Retizafra praefulgida, Monsecour & Raines, 2024

Monsecour, Kevin & Raines, Bret K., 2024, New species and genus of Columbellidae (Gastropoda: Buccinoidea) from the Western Pacific, Zootaxa 5514 (4), pp. 353-367 : 359-360

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.4.4

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scientific name

Retizafra praefulgida

sp. nov.

Retizafra praefulgida sp. nov.

Figures 3 L–N View FIGURE 3

Type Material. Holotype LACM 2922, 1 Paratype CKM.

Type Locality. Northern Mariana Islands, Saipan, The Grotto , 15.2702 o N, 145.8346 o E, 30 m deep GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Currently only known from the type locality.

Description. Shell of rather small size for genus, up to 2.0 mm; fusiform, elongate. Protoconch paucispiral, of 1.6 smooth whorls. Transition to teleoconch clearly visible. Teleoconch of 3.0 whorls, slightly shouldered; suture slightly impressed. Axial sculpture of 16 strong ribs on each whorl; interspaces narrower than ribs. Spiral sculpture faint on first whorl, clearly visible on second whorl, consisting of flattened, low cords with narrow interspaces. About 7–8 cords on second whorl and 12 cords on last whorl, with cord just below suture more pronounced; at abapical end, cords extend over into basal cords. Intersections of axial ribs and spiral cords giving shell surface crenulate appearance, cords extending to adapical edge of columella.Aperture narrow, 45% of shell height. Outer lip clearly thickened, bearing continuations of spiral and basal cords. Inside with clear sinus on adapical end, thickening just below; not denticulate. Columellar callus not denticulate, basal cords emerging through. Parietal callus thin. Siphonal canal short, open, slightly recurved. Teleoconch whorls, yellow-orange; white spiral band at mid-whorl of last whorl, except for last 15–20% where band is absent. Abapical tip white. Protoconch yellow-orange, with white nucleus. Columella off-white to yellow-orange. Operculum and radula not studied. Height of holotype: 2.0 mm.

Remarks. Within the genus Retizafra , the new species can be distinguished from Retizafra gemmulifera ( Hedley, 1907) from Mast Head Reef, Queensland, by its smaller size, smooth protoconch, more shouldered whorls, higher number of less pronounced spiral cords, and different color. Retizafra praefulgida differs from R. oryza Monsecour & Monsecour, 2016 (fig 3 O) from Norfolk Ridge, New Caledonia by its smaller size, narrower and non-denticulate aperture, greater number of spiral cords and different color pattern. Retizafra praefulgida also differs from another southern New Caledonia species, R. hordeum Monsecour & Monsecour, 2016 (fig 3 P) by its smaller size, narrower aperture, greater number of axial ribs, non-denticulate inner lip and different color pattern.

Etymology. Latin adjective praefulgidus meaning shining/bright in reference to the bright yellow-orange color.

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