Lesticus bellus Fedorenko, 2022

Fedorenko, D. N., 2022, New or little-known Lesticus Dejean, 1828 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini) from Vietnam, Russian Entomological Journal 31 (3), pp. 260-275 : 268

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.31.3.06

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scientific name

Lesticus bellus Fedorenko


4. Lesticus bellus Fedorenko , sp.n.

Figs 9 View Figs 1–12 , 21 View Figs 13–24 , 33–34, 36 View Figs 25–39 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♀ ( ZMMU) and paratype ♂ ( SIEE), labelled: ‘ Vietnam, Kon Tum Prov. / Kon Plong Distr.,/ 14°45´N 108°17´51´´E / env. ngok Boc 1 Mt./ h= 1300–1400 m 8–10.VI./ D.Fedorenko leg. 2016’. Two paratypes: ♀ ( MPSU), ‘ Vietnam / prov. Gialai-Contum / Bhuonloi / 9.I.1990 / leg. Ю. Зайцев [Yu. Zaitzev]’; ♀ ( ZIN), ‘ Laos, Attopeu Prov. ,/ Sesu River , 300–600 m,/ 20 II 1986./ O.N. Kabakov leg.’. — Internal sac of aedeagus examined in male. GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS. A large-sized, contrastingly bicoloured species of the auricollis species group. Body apterous, metepisternum short, protarsomere 1 without (holotype) or with (paratypes) rudimentary ventral pad in female. Internal sac of aedeagus ( Figs 33–34 View Figs 25–39 ) peculiar due to bulb a missing; b simple, tubiform, with apex curved slightly to the right and a little pointed; c and d narrowly separated; c divided into two, i.e., with dorsal process well separated, rather small, conical and directed to the right, instead of dorsad; e medium-sized, bifid, with both apical branches conical and strongly diverging, dorsal branch (ed) set perpendicular to aedeagus, ventral one (ev) nearly vertical.

DESCRIPTION. BL 27.8–32 mm. Dorsum shiny, bright metallic, contrastingly bicoloured, head golden green or cupreous green, pronotum golden, slightly cupreous, elytra bright violaceous, slightly less shiny in female than in male. Body otherwise black, antennae toward apices and palps brownish, apices of the latter, as well as sides of labrum reddish. Microsculpture missing or indistinct on head, with isodiametric meshes hardly traceable on sides of neck, imperceptible on pronotum, sometimes with very small, slightly transverse, rectangular meshes traceable here and there; elytral microsculpture superficial and isodiametric. Head, pronotum and elytra densely micropunctate.

Head ( Fig. 9 View Figs 1–12 ): frontal sulci from long, deep, sinuous, reaching the level of posterior supra-ocular seta and diverging just in front, to short, obliterate behind anterior supra-ocular seta and reduced to a few oblique strioles just in front of posterior seta. Neck constriction shallow.

Pronotum ( Fig. 21 View Figs 13–24 ) subquadrate, broadest two fifths from apex, with sides rounded and indistinctly sinuate a third from base. Base a sixth wider than apex, slightly sinuate in middle two fourths, basal angles very obtuse and blunt. Apex distinctly sinuate. Lateral bead rather narrow in apical two fifths, increasingly wide toward base, very wide in basal third. lateral groove narrow in front of anterolateral seta, increasingly wide behind and merged into basal fovea; these mostly flat and smooth. Inner basal sulci more or less converging apicad, running on basal two fifths, deep basally, less so apically, not or sparsely cross-striated. Median line moderately deep, obliterate basally and apically. Basal transverse impression missing, apical one vague.

Elytra elliptic, slightly longer, less rounded on sides, with apices slightly pointed combined, in male, wider, more round- ed on sides, with apices widely rounded combined, in female; humeri rounded or just traceable. Basal ridge inwardly reaching stria 1 or 2, or 3; humeral angle obtuse. Striae deep, finely punctate, intervals slightly convex (♂) or almost flat (♀). Interval 3 with three discal setae, d1 adjoining stria 3, d2 and d3 adjoining stria 2. USS: 26–27.

Sides of metaventrite, mes- and metepisterna and abdominal sternite II moderately punctate; propleura in apical half with less than 20 similar yet finer punctures; ventral side otherwise smooth.

Legs as for the genus. Meso- and metatarsi not laterally carinate, tarsomeres 1 and 2 with only laterovenral sulcus and sometimes with an indistinct trace of dorsolateral one. Mesofemur with 2–3 anteroventral setae.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Only known from Central Vietnam (Kon Tum Province) and adjacent part of Laos (Attapeu Province).

NAME. Latin adjective meanning bright/ beautiful/ glorious.

HABITATS AND HABITS. The holotype and paratype have been collected by pitfall trap or by hand in a montane, broad-leaved, monsoon forest.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Department of Microbiology, Songkla University


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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