
Bolfarini, Marcio P. & De, Francisco De A. G., 2012, Adenopygus: a new genus and two new species of Luzarinae cricket of Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Orthoptera: Grylloidea), Zootaxa 3303, pp. 37-49 : 38-39

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.210622


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scientific name



Key to sort Adenopygus from other brachypterous related genera (adapted from De Mello & De Andrade, 2003)

1. Ectophallic arch located posteriorly to basal line of pseudepiphallic arms......................................... 2

1’ Ectophallic arch located anteriorly....................................................................... 3

2 Maxillary palpi long and slender, apical truncation of 5th joint occupying one third its length; pronotum inflated, disk and lat-

eral lobes glabrous; apex of fore wings glandular on inferior face; median apical spur of hind tibia the longest on inner face............................................................................................. Eidmanacris 2’ Maxillary palpi shorter, apical truncation of 5th joint occupying half its length; pronotum not inflated, disk and lateral lobes pilose; apex of fore wings not glandular; superior apical spur of hind tibia the longest on inner face......... Endophallusia

3 Superior apical spur of hind tibia not the longest on inner face (i.e., subequal or shorter than median) (except for Koilenoma ).................................................................................................... 4

3’ Superior apical spur of hind tibia clearly the longest on inner face............................................... 6

4 Antennal scape clearly taller than wide; hind tibia slightly longer than respective femur, its serrulation regressed; male abdomen cylindrical, narrower in the median portion and wider near the base of supra-anal plate; distal portion of pseudepiphallic spine bearing bristles........................................................................... 5

4’ Antennal scape depressed; hind tibia decidedly longer than respective femur, serrulation not regressed; male abdomen wider in the middle than posteriorly; pseudepiphallic spine without bristles......................................... Strinatia

5 Posterior margin of supranal plate straight; 5th joint of maxillary palpi thin, its apex slightly flattened; phallic complex without membranous dorso-lateral cap covering much of pseudepiphallus; inner distance between epiphallic spine at apex wider than ectophallic apodeme........................................................................... Koilenoma

5´Posterior margin of supranal plate rounded; 5th joint of maxillary palpi thick, its apex not flattened; phallic complex with a membranous dorso-lateral cap covering much of pseudepiphallus; inner distance between epiphallic spine at apex not as wide as ectophallic apodeme........................................................................ Adenopygus

6 Metanotal gland present; male fore wings not triangular, the inner margins juxtaposed; male cerci with a distinct bud-shaped clasping structure furnished with a fringe of sturdy bristles; distal margin of male subgenital plate W-shaped; internal face of pseudepiphallic spine with a fringe of bristles; endophallic sclerite small; ectophallic fold very short; ovipositor slightly compressed laterally................................................................................ Ottedana

6’ Metanotal gland absent; male fore wings triangular, the inner margins spaced, except at basal third; male cerci without a clasping device; distal margin of male subgenital plate not W-shaped; ovipositor depressed dorsoventrally; internal face of epiphallic spines without a fringe of bristles; endophallic sclerite and ectophallic fold very long...................... Smicrotes

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