Ulota pygmaeothecia (Müll.Hal.) Kindb. Enum. Bryin. Exot.

Muñoz-Puelles, Laura, Lara, Francisco, Mazimpaka, Vicente & Garilleti, Ricardo, 2017, Vindication of Ulota pygmaeothecia (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta), Phytotaxa 317 (3), pp. 161-174 : 171-172

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.317.3.1

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scientific name

Ulota pygmaeothecia (Müll.Hal.) Kindb. Enum. Bryin. Exot.


Ulota pygmaeothecia (Müll.Hal.) Kindb. Enum. Bryin. Exot. View in CoL 79. 1888.

Orthotrichum pygmaeothecium Müll.Hal. View in CoL Flora 68: 418. 1885.

Type: [ Chile] “Fuegia, ad ramos Maytheni Magellanicae montis Darwin, Majo 1882: Spegazzini” (lectotype H-Br 4334012! isolectotype PC 0101543! selected by Wang & Jia, 2016).

= Ulota immarginata Cardot Bull. Herb. Boissier View in CoL , sér. 2 5: 1004. 1905.

Type: [ Argentina] “Terre-de-Feu: Ushuaia” [ M. Skottsberg] (holotype PC 0703850!, isotype S-B 158028!). Synonymized by Malta (1927).

Plants up to 1 cm tall, growing in small cushions or in creeping patches, devoid of curled or crisped appearance. Stems well branched. Axillary hairs formed by 3–4 hyaline cells and 1 basal coloured cell. Rhizoids reddish-brown, smooth, on stem base. Leaves sinuous to curved when dry, erect-patent, straight to sinuous when moist, (1.10–)1.70–2.20(–2.40) × (0.17–) 0.20–0.30 mm, with linear lamina extending from a widened, ellipsoidal to oblong leaf base; apex acute to acuminate, more rarely obtuse. Leaf margins plane or frequently recurved in one or both sides in the middle-leaf area, entire. Costa dorsally smooth, ending below apex, (26–)32–45 μm wide at base, (25–)29–35 μm wide at middle leaf. Basal leaf cells narrowly rectangular, 38–64 × 7–13 μm; differentiated basal marginal cells in 1–2 rows, forming a very short and thin marginal band. Median and upper laminar cells oval, oblate or isodiametric, (9–)12–20 × 9–13 μm, smooth or with 1–2 small, low papillae. Goniautoicous. Perigonia lateral on main stems and branches. Perichaetial leaves differentiated, larger than vegetative leaves, wide lanceolate, with longer leaf base, leaf apex obtuse to acute, 2.0–2.3 × 0.4–0.6 mm. Vaginula ellipsoid, 0.8–1.1 mm long, with scanty, short to medium in length, uni- to pluriseriate hairs. Seta 2.8–3.6 mm long, twisted counterclockwise when dry. Capsule long-exserted, 1.5–1.6 mm long, cylindrical to oval-cylindrical when wet, cylindrical when dry and full of spores, when dry and empty strongly contracted and very long cylindrical with 8 marked ribs and intercostal spaces very narrow; mouth rounded to star-shaped in dry capsules, more clearly in old capsules that have lost the teeth. Exothecial bands eight, of 3–4(–5) rows of differentiated cells with longitudinal cell walls very thick and sinuous, bands reaching the capsule mouth. Stomata superficial, located at neck and urn base. Peristome double. Prostome inconspicuous, very low and fragmentary, hyaline, delicate, reticulate. Exostome of 8 persistent pairs of teeth, joined by their bases that remain erect, then recurved to strongly revolute when dry, ochre coloured, 220–300 μm tall; external side of teeth ( OPL) with a dense and high reticule in the base, papillose in the upper part; internal side of teeth ( PPL) ornamented predominantly by longitudinal, fine papillose lines at lower half, with thin papillae above, fenestrate in the upper part, without trabeculae. Endostome formed by 8 segments, rarely 8+n, ¾ as long as teeth, fragile, smooth to rugulose, uniseriate with biseriate bases, hyaline, with shiny transversal walls, in recently deoperculated capsules bent downwards, horizontal in mature capsules. Operculum plane to plane-convex, with undulate border, with wide orange basal rim and short to medium-rostrate, sometimes wider than capsule mouth. Calyptra yellow-brownish with dark beak, hairy, hairs yellowish, smooth or weakly papillose, uni- to biseriate, scarcely exceeding the calyptra tip. Spores spherical to ovoid, with thick papillae, (35–)38–40(–43) μm in diameter.

Additional studied specimens:— Ulota luteola . CHILE: Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena, Provincia Antártica Chilena, Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini , SE coast of Isla Gordon in unnamed sound NW of Estero Penhoat across the SW arm of the Beagle Channel , 54º59’37”S, 069º28’31”W, R. Garilleti 2012 -033 A (VAL-Briof) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, SE coast of Isla Gordon in unnamed sound of Estero Penhoat across the Brazo Sudoeste of Beagle Channel , 54°59’36”S, 69º28’30”W, W. R. Buck 58493 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, W. R. Buck 58497 ( NY); Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, S of Canal Cockburn, SE end of Seno Bluff, Puerto Saco , 54°26’31”S, 71°18’29”W, W. R. Buck 56684 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, W. R. Buck 56725 ( NY); ibidem, S of Canal Cockburn, SE end of Seno Bluff, Puerto Saco , 54º26’31”S, 71º18’29”W, W. R. Buck 56736 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, SE arm of Seno Chasco, Puerto Consuelo , 54 °32’24”S, 71º 3 1’24”W, W. R. Buck 56944 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; E shore of Isla Basket, Bahía Murray , 54º44’12”S, 71º34’10”W, W. R. Buck 57246 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, ENE arm of Seno Courtenay S of glaciers, 54º34’39”S, 71° 10’42”W, W. R. Buck 57271 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, W. R. Buck 57308 ( NY); ibidem, W. R. Buck 57328 ( NY); ibidem, N end of north-central arill of Seno Courtenay , 54°30’32”S, 71º20’36”W, W. R. Buck 57341 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, Península Edwards, in larger of unnamed sounds between Punta Abrigo and Cabo Saliente , Puerto Langlois , 54º38’03”S, 71º28’19”W, W. R. Buck 57395 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, Península Brecknock, Seno Ocasión, Caleta Brecknock , 54°35’42”S, 71º52’33”W, W. R. Buck 57578 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, Seno Bluff, Puerto Saco , 54º26’3l” S, 71º18’28”W, J. Larraín 33243, ( CONC); ibidem, Seno Bluff, Puerto Saco, 54º26’32”S, 71º18’23”W, J. Larraín 33249 ( CONC); ibidem, 54º27’29”S, 71º23’10”W, J. Larraín 33276 ( CONC); ibidem, 54º27’29”S, 71º23’10”W J. Larraín 33278 ( CONC); ibidem, 54º27’31”S, 71º23’14”W, J. Larraín 33305 ( CONC); ibidem, Seno Chasco, Puerto Consuelo, alrededores de la laguna, 54º33’00”S, 71º29’30”W, J. Larraín 33398 ( CONC); ibidem, Brazo SW del Seno Chasco, al final del seno, en la costa junto al istmo donde comienza la Península Brecknock, 54º34’27”S, 71º37’57”W, J. Larraín 33458 ( CONC); ibidem, Península de Edwards, faldeos al E del Monte Edwards, 54º38’06”S, 71°28’01”W, J. Larraín 33822 ( CONC); ibidem, J. Larraín 33824 ( CONC); ibidem, 54°38’0l” S, 71º28’20.5”W, J. Larraín 33835 ( CONC) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, extremo NE del Seno Aragay, en el istmo de la Península de Brecknock , 54º35’05”S, 71º38’42”W, J. Larraín 33940 ( CONC) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, J. Larraín 33961 ( CONC); ibidem, ENE arm of Seno Courtenay , S of glaciers, 54°34’39”S, 71°10’42”W, W. R. Buck 57300 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, S side of Seno Agostini, opposite Monte Buckland , 54º30’25”S, 70º20’58”W, W. R. Buck 57037 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, South of Canal Cockburn, southeast end of Seno Bluff at Puerto Saco , 54º26’24.5”S, 71º18’53.5”W, J. R. Shevock 37014 ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, South of Canal Cockburn, southernmost arm of Seno Bluff , 54º27’31.0”S, 71º23’14.3”W, James R. Shevock 37030 ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, Seno Brujo just north of Puerto Alegria , 54º29’33.0”S, 71º33’55.0”W, James R. Shevock 37091 ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, 54º30’00.0”S, 71º33’55.0”W, James R. Shevock 37104 ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, James R. Shevock 37104 ( CAS) ; ibidem, end of Seno Chasco about Puerto Consuelo , 54º32’19.5”S, 71º31’49.3”W, James R. Shevock 37125 ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, north side of Seno Agostini, lower slopes of Monte Buckand , 54º 28’48.4”S, 70º17’49.7”W, James R. Shevock 37203 & J. Larraín ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, eastern branch of Seno Courtenay in narrow fiord below glacier, 54º34’43.4”S, 71º10’29.0”W, James R. Shevock 37413 ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, in unnamed sound directly east of Seno Mama , 54º34’45.7”S, 71º33’45.0”W, James R. Shevock 37510 & M.v Konrat ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; Isla Brecknock , 54º41’22”S, 71º32’53”W, J. Larraín 33864 ( CONC) GoogleMaps ; north shore of Isla Hoste, southeast end of Peninsula Cloué, East side of Estero Fouque opposite Punta Blanco near river draining small lake, 55º09’48”S, 69º31’01”W, W. R. Buck 57578 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, near river draining small lake, 55º09’48”S, 69º31’01”W, W. R. Buck 58734 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, W. R. Buck 58626 ( NY); ibidem, W. R. Buck 58635 ( NY); Isla Hoste, NW shore of Península Rous at eastern end of unnamed sound sharing its mouth with that of Estero Webb , terminating in river draining glacial lakes, 55º17’58”S, 69º33’24”W, W. R. Buck 58734 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, W. R. Buck 58746 ( NY); Provincia Capitán Prat, Río Pascua, 48°14S, 73°04’W, A. Jiménez 107 C ( CONC). Región IX (Araucanía)– P. N. Huerquehue , Laguna Verde , 39º08’09’’S, 71º42’33’’W, F. Lara & E. San Miguel 23-XII-2005 (MAUAM-Brio). Región X (Los Lagos)– Provincia de Osorno , P. N. Puyehue, Zona interfronteriza Los Pajaritos, 40º40’47’’S, 71º59’53’’W, F. Lara & E. San Miguel 31-XII-2005 (MAUAM-Brio) GoogleMaps .

Ulota pygmaeothecia View in CoL . CHILE: Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena, Provincia Antártica Chilena, Comuna de Cabo de Hornos: Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini , north-central west of Isla Hoste , ca 5 km W of the eastern tip of Isla Gordon along SW arm of Beagle Channel in unnamed sound, 55º00’22”S, 69º12’11”W, R. Garilleti 2012 -003 (VAL-Briof) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, R. Garilleti 2012 -016 (VAL-Briof); ibidem, R. Garilleti 2012 -017 (VAL-Briof); ibidem, R. Garilleti 2012 -018 (VAL-Briof); SE coast of Isla Gordon in unnamed sound NW of Estero Penhoat across the SW arm of the Beagle Channel , 54º59’37”S, 69º28’31”W, R. Garilleti 2012 -033D (VAL-Briof) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, R. Garilleti 2012 - 033D (VAL-Briof); south-central coast of Isla Gordon, Caleta Caracoles, NW of Estero Fouqué along SW arm of Beagle Channel , 55º01’57”S, 069º36’41”W, R. Garilleti 2012 -060 A (VAL-Briof) GoogleMaps ; isla Hoste, NW shore of Peninsula Rous at eastern end of unnamed sound sharing its mouth with that of Estero Webb , terminating in river draining glacial lakes, 55º18’07”S, 069º33’51”W, R. Garilleti 2012 -091 C (VAL-Briof) GoogleMaps ; N shore of Isla Hoste, SE end of Península Cloue, S end of Estero Fouqué, Caleta Fouqué , S shore of stream that drains lago Covadonga, 55º11’00”S, 069º34’50’’W, R. Garilleti 2012 -064 A (VAL-Briof) GoogleMaps ; isla Hoste, N shore of Península Cloue, Caleta Coloane , 55º06’09”S, 069º49’01”W, R. Garilleti 2012 -080 B (VAL-Briof) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, R. Garilleti 2012 -079 A (VAL-Briof). Región X (Los Lagos)– Provincia de Osorno , P. N. Puyehue, Estación de esquí Antillanca, 40º46’33’’S, 72º11’55’’W, F. Lara & E. San Miguel 30-XII-2005 (MAUAM-Brio) GoogleMaps .


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Non-vascular Plants and Fungi


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Agricultural Development and Advisory Service


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Nanjing University


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California Academy of Sciences


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Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet














Ulota pygmaeothecia (Müll.Hal.) Kindb. Enum. Bryin. Exot.

Muñoz-Puelles, Laura, Lara, Francisco, Mazimpaka, Vicente & Garilleti, Ricardo 2017

Orthotrichum pygmaeothecium Müll.Hal.

Mull. Hal. 1885: 418
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