Ulota luteola (Hook.f. & Wilson) Wijk & Margad.

Muñoz-Puelles, Laura, Lara, Francisco, Mazimpaka, Vicente & Garilleti, Ricardo, 2017, Vindication of Ulota pygmaeothecia (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta), Phytotaxa 317 (3), pp. 161-174 : 170

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.317.3.1

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scientific name

Ulota luteola (Hook.f. & Wilson) Wijk & Margad.


Ulota luteola (Hook.f. & Wilson) Wijk & Margad. View in CoL Taxon 10: 26. 196

Orthotrichum luteolum Hook. f. & Wilson Fl. Antarct. 2: 403. Tab. 52 f. 2. 1847. Type: [ Chile] “ Hermite Island , Cape Horn ; ... on stems of shrubs, especially of Berberis ilicifolia , from the sea to alt. 1,000 feet, abundant,

forming round soft tufts, rare on rocks [J. D. Hooker 141b]. South part of Tierra del Fuego, C. Darwin, Esq., n. 440” (Syntypes:

Hooker 141b: BM000873139, BM000873140, BM000873141, BM000873142, BM000873143, BM000873144 pp; Darwin 440:

BM000873132, BM000873133, BM000879995, BM000879996, BM000879997, BM000879998, BM000879999; all lost in mail). = Ulota fulvella Mitt. nom. illeg. J. Proc. Linnean Soc., Bot. 4: 75. 1860. Type: [ Chile] “Hermite Island, Dr. J. D. Hooker ” (holotype: NY 01244152!). = Ulota savatieri Besch. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 32: LXII. 1885 Type: [ Chile] “Patagonie occidentale, île Wellington: Port-Eden (Dr Savatier, 24 février 1877)” (holotype: PC 0703850!, isotype S-B

158028!). Synonymized by Malta (1927).

Plants up to 2.3 cm tall, growing in small to large cushions, not crisped. Stems well branched. Axillary hairs formed by 3–4 hyaline cells and 1 basal coloured cell. Rhizoids reddish-brown, smooth, on stem base. Leaves tortuous when dry, sinuous to falcate, erect-patent, when moist, (1.7–)2.0–2.8 × 0.40–0.50 mm, with linear lamina extending from a widened, ellipsoidal to obovate leaf base; apex acuminate, frequently ending in a row of 1–5 cells. Leaf margins plane, finely recurved at one or both sides where the leaf base stretches, occasionally one side recurved in the transition base-lamina, along the lamina crenate by the protrusion of strongly thickened cell walls, sometimes with fine, antrorse papillae. Costa dorsally smooth or with low papillae, ending below apex, (31–)41–46 μm wide at base, 34–39 μm wide at middle leaf. Basal leaf cells narrowly rectangular with incrassate walls, (18–)20–45(–56) × 6–9 μm; differentiated basal marginal cells in 1–3(–4) rows, forming a very short and thin marginal band. Median and upper laminar cells oval to isodiametric, (5–)9–13 × (7–)8–11 μm, with 1–2 simple or branched papillae. Goniautoicous. Perigonia lateral, on main stems and branches. Perichaetial leaves differentiated, erect, lanceolate to oval-lanceolate with acute apex, (1.8–)2.3–2.9 × 0.5–0.9 mm. Vaginula ellipsoid, 0.80–0.93 mm long, naked or with scanty, short, papillose and pluristratose yellowish hairs. Seta 5.0–7.0(–7.5) mm long, twisted counterclockwise when dry. Capsule long exserted, 1.1–1.6(–1.9) mm in length, oval-cylindrical when wet, cylindrical to slightly urceolate when dry and full of spores, when dry and empty cylindrical or slightly urceolate, frequently ventricose, very rarely fusiform, contracted by strongly marked ribs, with intercostal spaces very narrow; mouth rounded to somewhat star-shaped in dry capsules. Exothecial bands eight, of 4–6 rows of differentiated cells with walls thickened and straight, bands reaching the capsule mouth. Stomata superficial, located in the urn base and upper part of neck. Peristome double. Prostome inconspicuous, very low and fragmentary, hyaline, delicate, reticulate. Exostome of 8 pairs of teeth with strong tendency to split into 16, pale brown to white, 210–280 μm tall; teeth, even those of different pairs, joined by their bases that remains erect whilst rest of teeth are recurved when dry, more or less applied against the exothecium; exostome often broken in old capsules leaving a continuous basal white rim at mouth; external side of teeth (Outer Peristome Layer, OPL) showing a high basal reticule, strongly convex in each cell, papillose in upper third; internal side of teeth (Primary Peristome Layer, PPL) papillose, in the basal area with papillae of variable size, usually more or less clearly aligned. Endostome formed by 8 or exceptionally 8+n persistent segments, those intermediaries usually rudimentary and almost inconspicuous, up to 3/4 as long as teeth, smooth in the external side (Primary Peristome Layer, PPL), ornamented by vermicular lines and papillae in the internal side (Inner Peristome Layer, IPL), more defined in the upper 2/3 of the segments, irregularly biseriate below, hyaline or pale brown. Operculum conic-convex to plane-convex, with a broad orange or reddish rim, long rostrate, with rostrum generally bent. Calyptra straw-colored to pale brown with dark beak, hairy, hairs yellowish, papillose, and pluristratose, as equalling or scarcely exceeding the calyptra tip. Spores spherical, weakly papillose, 25–30 μm in diameter.













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