Aegialia (Silluvia) gansuensis, Frolov, Andrey V., 2008

Frolov, Andrey V., 2008, New and little known species of the subgenus Aegialia (Silluvia) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) from the Sino-Tibetan mountains, Zootaxa 1712, pp. 42-48 : 44

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scientific name

Aegialia (Silluvia) gansuensis

sp. nov.

Aegialia (Silluvia) gansuensis , sp. n.

Figs. 4–6 View FIGURES 4 – 6 , 13 View FIGURE 13

Type material. Holotype, male with the label " CH, S Gansu, NNW Kaba Vill. 34 0 7 13 N / 103 25 0 3 E H= 2780 m, 11.06.2006, Belousov & Kabak leg." Paratypes: 2 females with the same data as the holotype; 1 male and 1 female with the label " CH, Sichuan, S Rilong 30 58 58 N / 102 50 28 E 30 58 53 N / 102 50 27 E 3355–3375 m, 27.08.2004, Belousov & Kabak leg."; 1 female with the label " CH, Sichuan, E Rilong 31 0 0 11 N/ 102 52 38 E H~ 3475 m, 26.08.2004, Belousov & Kabak leg."; 1 male with the label " China, C.Sichuan, E of Danba S of Guanyongchang Vill. 30 55 26 N /102 0 3 0 7 E H~ 3305 m, 10.08.2004, Belousov & Kabak leg."

Description. Holotype, male ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 4 – 6 ). Body length 6.3 mm. Body black, shiny, legs and lateral margins of pronotum somewhat reddish-black. Clypeus rounded, without medial emargination. Genae almost indistinct, genal and frontoclypeal sutures almost absent, only feebly marked as smooth lines laterally. Eyes very small in dorsal view. Frons coarsely and densely punctate except medially. Clypeus sparsely punctate with small punctures.

Pronotum coarsely punctate (punctures separated by 1–2 diameters on disc, becoming denser laterally). Lateral and basal margins coarsely punctate, posterior angles rounded and slightly but distinctly serrate.

Scutellum triangular, impunctate basally, shiny.

Elytra with strong humeral teeth. Striae deep, punctate (punctures of striae separated by 2–3 puncture diameters). Intervals slightly convex, impunctate.

Anterior tibiae with short lateral teeth; tibial spur slightly curved inward. Upper spur of hind tibia a bit longer than tarsomere 1, tarsomere 1 slightly longer then tarsomere 2–4 combined.

Parameres short, relatively acute in lateral and dorsal view, apices feebly sclerotised ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 4 – 6 ). Internal sac of aedeagus with 3 distinct sclerites, one of which has a complex, subtriangular shape (indicated in Fig. 6 View FIGURES 4 – 6 ).

Female. Distinguished from male by the anterior tibial spur not curved inward.

Variability. Body length of paratypes vary from 6.0–7.0 mm.

Differential diagnosis. Aegialia (Silluvia) gansuensis sp. n. can be separated from other described Silluvia species by the relatively short, acute parameres (in lateral and dorsal view) and by the shape of internal sac sclerites ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 4 – 6 ). From A. shashi and A. sinica , it can also be separated by sparser punctation of the head; and from A. (S.) kabaki and A. (S.) wassuensis , by the smooth posterior angles of pronotum.

Distribution. Aegialia gansuensis sp. n. is known from Gansu and Sichuan provinces of China ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ).

Etymology. The name of the species is derived from the Chinese Province of Gansu, where the holotype was collected.















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