Spindle shaped moderate in length and broadly rounded at anterior pole. Collar bears a small membranous cap ( Fig. 23 View Figs ).

Comments. The subgenital plate of this species is generally similar to that of A. debilis ( Froehlich 2002) but the egg and color pattern are distinct.

Checklist of Bolivian Anacroneuria

The following checklist of 21 Bolivian Anacroneuria species is updated from Stark & Sivec (1998) and Stark (2004). Departmental distributions are given if known.

Anacroneuria amboro Stark, 2004

Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria boliviensis (Enderlein, 1909)

Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria chipaya Stark & Sivec, 1998


Anacroneuria cochabamba Stark, 2004

Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria cuzco Stark & Sivec, 1998 La Paz, Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria iridescens Klap á ek, 1922

Department unknown

Anacroneuria pacaje Stark & Sivec, 1998 La Paz

Anacroneuria pellucida Klap á lek, 1922

Department unknown

Anacroneuria taylori Stark, 2004

Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria tiwanaku Stark, 2004

La Paz

Anacroneuria ypane sp. n.

( Figs. 11-15 View Figs )

Material examined. Holotype ♂, PARAGUAY: Amambay Department, Rio Ypane, cerca Pedro Juan Caballero , 25 November 1956, C.J.D. Brown ( USNM).

Adult habitus. General color brown, patterned with areas of pale pigment. Head with a large area of dark pigment extending from ocellar region over central frons ( Fig. 11 View Figs ); dark pigment area expanded laterally in central frons where a small oval pale area is located; lappets and antennae dark brown. Pronotum mostly dark but with a narrow pale median stripe and pale lateral areas. Hind femora dark brown in apical third but pale basally; hind tibia with small dark bands basally and apically but pale for most of length. Wing membrane brown, veins (particularly R vein) dark brown.

Male. Forewing length 10 mm. Hammer thimble shaped, apical diameter less than height ( Fig. 12 View Figs ). Aedeagal apex a short, simple, truncate scoop bearing a ventral pair of prominent membranous lobes ( Fig. 13 View Figs ); dorsal margin of apical area expanded into a pair of small rounded lateral lobes near point where hooks cross ( Fig. 15 View Figs ); dorsal keel lines absent, apex bent strongly dorsad, giving a foot-like shape in lateral aspect ( Fig. 14 View Figs ). Hooks slender.

Female. Unknown.

Larva. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name, used as a noun in apposition, is based on the type locality of Rio Ypane.

Diagnosis. This species is related to the Anacroneuria atrifrons Klap á lek group of species ( Froehlich 2008) which includes at least A. azul Rojas & Baena ( Stark et al. 1999), A. canchi Stark & Sivec (Stark & Sivec 1998) and A. pastaza Stark ( Stark 2001). Of these species, the aedeagus of A. ypane is most similar to that of the Colombian species, A. azul , but the membranous lobes in that species are smaller and a small transverse dorsal keel is present. The latter species also differs from A. ypane in having a much smaller area of dark head pigment.

Comments. Froehlich (2002) reported A. debilis (Pictet) from a single male collected in Parque Nacional Ybycui and A. trimacula Jewett from a single female collected at the same locality. Thus, Anacroneuria ypane becomes only the third member of the genus to be confirmed for Paraguay, and the first to be described from a Paraguayan specimen.

Anacroneuria PA-1

( Figs. 16-18 View Figs )

Material examined. PARAGUAY: Hernandarias , near Acaray River, 3 November 1956, C.J.D. Brown, 7♀ (BYUC) .

Adult habitus. General color pale brown, patterned with darker brown pigment. Head with a dark V connecting ocelli and extending toward bases of antennae ( Fig. 16 View Figs ); lappets and antennae dark brown, palpi pale. Pronotum pale brown with darker, slender rugosities scattered over disk; median suture with a narrow dark band on either side. Hind femora darker in apical third, hind tibia uniformly brown. Wings tinted pale brown, veins darker.

Male. Unknown.

Female. Forewing length 10-11 mm. Subgenital plate weakly four lobed; inner lobes separated by a shallow V-shaped notch ( Fig. 18 View Figs ) and outer lobes by a very shallow, wide notch. Sternum 9 posterior sclerite long, slender and sparsely setose; median sclerite covered basally and through median zone with fine, short setae, and bearing a few scattered longer, thicker setae near sclerite and laterally.

Egg. Spindle shaped, long, slender and darker on anterior pole ( Fig. 17 View Figs ).

Larva. Unknown.

Comments. We are unable to associate these females with any of the species known from the region. Certainly they are distinct from A. debilis and A. trimacula ( Froehlich 2002) and they are also distinct in egg morphology and subgenital plate shape from A. fuscicosta (Enderlein) and A. stanjewetti Froehlich , two regional species which have similar head patterns ( Zwick 1973; Froehlich 2002).

Anacroneuria PA-2

( Figs. 19-21 View Figs )

Material examined. PARAGUAY: Amambay Department, Rio Ypane, cerca Pedro Juan Caballero , 25 November 1956, C.J.D. Brown, 1♀ (BYUC) .

Adult habitus. General color pale brown, patterned with brown pigment. Head with a brown V-shaped pattern over ocelli and curving outwards toward anterior margins of eyes ( Fig. 19 View Figs ). Lappets and antennae pale brown, palpi paler. Hind femora entirely pale, tibiae pale except for small brown areas on distal and proximal ends. Wings transparent, veins pale brown.

Male. Unknown.

Female. Forewing length 15.5 mm. Subgenital plate four lobed; inner lobes separated by a wide, shallow notch ( Fig. 21 View Figs ), lateral lobes separated by shallow notches. Sternum 9 with obscure posterior sclerite; median sclerite covered laterally and along posterior margin with long setae, basal, median area covered with fine, short setae.

Egg. Spindle shaped, long, slender and bearing a small, membranous cap ( Fig. 20 View Figs ).

Larva. Unknown.

Comments. This female was collected with the holotype of A. ypane and appears distinct from it on the basis of color pattern, and from others known from Paraguay ( Froehlich 2002). We are also not able to match it with others known from the region.

Anacroneuria PA-3

( Figs. 22-24 View Figs )

Material examined. PARAGUAY: cerca Hernandarias , Boca de Rio Acaray, 4 November 1956, C.J.D. Brown, 2♀ (BYUC).

Adult habitus. General color brown, patterned with pale areas. Head with a dark quadrate area covering ocelli and extending to M-line; diffuse brown pigment occurs forward of M-line and extending anterolaterally from dark pigment ( Fig. 22 View Figs ); lappets and antennae brown, palpi pale brown. Pronotum pale brown with darker rugosities and a pale median band. Hind femora and tibia brown. Wings transparent, veins brown.

Male. Unknown.

Female. Forewing length 16 mm. Subgenital plate four lobed with lobes approximately equal in size ( Fig. 24 View Figs ). Sternum 9 with a wide, well developed posterior sclerite which bears prominent setae over most of length but bare mesally; mesal sclerite bearing long setae posterolaterally and fine setae basally and mesally.

Egg. Spindle shaped moderate in length and broadly rounded at anterior pole. Collar bears a small membranous cap ( Fig. 23 View Figs ).

Comments. The subgenital plate of this species is generally similar to that of A. debilis ( Froehlich 2002) but the egg and color pattern are distinct.

Checklist of Bolivian Anacroneuria

The following checklist of 21 Bolivian Anacroneuria species is updated from Stark & Sivec (1998) and Stark (2004). Departmental distributions are given if known.

Anacroneuria amboro Stark, 2004

Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria boliviensis (Enderlein, 1909)

Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria chipaya Stark & Sivec, 1998


Anacroneuria cochabamba Stark, 2004

Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria cuzco Stark & Sivec, 1998 La Paz, Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria iridescens Klap á ek, 1922

Department unknown

Anacroneuria pacaje Stark & Sivec, 1998 La Paz

Anacroneuria pellucida Klap á lek, 1922

Department unknown

Anacroneuria taylori Stark, 2004

Santa Cruz

Anacroneuria tiwanaku Stark, 2004

La Paz

Froehlich, C. G. 2002. Anacroneuria mainly from southern Brazil and northeastern Argentina (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 115: 75 - 107.

Froehlich, C. G. 2008. Old species of Neotropical Plecoptera. pp. 125 - 132. In Hauer, F. R., J. A. Stanford & R. L. Newell [eds.]. International advances in the ecology, zoogeography and systematics of mayflies and stoneflies. University of California Publications in Entomology. Volume 128. University of California Press, Berkeley. 412 pp.

Stark, B. P., M. del C. Zuniga, A. M. Rojas, & M. L. Baena. 1999. Colombian Anacroneuria: Descriptions of new and old species (Insecta, Plecoptera, Perlidae). Spixiana, 22: 13 - 46.

Stark, B. P. 2001. Records and descriptions of Anacroneuria from Ecuador (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Scopolia, 46: 1 - 42.

Stark, B. P. 2004. New species and records of Andean Anacroneuria (Insecta, Plecoptera, Perlidae). Spixiana, 27: 67 - 81.

Zwick, P. 1973. Die Plecopteren-Arten Enderleins (Insecta); Revision der Typen. Annales Zoologici, 30: 471 - 507.

Gallery Image

Figs. 6-10. Anacroneuria vagante structures. 6. Head and pronotum. 7. Male sternum 9. 8. Aedeagus, ventral. 9. Aedeagus, lateral. 10. Aedeagus, dorsal.

Gallery Image

Figs. 11-15. Anacroneuria ypane structures. 11. Head and pronotum. 12. Male sternum 9. 13. Aedeagus, ventral. 14. Aedeagus, lateral. 15. Aedeagus, dorsal.

Gallery Image

Figs. 16-24. Anacroneuria sp. unassociated females. 16-18. PA-1. 16. Head and pronotum. 17. Egg. 18. Female sterna 8-9. 19-21. PA-2. 19. Head and pronotum. 20. Egg. 21. Female sterna 8-9. 22-24. PA-3. 22. Head and pronotum. 23. Egg. 24. Female sterna 8-9.


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