Salicarus urnammu Linnavuori, 1984

Konstantinov, Fedor V. & Hosseini, Reza, 2024, Review of the genus Salicarus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae), ZooKeys 1211, pp. 57-100 : 57-100

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1211.129660

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Salicarus urnammu Linnavuori, 1984


Salicarus urnammu Linnavuori, 1984 View in CoL

Figs 3 A – D View Figure 3 , 4 M – O View Figure 4 , 7 I, J View Figure 7 , 9 S – U View Figure 9

Salicarius [sic!] urnammu Linnavuori, 1984: 51.

Salicarus urnammu View in CoL : Konstantinov (2023): 874 (figures, discussion).

Material examined.

Armenia • Aralykh , 40.11722 ° N, 44.27055 ° E, 07 Jun 1911, K. Satunin, 3 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233861 , AMNH _ PBI 00233862 , AMNH _ PBI 00233858 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps . Azerbaijan • Arpa-chay River , 39.4675 ° N, 44.93444 ° E, 03 Jul 1937 – 05 Jul 1937, Ryabov, 1 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233755 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps . Iran • Ardabil Prov.: 10 km W Khalkhal , 37.6179 ° N, 48.522 ° E, 08 Jul 2002 – 09 Jul 2002, R. & S. Linnavuori, 2 ♀ ( ZISP _ ENT 00011858 View Materials , ZISP _ ENT 00011859 View Materials ) ( NMWC) GoogleMaps Askestan-Site , 1 37 ° 28 ' N, 48 ° 39 ' E, 11 Jul 2022, R. Hosseini 4 ♂ 2 ♀ ( UGNHM) GoogleMaps Givi-Khalkhal-Site , 2 37 ° 41 ' N, 48 ° 30 ' E, 9 Jul. 2022, R. Hosseini, 7 ♂ 5 ♀ ( UGNHM) GoogleMaps Majareh-Site 3, 37 ° 33 ' N, 48 ° 36 ' E, 23 Jul 2022, R. Hosseini 1 ♀ ( UGNHM) GoogleMaps Poonel Khalkhal-Site 3, 37 ° 34 ' N, 48 ° 39 ' E 27 Jun 2022, R. Hosseini, 6 ♂ 3 ♀ ( UGNHM) GoogleMaps Guilan Prov.: Lur-Site 5, 36 ° 51 ' N, 49 ° 53 ' E, 13 Jun 2022, R. Hosseini, 1 ♀ ( UGNHM) GoogleMaps Malumeh-Site 1, 36 ° 51 ' N, 49 ° 55 ' E, 11 Jun 2022, R. Hosseini, 14 ♂ 5 ♀ ( UGNHM) GoogleMaps Malumeh-Site 3, 36 ° 51 ' N, 49 ° 55 ' E, 11 Jun 2022, R. Hosseini, 8 ♂ 10 ♀ ( UGNHM) GoogleMaps Tehran Prov.: Shahrestanak , 60 km NE Karaj, 34.8508 ° N, 50.4544 ° E, 2100 m, 10 Jul 2005 – 12 Jul 2005, R. Linnavuori, 2 ♂ ( ZISP _ ENT 00011863 View Materials ), 2 ♀ ( ZISP _ ENT 00011863 View Materials ) ( NMWC) GoogleMaps . Iraq • Sulaymaniyah nr Halabja , 35.555 ° N, 45.479 ° E, 11 Jun 1980, R. Linnavuori, 3 ♂ ( ZISP _ ENT 00011857 View Materials , ZISP _ ENT 00011860 View Materials , ZISP _ ENT 00011862 View Materials ), 1 ♀ ( ZISP _ ENT 00011861 View Materials ) ( NMWC), 1 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233754 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps . Turkmenistan • Garrygala [Kara-Kala], 38.41666 ° N, 56.25 ° E, 20 May 1952, Kryzhanovskij, 1 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233859 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps .


Recognized by the oval body, total length male 3.5–3.8; female 3.2–3.5; antenna typically yellow, in dark specimens segments I and II partly brown, segment II thin (Fig. 4 M, N View Figure 4 ); Dorsum yellow, frequently with orange tinge, sometimes with partly brown pronotum, scutellum, and endocorium (Fig. 3 A – D View Figure 3 ); vestiture composed of short, strongly adpressed simple silvery setae, dense on scutellum and hemelytron but scarce on vertex and pronotum; hemelytron additionally with scarce, narrow, apically acuminate scale-like setae (Fig. 4 O View Figure 4 ); apical blades of vesica short and robust, straight, apically diverging (Fig. 7 I, J View Figure 7 ).

Salicarus urnammu is most similar to S. concinnus and S. roseri but can usually be distinguished from these species by the color pattern. It further differs from S. roseri by the presence of scale-like setae on the hemelytron, and from S. concinnus by the diverging apical blades of the vesica. Refer to the diagnoses of these species for additional discussion.


Male. Coloration. Variable, ranging from yellow, frequently with orange tinge, sometimes with partly brown pronotum, scutellum, and endocorium to almost unofrmly dark brown, with yellow base of hemelytron and cuneus (Fig. 3 A, B View Figure 3 ). Head: Orange-yellow, usually with whitish vertex and somewhat darkened clypeus (Fig. 4 M, N View Figure 4 ); in dark specimens dirty yellow, with dark brown clypeus, brown mandibular and maxillary plate, and largely brown frons, sometimes uniformly dark brown; antenna typically yellow, in dark specimens segment I partly or entirely brown, segment II basally and / or apically, sometimes entirely brown; labium orange-yellow to brown, apex of segment IV dark brown. Thorax: Pronotum from yellow to uniformly dark brown, frequently yellow with reddish tinge and brown diffuse spots on calli and darkened posterior margin; scutellum usually orange-yellow, entirely brown in dark specimens; hemelytron usually whitish yellow, usually with large wedge-shaped brown spot occupying entire exocorium except base, in dark specimens entire clavus and corium except base dark brown, cuneus dirty yellow; membrane pale brown, semitransparent; thoracic pleura orange-yellow to dark brown; legs typically orange-yellow, without any color pattern, in dark specimens femora more or less brown, with yellow apices, tibiae with minute spots at bases of tibial spines. Abdomen: Orange-yellow, sometimes with darkened stripes along apical margins of pregenital segments, or uniformly dark brown.

Surface and vestiture. Dorsum shiny, head and pronotum smooth, scutellum and hemelytron weakly rugose; clothed with short, subequal in length to scale-like setae on hemelytron, strongly adpressed, simple silvery setae, scarce on vertex and pronotum, dense on scutellum and hemelytron; hemelytron additionally with scarce, silvery, narrow, apically acuminate scale-like setae (Fig. 4 O View Figure 4 ); thoracic pleurites with scarce silvery scale-like setae above scent gland evaporative area; pronotum with a pair of brown erect bristle-like setae at anterior corners; femora with several similar brown setae dorso-apically; tibial spines black.

Structure. Body oval, 2.8–2.9 × as long as posterior width of pronotum, total length 3.5–3.8; head vertical, rather vide, slightly protruding beyond eyes anteriorly and ventrally; vertex flat, posteriorly attenuate and covering anterior margin of pronotum, 1.8–2.1 × as wide as eye; antennal segment II at base distinctly thinner than segment I, slightly dilating apically, comparatively short, 0.5–0.6 × as long as posterior width of pronotum, 0.8–0.9 × as long as width of head; pronotum with broadly rounded anterior and posterior corners, 1.9–2.0 × as wide as long, 1.5 × as wide as head.

Genitalia. Right paramere elongate-oval, ~ 2.4 × as long as wide, with straight, comparatively short, and blunt apical process (Fig. 9 S View Figure 9 ). Right paramere with thin straight apical process and triangular, apically broadly rounded sensory lobe (Fig. 9 T View Figure 9 ). Vesica large, with straight, short and robust, gradually diverging apical blades (Fig. 7 G, H View Figure 7 ).

Female. Coloration, surface and vestiture. As in male (Fig. 3 C, D View Figure 3 ). Structure. Similar to male, body 2.5–2.7 × as long as posterior width of pronotum; total length 3.2–3.5; vertex 1.9–2.2 × as wide as eye; antennal segment II 0.5–0.6 × as long as posterior width of pronotum, 0.7–0.9 × as long as width of head; pronotum 2.0–2.1 × as wide as long, 1.5–1.6 × as wide as head.

Genitalia. Sclerotized rings of dorsal labiate plate large, broadly oval.


Originally described from Iraq, this species was subsequently found in Turkey, Transcaucasia, Iran, and Turkmenistan ( Linnavuori 2007; Konstantinov and Namyatova 2008).


Salix spp. ( Linnavuori 1984, 2007)


American Museum of Natural History


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


National Museum of Wales














Salicarus urnammu Linnavuori, 1984

Konstantinov, Fedor V. & Hosseini, Reza 2024

Salicarus urnammu

Konstantinov FV 2023: 874

Salicarius [sic!] urnammu

Linnavuori RE 1984: 51