Urostachys chamaepeuce (Herter) Herter, Repert., 2020

Øllgaard, Benjamin, Boudrie, Michel & Cremers, Georges, 2020, The Lycopodiaceae of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, Phytotaxa 433 (2), pp. 101-134 : 116

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.2.3

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scientific name

Urostachys chamaepeuce (Herter) Herter, Repert.


4. Phlegmariurus dichotomus (Jacq.) W.H.Wagner, Novon View in CoL 3: 305. 1993.— Lycopodium dichotomum Jacq., Enum. Stirp. Vind. 314. 1762.— Huperzia dichotoma (Jacq.) Trevis., Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. View in CoL 17: 248. 1874.— Urostachys dichotomus (Jacq.) Herter, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. View in CoL 39: 249. 1922.— Lectotype:According to Proctor, in Howard, Fl. Less. Antilles 2: 28. 1977: Jacq., Hort. Bot. Vind. 3: t. 45. 1766. An authentic specimen is in BM (“Exemplar, quod collegi in insula Martinica, et quod iconi inservit mihi olim”). Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 .

Lycopodium gramineum Spring, Mém. Acad. Roy. Belg. 24 [Mon. Lyc. 2]: 19. 1849.— Huperzia graminea (Spring) Trevis. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. View in CoL 17: 248. 1874.— Urostachys gramineus (Spring) Herter, Index Lyc. 63. 1949.—Type: ECUADOR. Guayaquil: Jameson s.n. (holotype K [K000574391]).

Lycopodium barbatum Christ, Bull. Herb. Boiss. II View in CoL , 5: 254. 1905, non Kaulf. 1824.— Urostachys barbatus (Christ) Nessel, Bärlappgewächse View in CoL 30. 1939.— Type : COSTA RICA: Werclé s.n. in herb. Christ (holotype P [P00559233]; isotype BONN [Herb. Nessel 7]- fragm.).

Lycopodium chamaepeuce Herter, Bot. Jahrb. View in CoL 43: Beibl. 98: 50. 1909.— Urostachys chamaepeuce (Herter) Herter, Repert. View in CoL Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 19: 164. 1923.— Type: None designated. Herter indicates Guadeloupe as “loc. class.” and French Guiana.

Urostachys chamaepeuce (Herter) Herter , var. urbanianus Herter, Repert. Sp. Nov. Regni Veg. 19: 164. 1923.— Urostachys chamaepeuce (Herter) Herter var. major Herter ex Nessel, Rev. Sudamer. Bot. View in CoL 6: 163. 1940.— Type: GRENADA: Annandale, Broadway 3457 (BONN Herb. Nessel, NY, US [00135511]).

Urostachys chamaepeuce (Herter) Herter var. maximus Nessel, Rev. Sudamer. Bot. View in CoL 6: 164. 1940.— Type: MARTINIQUE: Mt. Parnasse, 1867, L. Hahn s.n. (P).

Huperzia lindeneri (Nessel) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. View in CoL 20: 74. 1985.— Urostachys lindeneri Herter ex Nessel, Revista Sudamer. Bot. View in CoL 6: 164, excl. fig. 1940.—Type: GUATEMALA: Chilion, Mazatenango, Bernoulli & Cario s.n. (holotype BONN Herb. Nessel 350).

Huperzia schlechtendalii (Nessel) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. View in CoL 20: 76. 1985.— Urostachys schlechtendalii Herter ex Nessel, Revista Sudamer. Bot. View in CoL 6: 164, t. 11, f. 51. 1940.—Type: MEXICO: «Guaveyma» R. Wagner s.n. (holotype BONN Herb. Nessel 349 p. p.!).

Huperzia mortonii (Herter) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. View in CoL 20(1): 75. 1985.— Urostachys mortonii Herter View in CoL in Morton, Repert Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 28: 108. 1930.—Types from Guatemala, F. Morton 225a, 282a (syntypes B).

Plants pendent or recurved from an erect base, sparsely to densely and spreadingly branched, usually to 25(–50) cm long. Shoots homophyllous, equally thick throughout, 20–25 mm in diam. incl. leaves near the base, or tapering to (10–) 15 mm. Stems excl. leaves 2–3 mm thick at the base, usually almost concealed by leaves. Leaves crowded, borne in alternating whorls of 5–6, these 1–2 mm apart, spreading to ascending, often obliquely falcate, in terminal divisions ascending to somewhat appressed, or appressed throughout, linear-subulate, (8–)10–15(–17) × 0,7– 1 mm, almost flat, with slightly prominent vein above, with flat or slightly revolute, entire margins, abaxially with slightly to sharply prominent vein, soft-herbaceous, usually twisted at the base; leaf bases long and prominently decurrent, green, as wide as, or wider than the lamina, with sharply prominent vein. Sporangia 1–1.5 mm wide.

Distribution: Florida, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Greater and Lesser Antilles, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil.

Habitats: Epiphytic in riverine, lowland and premontane forest, 0–1400 m elev.

Specimens examined:— GUYANA: (11 collections) Upper Rupununi R., near Dadanawa, de la Cruz 1502 (NY, US); Rio Cuyuni, Sandwith 844 (K).— SURINAME: (8 collections) Near Parwa, Stahel 33 (NY, U); Wilhelmina Mts, Zuid R. , 2 km above confl. with Lucie R., Irwin 55729 (NY).— FRENCH GUIANA: (53 collections) Massif Lucifer, 550 m, Billiet & Jadin 1643 (BR, CAY); Galbao Mt., 650 m, Granville 1617B (P); Gabrielle Cr., Cremers 4237 (CAY, P).














Urostachys chamaepeuce (Herter) Herter, Repert.

Øllgaard, Benjamin, Boudrie, Michel & Cremers, Georges 2020

Huperzia mortonii (Herter)

Holub 1985: 75
Morton 1930: 108
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