Daviesia, Smith, 1798

Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Key to the Species and Subspecies of Daviesia View in CoL



















10(9). Leaves all reduced to non-spinose scales.................................................................................................................. 43. At least some phyllodes developed (some or many nodes might bear scale-leaves or spines) .................................. 2. Phyllodes pungent at apex......................................................................................................................................... 59. Phyllodes often mucronate but not pungent................................................................................................................ 3. Phyllodes terete or compressed to flattened vertically (i.e. having adaxial and abaxial edges) ............................... 55. Phyllodes compressed or flattened horizontally (i.e. leaf-like, flattened at right angles to the branchlet) ................. 4. Branchlets unarmed (phyllodes might be spinescent)................................................................................................. 6. Branchlets spinescent (check that spines are not actually reduced phyllodes, i.e. lateral) ......................................... 5. Phyllodes always present, narrowly obovate, up to 20 mm long (WA).......................................... 12. D. bursarioides Phyllodes View in CoL often absent on upper parts of plant, mostly linear-elliptic, up to 120 mm long (WA).......... 80. D. horrida Phyllodes View in CoL twisted into a corkscrew shape (WA)......................................................................................33. D. spiralis Phyllodes View in CoL not or scarcely spirally twisted................................................................................................................... 7. Branchlets terete or, if angular, with 4 or more angles or ribs .................................................................................. 13. Branchlets triquetrous, winged to angular (often becoming terete with growth) ....................................................... 8. Branchlets winged; phyllodes mostly reduced to scales; subtending bracts fimbriate (NSW) .................. 43. D. alata Branchlets View in CoL angular; phyllodes present over whole plant; subtending bracts not fimbriate ........................................ 9. Unit inflorescence an umbel; petals yellow or orange with dark red or purple markings ........................................ 12. Unit inflorescence racemose, sometimes umbelliform at apex, or aggregating into panicles; petals yellow, reddish markings faint or absent ............................................................................................................................................ 10. Phyllodes usually emarginate; calyx covered with minute white dots; receptacle about as long as body of calyx (WA)........................................................................................................................... ..................... 104. D. emarginata View in CoL


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31(29). Phyllodes rarely emarginate; calyx not covered with white dots; receptacle distinctly shorter than body of calyx ..... ....................................................................................................................................................................................11. Phyllodes to 15 mm broad; unit inflorescence sometimes umbelliform at apex, rachis 10–40 mm long; calyx 3–3.5 mm long including receptacle, not accrescent in fruit (Qld)........................................................................45. D. flava Phyllodes View in CoL 1–6 mm broad; unit inflorescence strictly a raceme, rachis 10–80 mm long; calyx 5.5–7 mm long including receptacle, enlarging in fruit (WA, NT) .......................................................................................... 11. D. reclinata Calyx View in CoL accrescent in fruit, viscid; lobes acuminate, recurved at tips; peduncles 3–7 mm long; pedicels 2–5 mm long; pod 9–13 mm long (SA).............................................................................................................................. 6. D. stricta Calyx View in CoL not enlarging significantly in fruit, not viscid; lobes acute, not or scarcely recurved; peduncles 7–28 mm long; pedicels 7–15 mm long; pod 7–10 mm long (Qld, NSW, Vic.).............................................................7. D. wyattiana Unit View in CoL inflorescence umbelliform; flowers subtended by an involucre of bracts 3–20 mm long; involucral bracts enlarging considerably to enclose pods, becoming scarious or coriaceous ( D. cordata View in CoL group) ............................... 14. Unit inflorescence not umbelliform, or if so, then bracts not as above .................................................................... 19. Bracts and phyllodes linear-elliptic (WA)..............................................................................................20. D. elongata Bracts View in CoL ± orbicular; phyllodes ovate, obovate or elliptic, broad to narrow, rarely linear........................................... 15. Phyllodes tapered to rounded at base ........................................................................................................................ 17. Phyllodes cordate to sagittate at base........................................................................................................................ 16. Phyllodes ovate or narrowly ovate, 50–150 mm long, often sagittate at base, tapered to a long acute apex (WA) ...... ................................................................................................................................................................. 23. D. cordata Phyllodes View in CoL very broadly ovate to orbicular, 8–25 mm long, cordate at base, obtuse or scarcely acute and somewhat acuminate at apex (WA) ....................................................................................................................... 24. D. crenulata Phyllodes View in CoL broadest at or below the middle; involucral bracts 6–10 mm long at anthesis, much shorter than flowers (WA)............................................................................................................................................................25. D. ovata Phyllodes View in CoL broadest at or above middle; involucral bracts 12–22 mm long at anthesis, enclosing flowers .............. 18. Involucral bracts undulate but essentially planar, minutely pubescent at anthesis (WA)..................21. D. alternifolia Involucral View in CoL bracts concavo-convex, glabrous (WA)......................................................................... 22. D. oppositifolia Phyllodes View in CoL articulate at base, sometimes linear but rarely angular or terete in cross-section .................................... 24. Phyllodes lacking an articulation at base, linear and often angular or terete in cross-section.................................. 20. Bracts to 3 mm long and 2 mm broad, cupped, imbricate and concealing rachis of inflorescence (WA) ..................... ...................................................................................................................................... 87a. D. debilior subsp. debilior Bracts View in CoL <1.5 mm long and <1 mm broad, subulate, neither imbricate nor concealing rachis.................................. 21. Phyllodes with 1 or more longitudinal nerves between midrib and margin, or when <ca. 2 mm broad, oblong or terete in cross-section, with 6 or more ribs ............................................................................................................... 23. Phyllodes lacking longitudinal nerves between midrib and margin, or when <ca. 2 mm broad, diamond-shaped in cross-section, with 4 ribs, one at each angle ............................................................................................................. 22. Calyx including receptacle 3.5–5 mm long, prominently 10-ribbed; lobes subequal (WA).................... 18. D. costata Calyx View in CoL including receptacle 5.5–7 mm long, not ribbed; upper 2 lobes united into a truncate lip, lower 3 shorter, acute (WA)........................................................................................................................... ............................. 19. D. implexa Calyx View in CoL with upper 2 lobes curved away from each other, larger than lower 3; unit inflorescence 4–11-flowered, rachis (4–)6–45(–150) mm long (WA) ........................................................................................................... 16. D. longifolia Calyx View in CoL with all lobes alike, not curved; unit inflorescence 1–3(4)-flowered, rachis 1–12 mm long (WA) .................... ............................................................................................................................................................. 17. D. pauciflora Bracts View in CoL caducous (WA)........................................................................................................................ 83. D. rubiginosa Bracts View in CoL persistent ........................................................................................................................................................ 25. Calyx including receptacle ≤ 6 mm long at anthesis, not significantly enlarged in fruit; upper 2 lobes usually much broader and united higher than lower 3 .................................................................................................................... 27. Calyx including receptacle 7–8 mm long at anthesis, much enlarged in fruit; lobes alike, acuminate .................... 26. Phyllodes green, 5–12 mm broad; unit inflorescences 1(2)-flowered (WA) ..................................... 81. D. megacalyx Phyllodes View in CoL glaucous, 10–65 mm broad; unit inflorescences 2- or 3-flowered (WA)...............................82. D. obovata Plants View in CoL prostrate or procumbent; phyllode apex acuminate or cuspidate, semi-pungent; inflorescence a 2–4(5)-flowered umbel; pedicel dilated upwards, with an annular thickening at the apex (WA)........................... 31. D. lancifolia Not View in CoL the above combination ....................................................................................................................................... 28. Flowers per unit inflorescence (3–)5–many.............................................................................................................. 32. Flowers per unit inflorescence 1–3(4) (note: a unit inflorescence is recognised by the cluster of vacant bracts at the base of the peduncle; there may be> 1 per axil) ...................................................................................................... 29. Flowers per unit inflorescence 1; phyllode margins thickened; calyx lightly 5-ribbed ............................................ 31. Flowers per unit inflorescence mostly 2 or 3; phyllode margins not thickened; calyx not ribbed ........................... 30. Phyllodes (30–) 40–100 mm long (NSW) .......................................................................................... 46. D. suaveolens Phyllodes View in CoL 7–25(–35) mm long (WA) .................................................................................................. 67. D. argillacea Calyx View in CoL including receptacle 3.0– 3.5 mm long, upper 2 lobes similar to lower 3, united scarcely higher; stipules present, 0.5–1 mm long (WA)......................................................................................................................41. D. grahamii View in CoL

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52(50). Calyx including receptacle 4.8–5.6 mm long, upper 2 lobes united into a deeply notched lip; stipules present but minute, ca. 0.1 mm long (WA)............................................................................................................... 42. D. newbeyi Phyllodes linear-elliptic, 5–20 cm long, tapered to a long acute apex, discolorous, thin in texture; secondary veins dense, fine but conspicuous, ± longitudinal and anastomosing ................................................................................ 33. Not the above combination ....................................................................................................................................... 34. Tall shrubs or small trees with corky bark; racemes 8–15-flowered, rachis 10–27 mm long (Qld, NSW) ................... ................................................................................................................................................................. 54. D. arborea Shrubs to 2 m without corky bark; racemes 3–8-flowered, rachis 5–10 mm long (Qld)....................... 55. D. discolor Bracts ± appressed, inconspicuous, 0.75–1(–2) mm long......................................................................................... 37. Bracts spreading widely, conspicuous, (1–)2–4(–7) mm long .................................................................................. 35. Unit inflorescence corymbose (NSW) ............................................................................................... 44. D. corymbosa Unit inflorescence racemose ..................................................................................................................................... 36. Phyllode margins crenulate; tertiary venation conspicuously reticulate; inflorescence rachis 25–80 mm long (Qld, NSW, Vic., Tas.) ......................................................................................................................................51. D. latifolia Phyllode margins entire; tertiary venation obscure; inflorescence rachis 20–30(–80) mm long (Vic.) … 53. D. laevis Racemes 40–120 mm long (Vic.)...........................................................................................................52. D. laxiflora Racemes <25 mm long............................................................................................................................................. 38. Phyllodes linear; slightly convex on adaxial face; venation with a raised longitudinal nerve near each margin (SA, NSW, Vic.) .........................................................................................................................................49. D. leptophylla Phyllodes ovate to obovate, often narrow but rarely linear, flat or undulate; venation pinnate or obscure.............. 39. Phyllodes entire (rarely shallowly crenate), dull to glaucescent; tapered to base or rarely cuneate; peduncles 0–5 mm long............................................................................................................................................................................ 41. Phyllodes crenulate (may be obscure), glossy, green; base cordate, rounded or cuneate; peduncles 3.5–15 mm long. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 40. Phyllodes ovate to orbicular, cordate to rounded at base (southern NSW, Vic.) .................................. 47. D. buxifolia Phyllodes mostly elliptic or narrowly elliptic, cuneate to rounded at base (Qld, northern NSW) ........ 50. D. elliptica Shrubs or trees to 6 m high; flowers strongly fragrant; lower calyx lobes 0.8–1 mm long, tips not thickened nor coloured (NSW) ................................................................................................................................. 46. D. suaveolens Shrubs (rarely arborescent) to 3 m high; flowers usually not or scarcely fragrant; lower calyx lobes 0.3–0.6 mm long, tips thickened and tinged dark brown (Qld, NSW, Vic) (48. D. mimosoides ) ................................................. 42. Phyllodes narrowly elliptic to obovate or linear, acute or obtuse at apex, tapered to base, not crenulate, dull green to glaucescent (Qld, NSW, Vic.) ..........................................................................48a. D. mimosoides subsp. mimosoides Phyllodes obovate or elliptic, scarcely narrow, rounded or obtuse at apex, occasionally acute, cuneate at base, obscurely crenulate, glaucescent (NSW, Vic.) ............................................................48b. D. mimosoides subsp. acris Branchlets terete........................................................................................................................................................ 47. Branchlets angular or flattened ................................................................................................................................. 44. Branchlets narrowly winged, triquetrous in cross-section ........................................................................................ 46. Branchlets flat or biconvex in cross-section ............................................................................................................. 45. Branchlets biconvex, <5 mm broad, dull green; flowers <1 cm long, yellow (WA) ............................... 1. D. anceps Branchlets flattened, to 1–2 cm or broader, stag-horn-like, pruinose; flowers> 2 cm long, red (WA)......................... ............................................................................................................................................................84. D. epiphyllum Procumbent to prostrate shrubs; subtending bracts fimbriate (NSW) ........................................................ 43. D. alata Erect shrubs; subtending bracts not fimbriate (WA) .......................................................................... 93. D. pteroclada Terminal branchlets> 5 cm long, erect or ascending and not or scarcely spinescent at apex .................................. 50. Terminal branchlets short (2–5 cm), divaricate and fiercely spinescent ................................................................... 48. Bracts spreading or reflexed (WA).......................................................................................................... 80. D. horrida Bracts appressed to pedicels (WA) (14. D. divaricata )............................................................................................. 49. Calyx not woolly inside, though sometimes with a ring of short hairs inside the lobes, faintly 5-ribbed externally; upper 2 lobes united into a broad, truncate lip (S of Walkaway, WA) ..................14a. D. divaricata subsp. divaricata Calyx with a conspicuous ring of woolly hairs inside the lobes and visible externally in the sinuses; upper 2 lobes not united in a truncate lip; prominently 5-ribbed externally (N of Walkaway, WA).................................................... ................................................................................................................................. 14b. D. divaricata subsp. lanulosa Bracts imbricate and covering the inflorescence rachis, ≥ 2–5 mm long, striate...................................................... 52. Bracts scattered so that inflorescence rachis is clearly visible, ≤ 1 mm long, smooth ............................................. 51. Habit broom-like, with erect or ascending branchlets, often in fascicles; branchlets striate when dry, 0.75–1.25 mm diam.; all phyllodes reduced to scales; raceme with 1–3(4) flowers; subtending bracts ca. 1 mm long, ≥ pedicels (WA).......................................................................................................................................................68. D. scoparia Habit open and divaricate; branchlets obscurely wrinkled when dry, 1.5–2.5 mm diam.; usually 1 or 2 short spinose phyllodes present at some branchlet tips on the plant; raceme with (3)4 or more flowers; subtending bracts ca. 0.5 mm long, ≤ pedicels (WA, SA) ................................................................................................................74. D. aphylla Calyx ca. 1.5 mm long, with very shallow, obtuse lobes; usually a few slender, pungent, 1–5 mm-long phyllodes


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71(70). scattered over branchlets (WA) ................................................................................91b. D. hakeoides subsp. subnuda Calyx 2–3 mm long, with distinct acuminate lobes (at least the lower 3); phyllodes all reduced to scales ............. 53. Inflorescences all 3-flowered; receptacle at base of calyx truncate, 2x diam. of pedicel (WA) .............. 89. D. triflora Inflorescences with a variable number of flowers (2–4 or 3–5); receptacle tapered to pedicel................................ 54. Calyx-lobes with dark grey tips, upper 2 united in a truncate emarginate lip; standard 6–6.5 mm broad (WA)........... .......................................................................................................................................87b. D. debilior subsp. sinuans Calyx-lobes with yellow-green tips, upper 2 free, triangular, separated by a 0.75 mm sinus; standard 9–10 mm broad (WA)........................................................................................................................................................ 88. D. gracilis Phyllodes disarticulating from branchlets with age, 20–40 mm long (WA) ..................................69. D. nematophylla Phyllodes continuous with branchlets, not articulate at the base, at least the lower ones >> 40 mm long............... 56. Bracts caducous; stems lightly pruinose, becoming reddish or purplish with age (WA)................... 83. D. rubiginosa Bracts persistent; stems sometimes glaucous but not also reddish or purplish......................................................... 57. Phyllodes smooth when fresh, wrinkled-striate when dry; racemes resembling clusters in axils; subtending bracts conspicuous, shell-shaped, imbricate and enclosing rachis (WA) ................................................. 90. D. pseudaphylla Phyllodes with 4 or more prominent longitudinal ribs; racemes open, rachis clearly visible and not enclosed by involucral bracts; subtending bracts minute..................................................................................................................... 58. Phyllodes tetragonous in cross-section, with one rib at each angle and no other visible venation; standard cordate at the base (WA)........................................................................................................................................... 18. D. costata Phyllodes terete or somewhat oblong in cross-section, with 6 or more ribs; standard truncate at the base (WA) ........ .............................................................................................................................................................. 16. D. longifolia Phyllodes basally articulate at the branchlet ............................................................................................................. 97. Phyllodes continuous with the branchlet (rarely with node-like thickenings on midrib and marginal nerves at the base) .......................................................................................................................... ................................................ 60. Cactus-like subshrubs with erect, terete, thick (6–10 mm diam.) cladodes, appearing fleshy but filled with pith; phyllodes reduced to scattered spines 0.5–2.5 mm long (WA)...................................................130. D. euphorbioides Not as above.............................................................................................................................................................. 61. Phyllodes horizontally flattened or compressed, i.e. leaf-like (a decurrent vertical rib or wing may also be present). ................................................................................................................................................................................... 92. Phyllodes terete, or vertically compressed or flattened ............................................................................................ 62. Phyllodes terete ......................................................................................................................................................... 72. Phyllodes compressed or flattened in the vertical plane (i.e. having adaxial and abaxial edges)............................. 63. Phyllodes concentrated near branchlet apex, spreading at 90°, subulate, very rigid, abruptly replaced by scale-leaves on lower part of branchlets; naked portion of branchlets terete (WA)..................96b. D. intricata subsp. xiphophylla Arrangement of phyllodes not as above.................................................................................................................... 64. Phyllodes and/or branchlets striate, ribbed or ridged (sometimes winged), even when fresh.................................. 67. Phyllodes and branchlets smooth when fresh, wrinkled or striate when dry, neither ribbed nor ridged .................. 65. Phyllodes usually subulate and straight or slightly recurved, lower (juvenile) ones may be dilated; calyx 2.5–3.5 mm long including the receptacle; pod either compressed and small (<7 mm long) or turgid and large (≥ 11 mm long) .. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 66. Phyllodes usually recurved (to hooked) and with upper margin dilated, seldom subulate and straight; calyx 4–5 mm long including the receptacle; pod compressed, 7–8 mm long (WA) ................................................... 101. D. dilatata Keel with a ca. 2 mm subulate beak and a minute hook at the apex; pod turgid, rounded-obtriangular in outline, 11– 14 mm long (WA) .............................................................................................. 108a. D. incrassata subsp. incrassata Keel scarcely acute and neither beaked nor hooked; pod compressed, obliquely shallowly obtriangular in outline, ca. 5 mm long (WA) ....................................................................................................................................70. D. subulata Branchlets trigonous to triquetrous with decurrent ridges from phyllode bases; phyllodes straight, incurved or recurved..................................................................................................................................................................... 69. Branchlets terete or oval (rounded-trigonous immediately below phyllode bases); phyllodes hooked ................... 68. Branchlets straight; phyllodes 2–10(–15) mm long; flowering July to September (WA) ............................................. ....................................................................................................................................95b. D. decurrens subsp. hamata Branchlets flexuose; phyllodes (5–) 20–70 mm long; flowering November to January (WA)............102. D. uncinata Bracts with striations visible under a hand-lens; phyllodes striate when fresh (WA).................................................... ................................................................................................................................ 95a. D. decurrens subsp. decurrens Bracts not striate, minute; phyllodes smooth or with a single eccentric rib when fresh, wrinkled-striate when dry .... ................................................................................................................................................................................... 70. Phyllodes with a fine, conspicuous, pale rib 0.5–1 mm below upper margin; pod compressed, ≤ 10 mm long (SA, Vic.) .......................................................................................................................................................65. D. pectinata Phyllodes lacking a rib, or if present, then rib obscure and not differing in colour from rest of phyllode; pod either inflated or compressed and 15–20 mm long ............................................................................................................. 71. Receptacle tapered evenly to petiole; calyx evenly ciliate around margins; pod strongly compressed, purple-spotted, 15–20 mm long (WA) ............................................................................................................................ 98. D. flexuosa

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- Receptacle truncate and greater in diam. than petiole; ciliae present only at tips of calyx-lobes; pod inflated, thick-walled, evenly red-brown or purplish, ca. 12 mm long (WA) ............................................................. 99. D. decipiens Flowers View in CoL ≥ 20 mm long, uniformly red; plant pruinose; phyllodes terete, robust and resembling branchlets, mostly 3– 8 cm long, ca. 2 mm diam. (WA) ...........................................................................................................85. D. speciosa Flowers View in CoL ≤ 12 mm long, a combination of yellow or orange and dark red; plant pruinose or not; phyllodes (if terete) ≤ 1.5 mm diam .......................................................................................................................................................... 73. Bracts usually not striate, upper ones ≤ ca. 1 mm long; lower bracts not conspicuously imbricate nor covering rachis ................................................................................................................................................................................... 79. Bracts striate, upper ones 2–3 mm long; lower bracts conspicuously imbricate, covering rachis............................ 74. Branchlets striate with multiple fine ribs; phyllodes ≤ 1.5 mm diam., ascending or spreading at right angles........ 76. Branchlets smooth, or longitudinally wrinkled when dry; phyllodes very robust (1–2 mm diam.), spreading at right angles or even somewhat retrorse (WA) (94. D. sarissa View in CoL ) ......................................................................................... 75. Bracts subtending pedicels imbricate and concealing inflorescence at anthesis, 3–5 mm long, 2–3 mm broad, striate with many prominent ribs; pedicels 0.5–1.5 mm long; calyx including receptacle ca. 2.5 mm long; standard ca. 5.5 mm broad (WA) .............................................................................................................. 94a. D. sarissa subsp. sarissa Bracts View in CoL subtending pedicels neither imbricate nor concealing inflorescence, 1.5–2 mm long, 0.75–1 mm broad, inconspicuously striate with few ribs; pedicels 1.5–3 mm long; calyx including receptacle ca. 3.5 mm long; standard ca. 6.5 mm broad (WA).................................................................................................. 94b. D. sarissa subsp. redacta Bracts View in CoL subtending pedicels reflexed, 4–5 mm long; calyx-lobes acuminate, each with a pale stripe; standard ca. 12 mm broad; pod 13–14 mm long, viscid (WA) ........................................................................................... 86. D. major Bracts View in CoL subtending pedicels ascending or spreading, ≤ 3 mm long; standard <10 mm broad; pod smaller, not viscid. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 77. Stems pruinose, especially towards the base; calyx-lobes well-developed, acute or acuminate (WA) ......................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 92. D. smithiorum Stems View in CoL greyish but not pruinose; calyx-lobes very shallow, obtuse (WA) (91. D. hakeoides View in CoL ) .................................. 78. Phyllodes well-developed, conspicuous, 10–50 mm or longer (WA) ....................91a. D. hakeoides subsp. hakeoides Phyllodes View in CoL inconspicuous, 1–5(–10) mm long, often reduced to scales over most of the plant, but detectable by their pungent feel (WA) ....................................................................................................91b. D. hakeoides subsp. subnuda Phyllodes View in CoL and branchlets neither ribbed nor striate when fresh, longitudinally wrinkled when dry ........................ 83. Phyllodes and branchlets striate, at least when dry................................................................................................... 80. Branchlets straight; phyllodes inconspicuous, 2–8 mm long; standard with a bilobed, V-shaped central yellow marking (WA).................................................................................................................................................... 15. D. localis Branchlets View in CoL flexuose; phyllodes conspicuous, 4–50 mm or longer; central yellow marking on standard narrowly oblong, not V-shaped................................................................................................................................................. 81. Calyx including receptacle ca. 2 mm long; keel ca. 3 mm long, scarcely acute; vexillary filament channelled and flared at apex (WA) .................................................................................................... 96a. D. intricata subsp. intricata Calyx View in CoL including receptacle 2.5–5 mm long; keel 5.5–8 mm long, tapered and very acute to acicular; vexillary filament terete and not flared at apex ............................................................................................................................. 82. Plants multi-stemmed and tufted but not rhizomatous; phyllodes ascending, uncinate; inflorescence 2–several-flowered (WA) .............................................................................................................................................102. D. uncinata Plants View in CoL in tufts arising from lignotubers and spreading by rhizomes to form extensive colonies; phyllodes patent to retrorse, straight or gently recurved at apex; inflorescence strictly 1-flowered (WA)...................... 131. D. rhizomata Pod View in CoL compressed or turgid, thin-walled, to 7 mm long, apiculate but not beaked; inner whorl of 5 stamens with anther thecae confluent; outer portion of standard yellow to orange................................................................................... 87. Pod very turgid, thick-walled, ≥ 12 mm long, tapered to an acuminate beak; inner whorl of 5 of stamens with anthers 2-celled, except confluent in the vexillary stamen; outer portion of standard orange to red.................................... 84. Phyllodes short (mostly 1–3 mm long), oblique, broadest near the middle and constricted above and below it (SA, Vic.) .......................................................................................................................... .......................... 106. D. brevifolia Phyllodes View in CoL variable, mostly 5–20 mm long, straight or recurved, broadest near the base, juvenile phyllodes with a dilated upper margin towards the apex (WA) (108. D. incrassata View in CoL ) .......................................................................... 85. Branchlets zigzag with phyllodes retrorse or spreading at right angles (WA, possibly also SA) .................................. ...........................................................................................................................108b. D. incrassata subsp. reversifolia Branchlets View in CoL straight or somewhat flexuose with phyllodes ascending ....................................................................... 86. Phyllodes all terete, even at base of plant (WA) ......................................................... 108c. D. incrassata subsp. teres Phyllodes View in CoL vertically compressed or dilated towards base of plant, sometimes all over the plant (WA)........................ ............................................................................................................................ 108a. D. incrassata subsp. incrassata Epidermis View in CoL of phyllodes and branchlets smooth ........................................................................................................ 88. Epidermis of phyllodes and branchlets minutely scabrid (WA) ...........................................................77. D. scabrella Phyllodes View in CoL and branchlets glaucous to purplish; pod turgid, not dehiscing elastically (WA, SA)..71. D. purpurascens Phyllodes View in CoL and branchlets dull- or yellow-green, occasionally glaucescent; pod compressed, dehiscing elastically .... ................................................................................................................................................................................... 89.


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89(88). Minute (<1 mm) narrowly triangular stipules present at base of phyllodes (SA, NSW, Vic.)..................79. D. devito View in CoL

- Stipules absent........................................................................................................................................................... 90.

90(89). Phyllodes developed only at uppermost 0–6(–8) nodes of each seasonal branchlet, reduced to scales at lower nodes, 0–15(–25) mm long, diverging at ca. 90° or nearly so (WA, SA)............................................................74. D. aphylla View in CoL

- Phyllodes well developed, usually 6–many along upper 2/3 (at least) of each seasonal branchlet, reduced to scales only in lower third (or less) of branchlet, (10–)15–50(–100) mm long, diverging at 45–60° (in D. benthamii View in CoL ) or ca. 90° (in D. schwarzenegger View in CoL ) ...................................................................................................................................... 91.

91(90). Plants with an open crown and usually higher than wide, not suckering from roots; phyllodes (10–) 20–100 mm long, lengthening at successively lower nodes until abruptly reduced to scales in lower ca. 1/3 of branchlet (WA) ............ ..............................................................................................................................................................72. D. benthamii View in CoL

- Bushy plants, spreading by suckering from roots and usually wider than high; phyllodes 10–25(–35) mm long, not or scarcely increasing in length down the branchlet and replaced by scales only near the branchlet base (SA, NSW, Vic.) ............................................................................................................................................73. D. schwarzenegger View in CoL

92(61). Phyllodes triquetrous in cross-section, decurrent into a broad wing running down the branchlet (WA) ...................... ......................................................................................................................................................100. D. trigonophylla View in CoL

- Phyllodes not triquetrous; branchlets not winged ..................................................................................................... 93.

93(92). Phyllodes ± appressed to branchlet, obovate, with an outwardly bent apical cusp; branchlets hirsute, midrib and margins of phyllodes with a few stiffly spreading hairs (WA)...................................................................... 34. D. uniflora View in CoL

- Phyllodes ascending to widely spreading, lanceolate, ovate, elliptic or obovate, apical cusp seldom bent back; plants entirely glabrous or (in subsp. hirtella View in CoL ) sparsely hispid on branchlets (WA) (40. D. nudiflora View in CoL ) .............................. 94.

94(93). Phyllodes concentrated near branchlet apex, with scale-leaves present at lower nodes; flowers mostly in axils of scale-leaves ............................................................................................................................................................... 96.

- Phyllodes evenly distributed along branchlets.......................................................................................................... 95.

95(94). Phyllodes spreading at 60–90°, heart-shaped and stem-clasping at the base, smooth, glaucous to pruinose; pods 7–9 mm broad (WA) ....................................................................................................40b. D. nudiflora subsp. amplectens View in CoL

- Phyllodes ascending at 0–30(–45)°, ovate or elliptic and usually narrow, tapered to the base, yellow-green to glaucous, minutely scabrid; pods 5–6 mm broad (WA)............................................. 40c. D. nudiflora subsp. drummondii View in CoL

96(94). Phyllodes obovate to ovate, broad to narrow, ascending or spreading, flat or somewhat folded upwards; nerves not thickened at base; plants entirely glabrous (WA)..................................................... 40a. D. nudiflora subsp. nudiflora View in CoL

- Phyllodes broad-elliptic, folded upwards and spreading widely; the three nerves thickened at junction with branchlet; branchlets and phyllode margins often hispid (WA).............................................40d. D. nudiflora subsp. hirtella View in CoL

97(59). Phyllodes terete ......................................................................................................................................................... 99.

- Phyllodes compressed or flattened............................................................................................................................ 98.

98(97). Phyllodes vertically compressed or flattened, i.e. with adaxial and abaxial edges..................................................116.

- Phyllodes horizontally compressed or flattened, i.e. with adaxial and abaxial surfaces ........................................ 133.

99(97). Phyllodes neither appearing succulent nor filled with pith, 0.5–2.5 mm diam....................................................... 101.

- Phyllodes appearing succulent but filled with pith, (2–) 3–6 mm diam .................................................................. 100.

100(99). Phyllodes pruinose, spreading at right angles, cylindrical and not tapered to base; petals yellow and maroon (WA).. ........................................................................................................................................................ 129. D. pachyphylla View in CoL

- Phyllodes dull green, erect, clavate (tapered to the base); petals pure yellow (WA).............................. 128. D. crassa View in CoL

101(99). Phyllodes often striate but otherwise smooth ......................................................................................................... 104.

- Phyllodes minutely scabrous................................................................................................................................... 102.

102(101). Phyllodes resembling caterpillars, crowded, ascending at ca. 45°, gently curved, either sigmoid or irregular; apex asymmetric, dilated upwards, with pungent point deflexed (WA).................................................. 75. D. campephylla View in CoL

- Phyllodes needle-like, well-spaced, spreading at 60–90°, straight or gently recurved, tapered to a symmetrical point ................................................................................................................................................................................. 103.

103(102). Flowers in short erect racemes; petals yellow with red markings; standard very broad-ovate, much broader than keel; stamens enclosed in keel at anthesis (WA)..................................................................................76. D. articulata View in CoL

- Flowers pendulous in umbelliform racemes; petals maroon; standard scarcely broader than keel, tongue-like; anthers exposed at anthesis (WA) ................................................................................................... 111. D. glossosema View in CoL

104(101). Phyllodes ± erect, giving the plant a ‘broombush’ appearance; phyllodes 2–10 cm or longer...............................111.

- Phyllodes spreading at 45–90° or more, the plant usually divaricate in appearance; many or most phyllodes <2 cm long.......................................................................................................................................................................... 105.

105(104). Flowers solitary, very small (3–4 mm long); pods ca. 4 mm long; nodes crowded (2.5–3.5 per cm) (WA)................. ............................................................................................................................................................. 3. D. microcarpa View in CoL

- Flowers 2 or more per unit inflorescence, 5 mm or longer; pods> 7 mm long; nodes <2 per cm ........................ 106.

106(105). Flowers 5–7 mm long ............................................................................................................................................. 108.

- Flowers 9–10 mm long ........................................................................................................................................... 107.

107(106). Phyllodes spreading at 45–60(–90)°, gently uncinate; stems and branchlets ascending (WA) .............. 110. D. inflata View in CoL

- Phyllodes spreading at 90° or more (retrorse), not recurved at tips; branchlets divaricate and recurved, so that plant is very tangled and intricate (WA) .................................................................................................114. D. ramosissima View in CoL

16 • Phytotaxa 300 (1) © 2017 Magnolia Press


108(106). Keel ± obtuse; pod strongly compressed; phyllodes and branchlets striate with multiple ribs when dry; phyllodes present over the whole plant....................................................................................................................................110.

- Keel acute or beaked; pod moderately to very turgid; phyllodes and branchlets longitudinally wrinkled when dry; phyllodes often reduced to scales over much of the plant ...................................................................................... 109.

109(108). Phyllodes at 45–90°; keel constricted to a sharply incurved beak; pod very turgid, 10–12 mm long (WA) ................. ...................................................................................................................................................... 107. D. brachyphylla View in CoL

- Phyllodes spreading at 90° or more (retrorse); keel acute; pod moderately turgid, 9–10 mm long (WA) .................... .................................................................................................................................................................97. D. retrorsa View in CoL

110(108). Rachis of raceme 0–6 mm long; upper 2 calyx-lobes united in a truncate emarginate lip (SA, Qld, NSW, Vic.).......... ............................................................................................................................................................78. D. genistifolia View in CoL

- Rachis of raceme 5–12 mm long; calyx-lobes all similar, acuminate (WA)................................... 13. D. pleurophylla View in CoL

111(104). Pedicels (excluding stipe-like receptacle) 4–10 mm long.......................................................................................113.

- Pedicels 1–3 mm long..............................................................................................................................................112.

112(111). Upper 2 calyx-lobes fully united into a truncate or obtuse lip; phyllodes with a pungent apical mucro 0.5–1 mm long; pod compressed; flowering November to March (WA).............................................................115. D. apiculata View in CoL

- Upper 2 calyx-lobes ± equal to lower 3; phyllodes with an acicular tip 2–3 mm long; pod turgid; flowering July to August (WA) ....................................................................................................................................... 64. D. oxylobium View in CoL

113(111). Phyllodes glaucous to pruinose, longitudinally ribbed, 1.25–2.5 mm diam............................................................115.

- Phyllodes dull- or yellow-green, smooth or longitudinally wrinkled or very finely striate, 0.75–1 mm diam.......114.

114(113). Phyllodes smooth or longitudinally wrinkled when dry; pods thin-walled, ca. 7 mm long, obtuse or scarcely acute (NT)........................................................................................................................................................ 66. D. eremaea View in CoL

- Phyllodes very finely striate even when fresh; pods coriaceous, ca. 20 mm long, tapered to a long pungent beak (WA)......................................................................................................................................................... 27. D. lineata View in CoL

115(113). Phyllodes 1.25–1.5 mm diam.; flowers 7–10 mm long; pods 12–15 mm long; flowering June to October (WA) ....... ............................................................................................................................................................ 116. D. teretifolia View in CoL

- Phyllodes 2–2.5 mm diam.; flowers 15–20 mm long; pods 15–20 mm long; flowering December to April (WA)...... ................................................................................................................................................................. 117. D. grossa View in CoL

116(98). Stipules clearly present, ca. 1 mm long, subulate, recurved; calyx-lobes subulate, equal to or longer than the tube; plant procumbent to prostrate; phyllodes linear (WA)......................................................................... 2. D. pachyloma View in CoL

- Stipules absent; calyx-lobes shorter (usually much shorter) than the tube; plant erect or spreading (except D. mesophylla View in CoL ); phyllode shapes various..............................................................................................................................117.

117(116). Phyllodes often asymmetrically lobed but never with> 1 pungent apex................................................................119.

- Phyllodes 3- or 4-sided, with 2 pungent apices at either end of the abaxial edge...................................................118.

118(117). Branchlets angular and never spinescent; phyllodes sessile, adnate to the branchlet by a base 1.5–4 mm broad; unit inflorescences umbelliform with a robust, 5–12 mm long peduncle + rachis, with 3–6 flowers on pedicels 1–4 mm long (WA).......................................................................................................................................113. D. quadrilatera View in CoL

- Branchlets terete, often terminated by a spine; phyllodes contracted at the base to a 1–2 mm long stipe resembling a petiole; unit inflorescences with a very short peduncle + rachis 1(–3) mm long, with 1 or 2(3) flowers on pedicels 2– 4 mm long (WA) ..............................................................................................................................112. D. podophylla View in CoL

119(117). Phyllodes and branchlets smooth (except the ribs when present) or (in D. dielsii View in CoL ) tomentose .............................. 122.

- Phyllodes and branchlets minutely scabrous .......................................................................................................... 120.

120(119). Phyllodes resembling caterpillars: clavate, asymmetrically thickened or lobed at the apex so that the pungent point is oblique, longitudinally wrinkled when dry but not striate (WA) .................................................... 75. D. campephylla View in CoL

- Phyllodes subulate to falciform, not apically thickened, longitudinally striate when fresh (SA) (63. D. asperula View in CoL ) ..... ................................................................................................................................................................................. 121.

121(120). Phyllodes subulate, broadest at or near the base (SA) ...............................................63a. D. asperula subsp. asperula View in CoL

- Phyllodes falciform or obliquely narrow-obovate, broadest at or above the middle (SA) ............................................ ..................................................................................................................................... 63b. D. asperula subsp. obliqua View in CoL

122(119). Branchlets and usually the phyllodes minutely tomentose with recurved hairs; phyllodes obliquely obovate, 2–4 mm long (WA).................................................................................................................................................121. D. dielsii View in CoL

- Plants entirely glabrous; phyllodes usually ≥ 5 mm long ....................................................................................... 123.

123(122). Phyllodes entire, although often asymmetric by slight dilation of the upper margin; plants green, glaucous or pruinose ........................................................................................................................................................................... 125.

- At least the lower phyllodes bilobed by dilation of the upper margin, with a shallow sinus between the lobe and deflexed pungent tip, sometimes obtriangular (upper phyllodes usually not lobed but merely asymmetric); plants ± pruinose ....................................................................................................................... ............................................ 124.

124(123). Branchlet apex spinescent (WA) ......................................................................................................... 120. D. oxyclada View in CoL

- Branchlet apex not spinescent (WA) ...................................................................................................109. D. physodes View in CoL

125(123). Pods thin-walled, compressed, scarcely acute; anthers of all 5 stamens in inner whorl with thecae confluent; phyllodes subulate (Vic., NSW)................................................................................................................78. D. genistifolia View in CoL

- Pods coriaceous, turgid, pungently beaked; anther thecae confluent only in vexillary stamen; phyllodes subulate or


Phytotaxa 300 (1) © 2017 Magnolia Press • 17 other shapes (WA) ................................................................................................................................................... 126.

126(125). Branchlets angular with sharp raised ridges, at least when dry .............................................................................. 129.

- Branchlets smooth when fresh, longitudinally wrinkled when dry ........................................................................ 127.

127(126). Phyllodes crowded with bases overlapping along branchlets................................................................................. 128.

- Phyllodes scattered with bases not overlapping along branchlets (WA) ............................................... 124. D. preissii View in CoL

128(127). Plants glaucous to pruinose; phyllodes obliquely oblong-elliptic, (3–) 4–6.5 mm broad, without thickened bases (WA)........................................................................................................................... ............................. 126. D. striata View in CoL

- Plants often grey-green but not glaucous; phyllodes subulate, 1.5–3(–4) mm broad, with thickened bases (WA)....... ....................................................................................................................................................... 125. D. spinosissima View in CoL

129(126). Phyllodes ca. 5 mm long, oblong-elliptic, spreading ± at right angles to branchlet, often retrorse; branchlets divaricate, short (2–5 cm long), usually terminated by a spine (WA)......................................................119. D. microphylla View in CoL

- Phyllodes mostly> 5 mm long, oblong, linear or subulate, usually ascending, sometimes at right angles, but never retrorse; branchlets mostly ascending and> 5 cm long, never spinescent ............................................................. 130.

130(129). Phyllodes very crowded with bases manifestly overlapping along branchlets, (2.5–) 3–4 mm broad, oblong to deltoid, or narrowly so, often falcate (WA)...........................................................................................127. D. chapmanii View in CoL

- Phyllodes not or scarcely overlapping, 1–2.5 mm broad, shaped as above or linear, or subulate .......................... 131.

131(130). Plants procumbent or prostrate; pedicels 5–8 mm long (WA).........................................................118. D. mesophylla View in CoL

- Plants erect; pedicels 1–4 (5) mm long ................................................................................................................... 132.

132(131). Outer part of standard pure yellow; pedicels 2–4(5) mm long; racemes 2–4-flowered; rachis 1–3 mm long; flowering March to July (WA) ...................................................................................................................... 123. D. angulata View in CoL

- Outer part of standard pinkish yellow or orange; pedicels 1–2 mm long; racemes 1- or 2-flowered; rachis absent; flowering July to September (WA) ...................................................................................................122. D. polyphylla View in CoL

133(98). Calyx manifestly zygomorphic, with upper 2 lobes ± united into a lip .................................................................. 144.

- Calyx-lobes ± equal ................................................................................................................................................ 134.

134(133). Growth habit not divaricate; branchlets not spinescent; phyllodes with margins strongly recurved to revolute, bearing scattered minute teeth (NSW, Qld)..................................................................................................5. D. acicularis View in CoL

- Growth habit divaricate; all or most branchlets terminating in a spine; phyllodes often concave below but margins not or scarcely recurved, lacking teeth.................................................................................................................... 135.

135(134). Adaxial surface of phyllode convex or nearly flat, with midrib more prominent than on abaxial surface; phyllodes variously shaped but never cordate; plants usually glabrous, or rarely hispid on branchlets, midrib and margins of phyllodes ...................................................................................................................... ........................................... 136.

- Phyllodes somewhat folded upwards with a groove along the centre of the adaxial face, with midrib prominent on abaxial face; phyllodes commonly cordate, occasionally tapered to base; plants grey-hispid, rarely glabrous (on deep sand in mallee districts of SA, NSW, Vic.)......................................................................................8. D. arenaria View in CoL

136(135). Calyx-lobes flat or keeled, slightly recurved from the base (obscured by pressing); phyllodes obovate or narrowly so, sometimes narrow-elliptic, often large (> 15 mm long and> 3 mm wide), secondary venation usually visible..... ................................................................................................................................................................................. 143.

- Calyx-lobes strongly keeled, incurved at the margins and in profile; phyllodes ovate, elliptic, narrow-elliptic or linear, if> 15 mm long then generally <2–3 mm wide, secondary venation usually not visible (except subsp. pilligensis View in CoL ) (all states except NT) (10. D. ulicifolia View in CoL )........................................................................................................... 137.

137(136). Unit inflorescence umbellate or shortly racemose .................................................................................................. 141.

- Unit inflorescence 1-flowered, sometimes paired in the axils ................................................................................ 138.

138(137). Phyllodes narrow-elliptic or narrow-ovate to linear ............................................................................................... 140.

- Phyllodes ± ovate, rarely narrow ............................................................................................................................ 139.

139(138). Phyllodes convex above with midrib more prominent above than below; standard orange (fading to yellow with age); stems often hispid (on heavy-textured soils at moderate to high elevation in Vic., southern NSW and Tas.) ..... .................................................................................................................................. 10c. D. ulicifolia subsp. ruscifolia View in CoL

- Phyllodes flat to concave above, or undulate, with midrib equal on both faces or more prominent below; standard yellow; stems always glabrous (on sand in SE Qld, NSW) ....................................10d. D. ulicifolia subsp. pilligensis View in CoL

140(138). Phyllodes 9–20 mm long, 0.5–1(–1.5) mm wide, linear-elliptic to linear-ovate (Qld and northern NSW) .................. ............................................................................................................................... 10b. D. ulicifolia subsp. stenophylla View in CoL

- Phyllodes either> 1 mm wide or <9 mm long, narrow-elliptic to narrow-ovate (NSW, Vic.)..................................... ...................................................................................................................................10a. D. ulicifolia subsp. ulicifolia View in CoL

141(137) Standard yellow toward margins with red markings toward centre; plant dull green (south-east SA, Vic., NSW, Tas.) ...................................................................................................................................10a. D. ulicifolia subsp. ulicifolia View in CoL

- Standard orange near margins, becoming red towards centre; plant glaucescent................................................... 142.

142(141). Standard <4.5 mm wide; inflorescence appearing umbellate though tending to shortly racemose; plants very divaricate, rigid and spiny (on sand in southern arid regions of WA, SA, and far south-west NSW) .................................... ...................................................................................................................................10e. D. ulicifolia subsp. aridicola View in CoL

- Standard > 5 mm wide; inflorescence strictly umbellate; plants usually open and spreading (various soils, restricted to the Mt Lofty and Flinders Ranges, and Kangaroo Island, SA)............................ 10f. D. ulicifolia subsp. incarnata View in CoL


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