Anipocregyes seminivea (Breuning, 1965) Breuning, 1965

Yamasako, Junsuke & Makihara, Hiroshi, 2017, Review of the genus Anipocregyes Breuning, 1939 with two new species from Borneo (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Mesosini), Zootaxa 4250 (5), pp. 461-474 : 471

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4250.5.4

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Anipocregyes seminivea (Breuning, 1965)

comb. nov.

5. Anipocregyes seminivea (Breuning, 1965) View in CoL , comb. nov.

( Figs 20–21, 30 View FIGURES 16 – 30 , 34, 39, 35, 40 View FIGURES 31 – 40 , 76–82 View FIGURES 69 – 82 )

Mesosa (Perimesosa) seminivea Breuning, 1965b: 23 View in CoL ; Rondon & Breuning, 1970: 325, fig. 2, d, type locality: Laos, Vientiane Prov., Ban Van Eua.

Setomesosa rondoni Breuning, 1968: 7 View in CoL , type locality: Laos, Vientiane Prov., Phou Khaokhoay; Rondon & Breuning, 1970: 329, fig. 3, h. Syn. nov.

Type materials examined. Holotype of Mesosa (Perimesosa) seminivea ( BPBM; Figs 34, 39 View FIGURES 31 – 40 ): 1♂, “ B. Van Eua / 15.5.65 ”, “ LAOS:/ Vientiane Prov./ Ban Van Eue / 30. XI. 1965 ”, “ Mesosa / seminivea / mihi Typ/ Breuning dét.”, “ J. A. Rondon / Collection / BISHOP MUS . ”, “ TYPE ”, “ Mesosa seminivea / ( Perimesosa )/ sp. nov. Breuning / Coll. J. A. Rondon Laos ”.

Holotype of Setomesosa rondoni ( BPBM; Figs 35, 40 View FIGURES 31 – 40 ): 1♂, “ P.K.Khouei / 15.3.65 ”, “ LAOS:/ Vientiane Prov./ Phou Kou Khouei / 30. VI. 1965 ”, “ Setomesosa / rondoni mihi/ Breuning dét. Typ”, “ J. A. Rondon / Collection / BISHOP MUS . ”, “ TYPE ”, “ Setomesosa (n. gn) / rondoni , sp. nov. Breuning./ Coll. J. A. Rondon Laos ”.

Other materials examined. 1♂ (Yamasako coll.; Figs 20–21, 30 View FIGURES 16 – 30 , 76–82 View FIGURES 69 – 82 ), 5 km east of Lak Sao 5 km, Alt. ca. 500 m, Bolikhamxai Prov., Laos, 23. V, 2008 , J. Yamasako leg.; 1♂ (Yamasako coll.), Houay Bordod , 2 km west of Lak Sao Border, Alt. ca. 700 m, Bolikhamxai Prov., Laos, 24. V, 2008 , J. Yamasako leg.

Diagnosis. This species is similar to A. albifrons , but differs in the frons dominantly with brown pubescence and the elytra with a band of white pubescence on basal half.

Redescription. Male ( Figs 20–21, 30 View FIGURES 16 – 30 ; n = 2): LB = 10.2–12.0 mm, WB = 3.8–4.5 mm.

Color varies from dark to reddish brown. Body dominantly clothed with brown pubescence. Head, pronotum, and elytra with sparse suberect setae varied from white to brown or light brown; inferior side of antenna and tibiae with relatively dense same setae. Head and pronotum with light brown and white pubescence. Antennal scape and pedicel with brown and white pubescence; antennomere 3–11 with whitish pubescence on each basal part, and the reminders brown pubescence. Elytra with wide band of white pubescence on basal half, scattered with small spots of same pubescence in apical half. Legs with femora and tibiae with sparse light brown and whitish pubescence, of which whitish one forms annulation near each middle of tibiae. Ventral surface with light brown and white pubescence in dominant part.

Eye with LL/WL = 1.1, LL/LG = 1.1–1.2. Antenna 1.5–1.6 times as long as body; relative length of each segment as follows: 1.1: 0.2: 1.4: 1.3: 1.1: 1.0: 0.9: 0.8: 0.8: 0.7–0.8: 0.6–0.7; antennomere 11 gently curved. Pronotum LP/WP = 0.9, LP/LB = 0.2–0.3, WP/WEH = 0.7; disk with coarse punctures, with three indistinct tubercles; lateral side with small dull projection near apical margin. Elytra with LE/WEH = 1.8, LE/LB = 0.7, LE/ LP = 2.6–2.8; disk with several granules on base, longitudinal obtuse swelling behind base near each middle, and coarse punctures which are distinct, sparse in basal part, then reduced apically and indistinct near roundly truncate apex.

Male genitalia ( Figs 76–82 View FIGURES 69 – 82 ; n = 2): tegmen gently curved in lateral view. Paramere in dorsal view slightly shorter than the 1/4 length of tegmen, gently constricted in base, gently curved in apical 2/3; ventral side with inwardly directed cylindroid projection behind base. Median lobe gently curved in lateral view; median strut disjunct behind middle; ventral plate with apex roundly pointed. Endophallus slightly longer than the twice length of median lobe; PB relatively long; APH weakly swollen in vermiform, with ED on distal part. MSp sparsely distributed in proximal 2/3 of MT+CT. LSp distributed in distal 1/3 of MT+CT. SSp densely covered entire part of PB.

Distribution. Laos.

Remarks. No female specimen was available for this study.

Taxonomic notes. This species was originally described in Mesosa (Perimesosa) Breuning, 1939 by Breuning (1965b). However, it is identical with Anipocregyes in the following characteristics: lower eye lobe slightly long vertically; paramere provided with distinct projection on ventral side; endophallus with APH rudimentary [the generic features of the genus Mesosa Latreille, 1829 including subgen. Perimesosa mainly redefined by Yamasako & Ohbayashi (2007) are: lower eye lobe transverse; paramere hardly constricted in base, without distinct swelling on ventral side; endophallus with APH well developed.]. Therefore, this species is transferred to Anipocregyes herein.

On the other hand, the monotypic genus Setomesosa Breuning, 1968 was established for Setomesosa rondoni Breuning, 1968 ( Breuning 1968) . Based on a comparison of the description ( Breuning 1939, 1968) and the key to the genera of Mesosini ( Rondon & Breuning 1970), it is different from Anipocregyes mainly in having transverse lower eye lobe. However, between the holotypes of Setomesosa rondoni ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 31 – 40 ) and Mesosa (Perimesosa) seminivea ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 31 – 40 ), there are no significant differences on the external features including the shape of eyes, except for the light brownish body with light brownish pubescence in the former specimen. The holotype of S. rondoni looks teneral, while a teneral specimen of A. seminivea from “Houay bordod” shows same color as S. rondoni . Thus, these color differences are very likely due to the specimen condition. With this result, Setomesosa rondoni is synonymized with A. seminivea and thereby the genus Setomesosa is synonymized with Anipocregyes .


Bishop Museum


Muskingum College














Anipocregyes seminivea (Breuning, 1965)

Yamasako, Junsuke & Makihara, Hiroshi 2017

Setomesosa rondoni

Rondon 1970: 329
Breuning 1968: 7

Mesosa (Perimesosa) seminivea

Rondon 1970: 325
Breuning 1965: 23
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