Anillinus dentatus, Harden & Caterino, 2024

Harden, Curt W. & Caterino, Michael S., 2024, Systematics and biogeography of Appalachian Anillini, and a taxonomic review of the species of South Carolina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Anillini), ZooKeys 1209, pp. 69-197 : 69-197

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1209.125897

publication LSID

persistent identifier

taxon LSID

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Anillinus dentatus

sp. nov.

Anillinus dentatus sp. nov.

Figs 2 C View Figure 2 , 12 F View Figure 12 , 21 F View Figure 21 , 22 A – C View Figure 22 , 23 A – C View Figure 23 , 24 F View Figure 24 , 25 C View Figure 25 , 43 B View Figure 43

Type material.

Holotype male ( USNM): point mounted, with abdominal ventrites and genitalia in Euparal on microslide pinned beneath specimen. Original labels: “ USA: SC, Abbeville Co. Sumter NF Long Cane Crk at end of FS rd 530 . 34.1133, - 82.3300. 5. ii. 2022. CW Harden & K Ivanov. Beneath embedded mossy rock in waterlogged soil. ” “ [QR Code] CLEMSON-ENT CUAC 000163530 About CUAC ” “ Harden DNA Voucher CWH- 420 Anillinus ‘ dentate’ M Ext. 6 - February- 2022 [green-bordered cardstock] ” “ HOLOTYPE Anillinus dentatus Harden & Caterino [orange cardstock] ” GoogleMaps

GenBank: OR 853208, OR 839248.

Paratypes (n = 21; CMNH, NCSU, VMNH, OSAC, CUAC). USA • South Carolina • 1 ♂; same data as holotype; CUAC 000163531 About CUAC , CWH- 421; CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 5 ♀; same data as holotype; CUAC 000163539 About CUAC to CUAC 000163541 About CUAC , CWH- 422 to CWH- 428; CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♀; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, near Secession St bridge ; 34.134, - 82.324; 25 Jan. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; Underside of embedded rock; CUAC 000163526 About CUAC , CWH- 113; CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest ; 34.1345, - 82.3230; 5 Feb. 2022; M. Ferro leg.; Sift subcort CWD; CUAC 000168286 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 2 ♂; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, near Secession Street bridge ; 34.1366, - 82.3252; 5. February. 2022; CW Harden leg.; beneath embedded mossy rock CUAC 000163524 About CUAC and CUAC 000163529 About CUAC , CWH- 417 and CWH- 418; CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♀; same data as previous; CUAC 000163542 About CUAC , CWH- 419; CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Creek ; 34.13519, - 82.32503; 12 Jan. 2020; C. W. Harden & L. M. Thompson leg.; Soilwash flotation Berlese, clay-rich soil from ferny hill above floodplain; CUAC 000163525 About CUAC , CWH- 067; CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 2 ♂; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Creek ; 34.1350, - 82.3239; 15 Mar. – 16 Jul. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; Buried pipe trap baited with cheese, deep clay soil, LCC- 05-0716; CUAC 000163527 About CUAC , CUAC 000163528 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 7 ♀; same data as for proceeding; CUAC 000163532 About CUAC to CUAC 000163536 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 3 ♂, 3 ♀; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Creek area ; 34.1370, - 82.3226; 5 May 2023; C. W. Harden leg.; Under small rocks in ditch.; OSAC, VMNH, ADGc GoogleMaps .

GenBank accession numbers for paratypes: OR 853105, OR 853210, OR 839250, OR 839420, OR 837801, OR 837962, OR 838150, OR 838114, OR 853209, OR 839249, OR 839458, OR 839458, OR 837972, OR 839247, OR 839246.

Other material

(n = 5). USA • South Carolina • 2 ♂, 1 ♀; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Creek area ; 34.1370, - 82.3226; 5 May 2023; C. W. Harden leg.; Under small rocks in ditch.; CWHc GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Cr near Secession St bridge; 34.134, - 82.324; 25 Jan. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; Underside of embedded rock; CWHc GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♀; Abbeville Co.; Sumter National Forest, Long Cane Creek ; 34.1349, - 82.3241; 21 Mar. 2021; C. W. Harden and L. M. Thompson leg.; On underside of rock; CWHc GoogleMaps .


Males of this species are easily recognized by the dentate mesotrochanters, a unique character in the genus. Females are most likely to be confused with A. jancae sp. nov., described below. Females of A. jancae are larger (ABL = 1.88 mm or greater), and the spermatheca is smaller (Fig. 21 N View Figure 21 ).


Habitus Body small (ABL = 1.49–1.69 mm, average = 1.59 ± 0.05 mm), flattened dorsoventrally and relatively narrow (avg. EW / ABL = 0.35) (Fig. 22 A View Figure 22 ). Average ABL of males (1.63 mm, n = 5) greater than females (1.57 mm, n = 11). Integument Dorsal surfaces of forebody completely microsculptured with coarse mesh of irregular isodiametric cells. Head HW / PW = 0.73–0.83. Antennomeres IV – X moniliform, slightly clavate. Frontoclypeal horn absent or barely suggested, inconspicuous in lateral view (Fig. 22 C View Figure 22 ). Three pairs of supraorbital setae present. Mentum with median pair of setae posterior to the bead of the subtriangular mentum tooth, which is relatively large and blunt. Pronotum Relatively short (PL / ABL = 0.22–0.23), width variable (PW / EW 0.78–0.85); subcordate, strongly to moderately narrowed basally (bPW / PW = 0.70–0.80), anterior angles slightly prominent; sides typically slightly sinuate or evenly convergent towards obtuse hind angles; rarely, the sides are abruptly parallel sided just anterior to nearly right hind angles; pronotal sides with 3 or 4 basal serrulations. Elytra Parallel sided and flat, relative length variable (EL / ABL = 0.53–0.58); margins strongly serrulate; traces of five striae evident on disc of each elytron (Fig. 22 A View Figure 22 ); without prominent subapical plica; fused inner margins slightly carinate at apex. Legs Profemora of males unmodified; protarsomere 1 of males moderately expanded, with inner margin spinose, bearing adhesive setae ventrally; protarsomere 2 not expanded, without adhesive setae ventrally (Fig. 10 F View Figure 10 ). Mesotrochanters of males with spinose projection ventrally (Fig. 22 B View Figure 22 ); mesotrochanters of females either evenly rounded or with blunt projection ventrally. Metafemora of males with prominent triangular toothlike projection on posterior margin (Fig. 12 F View Figure 12 ). Tarsomeres of middle and hind legs of both sexes short and broad. Abdominal ventrites Unmodified in either sex. Male genitalia Ring sclerite (Fig. 24 F View Figure 24 ) ~ 1 / 4 the total body length (RL / ABL = 0.25), sides asymmetric, margin of narrowed end slightly thickened but not deflexed in lateral view; sides without flattened lateral expansions medially. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig. 23 C View Figure 23 ) narrow and moderately curved, not twisted from plane of basal lobes; dorsal margin largely unsclerotized; ventral margin bladelike toward apex; apex rounded and slightly bent ventrally. Internal sac with flagellum elongate and filamentous distally, in repose coiled around itself in a circle and situated in basal 1 / 3 of median lobe. Right paramere (Fig. 23 B View Figure 23 ) small and narrow, bearing four long setae on apex. Left paramere (Fig. 23 A View Figure 23 ) with three or four small pores on ventral margin near apex, without setae. Female genitalia Spermatheca elongate, abruptly expanded distally; stem slightly sinuate, straight at proximal juncture with duct; duct long, tightly coiled in corkscrew pattern in situ (shown partially distended in Fig. 21 F View Figure 21 ).


Known from two localities within a small area of Sumter National Forest in Abbeville Co., SC along Long Cane Creek (Figs 25 C View Figure 25 , 43 B View Figure 43 )


Members of this species have been collected under rocks in association with adults of A. chandleri and a larva of A. jancae sp. nov., and with S. dunavani in a sample of sifted coarse woody debris. Adults of A. jancae sp. nov. have been collected nearby.

Natural history.

Members of this species are endogean, inhabiting deep clay soils in mesic deciduous woods. Specimens have been found on the underside of embedded rocks in January, February, March, and May, and were collected in buried pipe traps operating from March to July but not January to March. One male specimen was collected in early February from Berlese extraction of sifted coarse woody debris. The sifted material was primarily subcortical, but some may have possibly come from the underside of logs that were on the soil surface (M. Ferro, pers. comm., February 2022). This material was collected near Long Cane Creek following a period of heavy rainfall, when the water level was above normal. Most of the specimens examined have had Laboulbeniales fungi present on the dorsum of the elytra, usually near the apex.

Species status justification.

The combination of morphological characters is unique within the genus, and DNA sequence data indicate that A. dentatus is distantly related to all other Anillinus . No known species of Anillinus possess characters suggesting a close relationship to A. dentatus .

Derivation of species name.

A male adjective referring to the triangular projections on the male metafemora, from the Latin for “ toothed. ”


The long, coiled form of the flagellum in A. dentatus is also seen in Anillinus barri Sokolov & Carlton , Anillinus erwini Sokolov & Carlton , Anillinus folkertsioides Sokolov , and Anillinus inexpectatus Sokolov. However , with the exception of A. folkertsioides , all of these species differ from A. dentatus in most external characters. Members of A. folkertsioides and a possibly undescribed sister species from Fort Payne, Alabama are similar to A. dentatus in having fully developed microsculpture on the forebody and a depressed habitus, but differ from A. dentatus in having numerous long hairlike setae on the right paramere and male legs without modifications. Two character-states seen in members of A. dentatus are unique among known members of the genus: the nearly straight stem of the spermatheca and the spinose mesotrochanters of males.

‘ albrittonorum group’


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Clemson University Arthropod Collection


Oregon State Arthropod Collection


Virginia Museum of Natural History











