Neoribates (Pseudoneoribates) kontschani, Ermilov, Sergey G. & Corpuz-Raros, Leonila, 2015

Ermilov, Sergey G. & Corpuz-Raros, Leonila, 2015, A new subgenus and two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Neoribates (Acari, Oribatida, Parakalummidae) from the Philippines, Zootaxa 3956 (2), pp. 224-238 : 231-237

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3956.2.4

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scientific name

Neoribates (Pseudoneoribates) kontschani

sp. nov.

Neoribates (Pseudoneoribates) kontschani View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 18–34 View FIGURE 18 View FIGURE 19 View FIGURES 23 – 27 View FIGURES 28 – 34 )

Diagnosis. Body size: 514–564 × 431. Centro-anterior part of notogaster with specific ornament (thickened longitudinal line with thin lateral, transverse branches). Rostral and lamellar setae of medium size, smooth, the latter inserted on prodorsum between lamellae. Interlamellar setae represented by alveoli. Bothridial setae setiform, smooth. Notogastral setae represented by alveoli. Channels of sacculi Sa extremely elongated. Genital plates with 4 setae. Adanal setae ad 3 in preanal position. Adanal lyrifissures in paraanal position.

Description. Measurements. Body length: 564 (holotype: male), 514 (paratype: male); notogaster width: 431 (holotype and paratype).

Integument. Color brown. Body surface smooth, but centro-anterior part of notogaster with specific ornament (thickened longitudinal line with thin lateral, transverse branches); anterior ventral tectum and ventro-lateral parts of prodorsum and epimeral region indistinctly striate. Body covered by microgranulate cerotegument (diameter of microgranules less than 1).

Prodorsum. Anterior part clearly lower than medio-basal part; two parts mediated by moderately steep slope.

Rostrum protruding (visible in frontal view), narrowly rounded. Lamellae strong, slightly longer than half of prodorsum length (measured in lateral view). Prolamellae thin in medio-distal parts. Sublamellae distinct, parallel to lamellae. Sublamellar porose areas oval (8 × 6). Tutoria triangular, blunted. Rostral and lamellar setae (both 28– 32) simple, smooth. Lamellar setae inserted on prodorsum between lamellae. Interlamellar setae represented by alveoli. Exobothridial setae (10) thin, smooth. Bothridial setae (155–172) setiform, smooth.

FIGURES 20–22. Neoribates (Pseudoneoribates) kontschani sp. nov., adult: 20—dorso-frontal view of prodorsum; 21— lateral view of anterior part of body; 22—posterior view of notogaster with adanal setae ad 1. Scale bar 100 Μm.

Notogaster. Anterior notogastral margin convex. Dorsophragmata long, longitudinally oriented. Ten pairs of notogastral setae represented by alveoli. Four pairs of sacculi visible, channels of Sa extremely elongated, channels of S1–S3 slightly elongated. All lyrifissures crack-like. Opisthonotal gland openings located postero-laterally to im.

Gnathosoma . Subcapitulum longer than wide (127–139 × 98–110). Genae with one diagonal ridge. Subcapitular setae (a, 16–18; m and h, 18–20). Two pairs of adoral setae (10) setiform, heavily barbed. Palps (61) with setation 0–2–1–3–9(+ω). Chelicerae (127–139) with two setiform, barbed setae; cha (32–36) longer than chb (20–24). Trägårdh’s organ distinct, tapered.

Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Apodemes (1, 2, sejugal, 3) well visible. One pair of longitudinal ridges present, thin, distinctly developed. Epimeral setae simple; 3c and 4c (12–16) slightly barbed, longer than the other setae (8), smooth. Pedotecta I and II broadly rounded and rectangular in ventral view, accordingly, and all scale-like in lateral view. Discidia triangular, with round tips. Circumpedal carinae strong.

Anogenital region. Four pairs of genital (2), 1 pair of aggenital (6), 2 pairs of anal (8–10) and 3 pairs of adanal (6–8) setae thin, smooth. Adanal setae ad 3 in preanal position. Adanal lyrifissures in paraanal position.

Legs. Leg tarsi with three claws (median clearly thicker than lateral), all serrate on dorsal sides (poorly visible on median claws). Formulae of leg setation and solenidia: I (1–5–3–4–20) [1–2–2], II (1–5–3–4–15) [1–1–2], III (2–3–1–3–15) [1–1–0], IV (1–2–2–4–12) [0–0–0]; homology of setae and solenidia indicated in Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Material examined. Holotype (male) and one paratype (male): Philippines, Mindanao Island, Panlabuhan, Loreto, Agusan del Sur Province, in litter from mixed swamp forest in the Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, 19.V.2014 (W.S.M. Gruezo).

Type deposition. The holotype is deposited in the collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia; paratype is deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia.

Etymology. The specific name is dedicated to our colleague, acarologist, Dr. Jenő Kontschán (Center for Agricultural Research, Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary) for his extensive contributions to our knowledge of Uropodina mites of the World.















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