Torodora squariella Park & Heppner, 2023

Park, Kyu-Tek & Heppner, John B., 2023, Review of the genera Thubana Walker and Torodora Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Lecithoceridae) from Sumatra, Indonesia, Zootaxa 5256 (5), pp. 434-456 : 454-455

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5256.5.2

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scientific name

Torodora squariella Park & Heppner

sp. nov.

Torodora squariella Park & Heppner View in CoL , sp. nov.


( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 )

Type specimen. Holotype: Female, N. Sumatra, 7 km SE Prapat , 30 Aug. 1992, ca. 1,400 m, J.B. Heppner & E.W. Diehl, gen slide no. JBH-4169.

Diagnosis. This new species is superficially similar to the Oriental species. T. macrosigna Gozmány, 1973 , but larger (viz. 15–18 mm in T. macrosigna ). The forewing is less elongated and abdominal sternite VIII is deeply emarginated into a U-shape. The female genitalia are characterized by a large signum, more or less elliptical.

Description. Female ( Fig. 14A View FIGURE 14 ). Wingspan 19.5 mm.

Head: frons pale gray-tan; scales over scape to frons dull white.; vertex mustard brown. Antenna slightly longer than forewing; scape white, with small pale brown spot dorsally; flagellum creamy white ventrally, dark brown dorsally in basal 2/3, then with dark brown annulations beyond. Labial palpi broken away (only base of segment 1 remains and it is white).

Thorax: tegula and thorax mustard brown. Hind tibia with mustard brown rough scales dorsally, with white apex; tarsi yellowish white dorsally, with mustard brown band apically on each segment. Forewing ground color mustard brown evenly; costa arched around basal 1/4, then nearly straight, with very small, yellowish-white, wedgeshaped patch at 3/4, post median line weakly presented from costal patch to near basal 4/5 of inner margin; apex obtuse; termen slightly concave before middle; fringe concolorous. Hindwing ground color same as that of forewing.

Abdomen: mustard brown on dorsal surface, excepting dorsal surface of segment VIII.

Female genitalia ( Figs 14B–D View FIGURE 14 ): Apophyses anteriores very short, 1/3 the length of apophyses posteriores. Abdominal sternite VIII deeply emarginated at middle, about half length of sternite VIII ( Fig. 14C View FIGURE 14 ). Antrum large, membraneous, Cup-shaped, with flat caudal margin; broader distally and narrowed toward conjunction with ductus bursae, about 1/3 the length of ductus bursae. Ductus bursae broad; ductus seminalis arising from near distal end. Corpus bursae semi-ovate, as long as ductus bursae; signum large, more or less elliptical, slightly concave on caudal margin, densely covered with minute conical spines.

Male unknown.

Distribution. Indonesia (N. Sumatra).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin, square (= quadrate), referring to the quadrate signum of the female genitalia.













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