Guilbertocoris guianensis, Brailovsky & Barrera, 2016

Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto, 2016, New taxa of Neotropical Acanthocerini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 56 (2), pp. 547-555 : 550-551

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5307396

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scientific name

Guilbertocoris guianensis

sp. nov.

Guilbertocoris guianensis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 1 View Figs 1–5 , 6, 13–14 View Figs 6–14. 6–8 )

Type locality. French Guiana, Montagne de Chevaux.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J, FRENCH GUIANA: Montagne de Chevaux , Matoury Automatic light trap (Blue), 11.ix.2015, P. H. Dalens [lgt.] ( UNAM) . PARATYPES: 1 J 1 ♀, same data as holotype ( MNHN, UNAM).

Description. Male (holotype). Dorsal coloration. Head shiny black with following areas shiny yellowish: tylus (apex black), juga (apex black), interocellar space and postocular area; antennal segments I–III black, IV pale yellow with basal joint and apical third dull black; pronotal disk shiny black with collar, anterolateral and posterolateral margins, posterior margin, and longitudinal stripe running across middle third of disk shiny yellowish orange; scutellum shiny black, apex shiny yellowish orange; clavus dull black; corium dull black with yellowish orange curved streak along inner side of corial cleft, bordering claval suture and apical margin and extending to middle third near apical margin; costal margin entirely black; hemelytral membrane pale brown, with basal angle black; connexivum shiny yellowish orange with upper border of connexival segments III–VI black and VII yellow; dorsal abdominal segments shiny yellowish orange with posterior border of segment VII black.

Ventral coloration. Head yellow with black transverse stripe near middle third; bucculae black with external border dark yellow; rostral segments black; pro-, meso-, and metasternum shiny yellowish orange; pro-, meso-, and metapleura shiny black with acetabula and posterior margin shiny yellowish orange; anterior and posterior lobe of metathoracic scent gland auricle shiny black; coxae, trochanters, tibiae and tarsi shiny black; femora shiny black with wide shiny reddish orange to shiny yellowish orange ring at apex; abdominal sterna yellowish orange with two longitudinal black stripes running laterally to midline from sternite II to VI; pleural border III–VI black and VII yellow; male genital capsule black with middle third including posterolateral edge shiny yellowish orange.

Female. Habitus and color similar to male holotype. Prosternum black; hind femur not incrassate, with double row of short and acute spines; hind tibiae not conspicuously curved and its inner face armed with one row of short acute spines; connexivum shiny yellowish orange; abdominal segments III–VIII shiny yellowish orange, IX black; abdominal sterna yellowish orange with wide black longitudinal stripe running from sternite III to VI; sternite VII yellowish orange with middle third black; genital plates yellowish orange.

Measurements (male / female; mm). Total body length 19.10 / 19.32. Head: length 1.45 / 1.65; width across eyes 2.95 / 2.95; interocular width 1.40 / 1.40; interocellar width 0.51 / 0.54; length of antennal segments: I – 4.70 / 4.60; II – 3.85 / 3.75; III – 2.75 / 2.85; IV – 4.40 / 4.50. Pronotum: length 3.80 / 3.75; width across humeral angles including the spiny projection 4.75 / 4.75. Scutellum: length 2.05 / 2.20; width 1.70 / 1.85.

Etymology. The species epithet is a latinized adjective guianensis (- is, - e), given for its occurrence in French Guiana.

Distribution. Known only from French Guiana.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle















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