Agapostemon (Agapostemon) angelicus Cockerell, 1924

Portman, Zachary M., Arduser, Mike, Powley, Mary E. & Cariveau, Daniel P., 2024, Taxonomy of Agapostemon angelicus and the A. texanus species complex (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) in the United States, European Journal of Taxonomy 958, pp. 203-241 : 207-218

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.958.2671

publication LSID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Agapostemon (Agapostemon) angelicus Cockerell, 1924


Agapostemon (Agapostemon) angelicus Cockerell, 1924 View in CoL

Figs 1A View Fig , 2A–B View Fig , 3A, C View Fig , 4A, D View Fig , 5A–B, K View Fig , 6A View Fig , 7A View Fig , 8B View Fig

Original reference

Agapostemon angelicus Cockerell, 1924: 537 View in CoL , ♀. Holotype, ♀, Mexico, Baja California, Angel de la Guardia Island (also known as Isla Estanque ), Pond Island Bay 1 Jul. 1921, EP Van Duzee leg., deposited in CAS, type no. 1502. Images examined by ZP. Online record:

Taxonomy and references

Agapostemon texanus View in CoL – Robertson 1897: 328 [in part, combined with A. texanus View in CoL and A. subtilior ] (description, range). — Vachal 1903: 94 [likely in part, mixed with A. texanus View in CoL ] (key, description).

Agapostemon angelicus View in CoL – Cockerell 1927: 156 (description of male, key, records). — Sandhouse 1936: 83 (key, diagnosis, distribution). — Fischer 1950: 78 (records). — Roberts 1972: 461 (key, description, distribution); 1973: 5 (key, diagnosis, biology, distribution). — Hurd 1979: 1953 (catalog). — Moure & Hurd 1987: 188 (catalog). — Portman et al. 2022: 114 View Cited Treatment (key, diagnosis).

Agapostemon angelicus angelicus View in CoL – Michener 1951: 1125 (catalog).


Females of A. angelicus are similar to those of A. texanus s. s. and A. subtilior , and they can co-occur with both species. Agapostemon angelicus can be separated from A. texanus s. s. by the striations on the gena, which are relatively fine in A. angelicus ( Fig. 1A View Fig ) and extremely strong in A. texanus ( Fig. 1C–D View Fig ). Agapostemon angelicus can be separated from A. subtilior by the shape of the clypeus, which is flattened all the way to the apical margin and terminates in a very narrow vertical overhang just above the apical fimbriae, forming a weak carina between the 90-degree separation of anterior and ventral faces of the clypeus ( Fig. 2B View Fig ). In contrast, A. subtilior has the clypeal weakly convex, not flat, and more evenly and somewhat irregularly sloping to the base of the apical fimbriae ( Fig. 2D View Fig ), lacking the very narrow vertical portion and associated carina which typifies A. angelicus . Note these clypeal characters are subtle and somewhat variable depending on wear, they but are useful in separating A. angelicus from A. subtilior throughout its range. In addition, A. angelicus has a more coarsely striate propodeum, with the ridges parallel or moderately anastomizing ( Fig. 3A View Fig ), whereas A. subtilior typically has the propodeum more weakly sculptured ( Fig. 3B View Fig ). The pleura of A. angelicus are also more strongly sculptured ( Fig. 3C View Fig ), with the reticulations more strongly upraised (even along the posterior margin) than in A. subtilior , which has the reticulations more weakly upraised and with smaller gaps ( Fig. 3D View Fig ); this character is subtle but distinctive and reliable.

There are additional, less reliable characters that can help separate females of A. angelicus and A. subtilior . These include the black mark on the apex of the clypeus, which is generally straight across in A. angelicus ( Fig. 1A View Fig ) whereas it typically is thickened or has a ‘tooth’ medially in A. subtilior ( Fig. 2C View Fig ). Agapostemon angelicus typically has a longer dorsal face of the propodeum, which is generally longer than the metanotum ( Fig. 3A View Fig ), whereas the length of the dorsal face of the propodeum is typically about equal to that of the metanotum in A. subtilior ( Fig. 3B View Fig ). In addition, A. angelicus typically has contiguous punctures on the terga ( Fig. 4A, D View Fig ), whereas A. subtilior typically has distinct interspaces between the punctures ( Fig. 4B, E View Fig ); this character is most reliable on the lateral areas of the T1 and T2 just basal to the premarginal line. Further, A. angelicus tends to have whiter hairs versus more yellowish hairs in A. subtilior (though this character is rather unreliable), A. angelicus tend to have any dark hairs on the tibial scopa limited to the very base (compared to typically extending down in line from the basatibial plate through most of the tibia in A. subtilior ), and A. anglicus tend to have more copious hairs laterally on the terga, especially T1 ( Fig. 4A View Fig ). Finally, A. angelicus are, on average, smaller than both A. subtilior and especially A. texanus s. s.

Males of A. angelicus are similar to those of both A. texanus s. s. and A. subtilior , but they can be definitively separated by the genitalia, with the basal stylus much thicker and the medial plate smaller and more acute ( Fig. 6A View Fig ). In addition, A. angelicus males have a dark mark ONLY on the posterior hind tibia ( Fig. 5A–B View Fig ; not counting a small dark mark on the apex of the tibia), whereas A. texanus and A. subtilior males also have a dark mark on the anterior face of the hind tibia ( Fig. 5E, G, I View Fig ) (or in the case of some A. subtilior , the hind tibia can be entirely light as in Fig. 5C–D View Fig ). In addition, A. angelicus has the hind leg with a distinctly narrower femur, tibia, and basitarsus ( Fig. 5K View Fig ) compared to A. subtilior ( Fig. 5L View Fig ) and A. texanus ( Fig. 5M View Fig ), though the difference between A. angelicus and A. subtilior is somewhat subtle.

Material examined

USA – ARIZONA – Apache Co. • Apache NF , Terry Flat , 9700 ft, NE of Alpine ca. 5 air miles: 1 ♀; 31 Jul. 1998; Arduser and Stevens leg.; MAPC Benny Crk USNF campground, by Bunch Reservoir : 1 ♂; 10 Jul. 1998; Arduser and Stevens leg.; net, Potentilla crinita ; MAPC. – Coconino Co. • E. Page 7.9 mi. on Hwy 98: 3 ♂♂; 26 Jun. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; MAPC S. Page 15 mi. on Hwy 89: 1 ♀; 26 Jun. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; net, Sphaeralcea sp. ; MAPC. – Gila Co. • Globe: 1 ♀; Jul. 193?; Parker leg.; MCZ. – Graham Co. • Dublin: 1 ♀; 8 Mar. 1937?; Cockerell leg.; UMSP Pinaleno Mtns., Hospital Flat, 9000 ft: 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂; 29 Jul. 2003; Arduser and Stevens leg.; MAPC. – Greenlee Co . • Apache NF , SE Rose Peak ca 2 mi. on Hwy 191 : 3 ♀♀; 31 Jul. 1997; Arduser and Stevens leg.; net, Machaeranthera sp. ; MAPC. – Maricopa Co. • Tempe : 1 ♀; 3 Aug. year unknown; J Bequaert leg.; MCZ. – COLORADO – Baca Co . • Comanche National Grasslands nr Springfield : 1 ♀, 4 ♂♂; 22 Jul. 1998; R Clinebell leg.; Asclepias latifolia ; MAPC. – Larimer Co . • Cameron Pass , elev. 10 000 ft: 2 ♂♂; 18 Aug. 1940; HE Milliron leg.; UMSP Pingree Park : 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 17–22 Aug. 1922; FC Hottes leg.; UMSP; 1 ♂; 20 Aug. 1926; RF Dawson leg.; UMSP. – Otero Co . • Vogel Canyon Picnic Area : 1 ♀; 23 Jun. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; net, Escobaria vivipara ; MAPC. – IDAHO – Oneida Co . • Stone : 1 ♂; 14 Sep. 1972; GF Knowlton leg.; UMSP. – IOWA – Woodbury Co . • Sioux City : 1 ♂; 17 Aug. 1937; CN Ainslie leg.; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Oct. 1939; CN Ainslie leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – KANSAS – Ellsworth Co. • (38.58598 -98.1401): 2 ♂♂; 13 Jul. 2018; A Morphew leg.; AMC. GoogleMaps – Gove Co. • (38.970421 -100.5056): 3 ♂♂; 22 Jul. 2019; A Morphew leg.; AMC. GoogleMaps – Hodgeman Co. • (38.100843 -98.6435): 2 ♂♂; 22 Jun. 2018; A Morphew leg.; AMC. GoogleMaps – Logan Co. • (39.0784 -100.9095): 3 ♂♂; 28 Jul. 2018; A Morphew leg.; AMC. GoogleMaps Morton Co . • Cimarron National Grassland , “Point of Rocks” area : 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 1998; R Clinebell leg.; Asclepias latifolia ; MAPC. GoogleMaps – Rice Co. • (38.487554 -98.1573): 2 ♂♂; 11 Jun. 2018; A Morphew leg.; AMC. GoogleMaps Sheridan Co . • (39.207824 -100.2152): 1 ♂; 3 Jul. 2018; A Morphew leg.; AMC. GoogleMaps Stafford Co . • (38.186276 -98.6429): 1 ♂; 12 Jun. 2018; A Morphew leg.; AMC. GoogleMaps Thomas Co . • (39.149998 -101.0742): 7 ♂♂; 10 Jul. 2018; A Morphew leg.; AMC. GoogleMaps Wallace Co . • (38.912332 -101.8017): 2 ♂♂; 19 Jun. 2018; A Morphew leg.; AMC. GoogleMaps – MINNESOTA – Big Stone Co . • Dybdahl WPA (45.43976 -96.2415): 1 ♀; 27 Jun. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Ortonville : 1 ♀; 5 Aug. 1935; DG Denning leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Brown Co . • (44.2114 -94.542): 3 ♀♀; 16 Jul. 2021; ED leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.29578 -94.7671): 2 ♂♂; 9 Sep. 2021; SM and RK leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.39939 -94.7165): 1 ♀; 30 Jun. 2021; WB, SM leg.; bee bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Clay Co . • (46.74468 -96.4675): 1 ♀; 14 Jul. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP. GoogleMaps Cottonwood Co . • (43.99175 -95.2175): 1 ♀; 24 Jun. 2021; WB, SM leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 17 Aug. 2021; SM leg.; bee bowl; CNBL • (44.00121 -95.2591): 5 ♀♀; 24 Jun. 2021; SM, WB leg.; bee bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Douglas Co . • (45.4729 -95.3918): 1 ♀; 21 Jul. 2022; A Carroll, G Zebrasky leg.; yellow pan trap; CBG GoogleMaps • (45.5044 -95.4531): 1 ♀; 12 Jul. 2022; A Carroll, G Zebrasky leg.; yellow pan trap; CBG. GoogleMaps Faribault Co . • 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 18 Aug. 1936; CE Mickel leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – Jackson Co. • (43.51976 -94.874): 1 ♀; 13 Jul. 2021; LS, WB leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀, 1 ♂; 1 Sep. 2021; SM leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Graham Creek WMA (43.78235 -95.4131): 3 ♀♀; 2 Jul. 2021; WB, EB leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2022; ED leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Sioux Valley WMA (43.51555 -95.2989): 1 ♀; 16 Jun. 2022; MM leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 30 Jun. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Lincoln Co . • (44.35099 -96.0915): 1 ♀; 24 Jun. 2021; ED, IR leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.40319 -96.4448): 21 ♀♀; 13 Jul. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Hole in the Mountain (44.25681 -96.2925): 3 ♀♀; 12 Jul. 2016; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Lyon Co . • (44.46335 -95.8984): 6 ♀♀; 24 Jun. 2021; ED, IR leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.53108 -95.8984): 5 ♀♀; 30 Jun. 2021; IR, ED leg.; hand net, Ratibida columnifera ; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 30 Jun. 2021; IR, ED leg.; hand net, Verbena stricta ; CNBL; GoogleMaps 31 ♀♀; 1 Jul. 2021; SM leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 28 Jul. 2021; CHS, IR leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂; 18 Aug. 2021; LS leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 18 Aug. 2021; WB leg.; hand net, Heliopsis helianthoides ; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 23 Jun. 2022; ED leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.5639 -95.7592): 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2019; SG, LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.564 -95.7593): 1 ♀; 28 Jul. 2021; WB, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 18 Aug. 2021; IL leg.; hand net, Helianthus maximiliani ; CNBL GoogleMaps Lines WMA (44.58493 -95.635): 1 ♀; 14 Jul. 2022; ED leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Martin Co . • (43.5495 -94.7961): 1 ♀; 12 Jul. 2019; MK, LN leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (43.5495 -94.7962): 1 ♀; 30 Aug. 2021; WB leg.; hand net, Solidago rigida ; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 1 Sep. 2021; SM leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps Krahmer WMA (43.69432 -94.6017): 1 ♀; 8 Jul. 2021; CHS , SM leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 17 Jun. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Meeker Co. • (44.8927 -94.5042): 1 ♀; 12 Jun. 2020; B Bruninga-Socolar leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Murray Co. • (43.85734 -95.5938): 1 ♀; 2 Jul. 2021; ED, IR leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 29 Jun. 2022; ED, WL leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.03932 -95.9301): 19 ♀♀; 24 Jun. 2021; CHS, ED leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 21 Jul. 2021; ED leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.0676 -95.9281): 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2019; ED, MK leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.06761 -95.9281): 1 ♂; 12 Aug. 2021; ED leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.07093 -95.5718): 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 2021; LF leg.; hand net, Cirsium arvense ; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.08686 -95.7738): 5♀♀; 24 Jun. 2021; LS, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 21 Jul. 2022; WL, LT leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.0885 -95.6725): 1 ♀; 30 Jun. 2020; CHS leg.; hand net, Achillea millefolium ; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.15208 -95.8779): 34 ♀♀; 24 Jun. 2021; LF, LS leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 29 ♀♀; 24 Jun. 2021; LS, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 4 ♀♀; 22 Jul. 2021; CHS leg.; bee bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – Nobles Co. • (43.52333 -95.7276): 1 ♀; 16 Jun. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (43.5793 -95.7551): 1 ♀; 12 Jul. 2021; IR leg.; hand net, Achillea millefolium ; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 13 Jul. 2021; IR, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 3 Aug. 2021; LS, IR leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 16 Jun. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 30 Jun. 2022; MM, LT leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 27 Jul. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 11 Aug. 2022; MM leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (43.74601 -95.7158): 1 ♀; 2 Jul. 2021; EB, WB leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 30 Jun. 2022; WB leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Norman Co . • 1 ♂; 31 Aug. 1936; DG Denning leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Polk Co . • 1 ♀; 21 Jul. 1936; DG Denning leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Pope Co . • (45.49639 -95.5788): 1 ♀; 7 Jul. 2017; I Lane leg.; bowl; UMSP. GoogleMaps Redwood Co . • (44.29963 -94.9282): 2 ♀♀; 16 Jul. 2021; SM, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.5825 -95.2099): 2 ♀♀; 30 Jul. 2019; CHS, MK leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.58255 -95.21): 1 ♂; 17 Aug. 2022; WL leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Renville Co . • (44.53465 -94.8874): 1 ♀; 30 Jun. 2021; WB leg.; bee bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Rock Co . • Blue Mounds State Park : 1 ♀; 10 Aug. 1973; EF Cook leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Sherburne Co . • Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge (45.46477 -93.6744): 1 ♀; 10 Jun. 2016; E Evans leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Washington Co . • 1 ♀; 19 Jul. 1936; D Murray leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Watonwan Co . • (43.896 -94.6232): 2 ♀♀; 8 Jul. 2021; IR, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 1 Sep. 2021; RK leg.; bee bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps Yellow Medicine Co. • (44.685 -96.3092): 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2019; LN, SG leg.; bee bowls; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.68504 -96.3092): 3 ♀♀; 1 Jul. 2021; LS, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 5 ♀♀; 28 Jun. 2022; LT, MM leg.; bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; 15 Jul. 2022; ED leg.; bowl; CNBL GoogleMaps • (44.7072 -96.3972): 1 ♀; 29 Jun. 2017; Pennarola and Leone leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Archerville WMA (44.63281 -96.3278): 1 ♀; 1 Jul. 2021; LS, LF leg.; bee bowl; CNBL; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 28 Jun. 2022; MM, LT leg.; bowl; CNBL. GoogleMaps – MISSOURI – Greene Co . • Rocky Barrens Cons.Area , NE Willard 1.5 mi.: 1 ♀; 14Apr. 2006; M Arduser leg.; Physaria filiformis ; MAPC. GoogleMaps – MONTANA – Carbon Co . • Bobcat Pass Rd , 1289 m (45.0822 -108.8248): 1 ♀; 13–14 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps Carter Co . • Medicine Rocks State Park (46.0409 -104.4847): 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Medicine Rocks State Park (46.0425 -104.4835): 1 ♀; 20 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps Daniels Co . • 1.5 mi. N Four Buttes (48.83 -105.6046): 1 ♀; 30–31 Jul. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps Park Co . • 0.2 mi. N ; Hicks Park , Boulder River Rd (45.3042 -110.2415): 2 ♀♀; 5 Sep. 2020; MA Ivie, LL Ivie leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Boulder River Rd (45.3282 -110.2305): 1 ♀; 5–6 Sep. 2020; MA Ivie, LL Ivie leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps S Four ; Mile Cabin , Boulder Rd (45.3377 -110.233): 1 ♀; 5–6 Sep. 2020; MA Ivie, LL Ivie leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps Petroleum Co . • Blakeslee Rd (47.0895 -108.5885): 1 ♀; 20–21 Aug. 2020; C Delphia, J Runyon leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps Phillips Co . • Montana Gulch Campground (47.9004 -108.632): 1 ♀; 2–3 Aug. 2020; Z Pritchard, J Botti leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps Prairie Co . • Coal Crk Rd entrance (46.8208 -105.2951): 1 ♀; 7 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps Richland Co . • CR 115 Crane Cemetery (47.5725 -104.2647): 2 ♀♀; 14 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 29 Jul. 2020; J Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps CR.115 sapling clearing (47.5763 -104.2687): 1 ♀; 14 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps Teton Co . • N of Bynum , HWY 89 , 1224 m (47.9865 -112.3157): 1 ♀; 7 Jul. 2020; J Wallace, MA Ivie leg.; bee bowl; MTEC GoogleMaps Young Rd N of Sun River (47.5533 -112.3664): 1 ♀; 7 Jul. 2020; J Wallace, MA Ivie leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps Wibaux Co . • St. Phillip Rd entrance (46.8449 -104.1896): 2 ♀♀; 15–16 Jul. 2020; JR Brower leg.; bee bowl; MTEC. GoogleMaps – NEBRASKA – Hall Co. Platte River Prairies Preserve , Derr house lawn (40.7336 -98.5789): 7 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂; 5 Aug. 2013; Arduser, Helzer, Stine leg.; bowls; MAPC. GoogleMaps Lancaster Co . • Lincoln : 1 ♂; 17 Aug. 1927; CE Mickel leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Lincoln Co . • Sutherland : 1 ♀; 20 Jun. 1932; MJ Oosthuizen leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps – NEW MEXICO – Doña Ana Co . • Hatch : 1 ♀; date unknown; collector unknown; MCZ GoogleMaps Mesilla Park : 3 ♀♀; 12 Jul. year unknown; J Bequaert leg.; MCZ. – Guadalupe Co. • Pastura , 1.5 mi. south on Hwy 54: 2 ♀♀, 5 ♂♂; 21 Aug. 1995; Arduser and Stevens leg.; MAPC. – Harding Co . • Kiowa Nat’l Grasslands , Mills Rim campground : 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂; 5 Jul. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; net, Ratibida sp. ; MAPC. – Hidalgo Co . • 28 mi. S of Animas: 1 ♀; 30 Aug. 2010; J Gardner leg.; net, Machaeranthera tanacetifolia ; UMSP; 4 ♀♀; 30 Aug. 2010; J Gardner leg.; net, Mentzelia sp. ; UMSP. – Lincoln Co . • nr Carrizozo on Hwy 54 : 2 ♂♂; 21 Aug. 1995; Arduser and Stevens leg.; net, Grindelia sp. ; MAPC. – McKinley Co . • Cibola NF , Quaking Aspen Campground : 4 ♀♀, 11 ♂♂; 28 Jul. 1998; Arduser and Stevens leg.; net, Melilotus alba ; MAPC Ramah: 1 ♀; date unknown; collector unknown; MCZ. – Otero Co . • Lincoln NF , Bailey Canyon Rd , 8300 ft: 3 ♀♀, 9 ♂♂; 5 Aug. 2003; Arduser and Stevens leg.; net, Wyethia sp. ; MAPC. – Quay Co . • W. Tucumcari 15 mi. along I-40 at Palomas: 1 ♂; 5 Aug. 1997; Arduser and Stevens leg.; MAPC. – Rio Arriba Co . • Carson NF on Rd 310, 2 mi. N of Hwy 64 : 1 ♂; 7 Aug. 2000; Arduser and Stevens leg.; net, Chrysothamnus sp. ; MAPC. – San Juan Co . • Head of Pump Canyon , NW of La Plata , 6000 ft: 3 ♂♂; 4 Jul. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; MAPC. – Sandoval Co . • Jemez Mountains : 1 ♀; 13 Jun. year unknown; Woodgate leg.; MCZ Jemez Springs : 1 ♀; date unknown; collector unknown; MCZ. – Socorro Co . • 19 mi. W of Magdalena on Hwy 52: 4 ♀♀, 12 ♂♂; 30 Jul. 1997; Arduser and Stevens leg.; net, Cleome serrulata ; MAPC. – Torrance Co . • Moriarty : 2 ♂♂; 25 Aug. 1940; HE Milliron leg.; UMSP; 2 ♂♂; 26 Aug. 1940; HE Milliron leg.; UMSP. – Union Co . • Hwy 56 at mi. mrkr 129: 4 ♀♀, 7 ♂♂; 26 Jul. 1997; Arduser and Stevens leg.; net, Asclepias latifolia ; MAPC. – NORTH DAKOTA – Barnes Co . • 10.7 km NE of Rogers (47.11298 -98.06702): 3 ♀♀; 13 Jul. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 11.7 km NE of Rogers (47.09531 -98.04099): 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 11.7 km NE of Rogers (47.0962 -98.07721): 1 ♂; 15 Aug. 2012; J Castro, K Holzenthal leg.; net, Melilotus ; UMSP GoogleMaps 2.2 km NE of Rogers (47.08152 -98.17183): 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 2.2 km NE of Rogers (47.0823 -98.1718): 1 ♀; 18 May 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 4.5 km NE of Rogers (47.09616 -98.1509): 1 ♀; 13 Jun. 2011; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 6.6 km NW of Sandborn (46.9794 -98.2916): 2 ♀♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 7.8 km NW of Sandborn (46.97964 -98.28512): 1 ♀; 11 Sep. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP. GoogleMaps Griggs Co . • 2 km E of Karnak (47.2784 -98.03435): 1 ♀; 10 Sep. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 3.5 km SE of Karnak (47.25538 -98.03372): 1 ♀; 13 Jul. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP. GoogleMaps Stutsman Co . • 2.4 km E of Edmunds (47.24819 -98.93286): 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 2.4 km E of Edmunds (47.25226 -98.9328): 1 ♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; 13 Jul. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 4.6 km SE of Edmunds (47.2258 -98.9217): 2 ♀♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP; GoogleMaps 4 ♀♀; 14 Aug. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 8.2 km NE of Pingree (47.1948 -98.8056): 1 ♀; 14 Aug. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 8.2 km NE of Pingree (47.20049 -98.80618): 2 ♀♀; 6 Jul. 2010; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP GoogleMaps 8.7 km NE of Pingree (47.1816 -98.7945): 1 ♀; 14 Jun. 2012; E Evans leg.; pan trap; UMSP. GoogleMaps – OKLAHOMA – Cimarron Co . • Black Mesa St. Pk West Canyon Campground : 2 ♀♀; 23 Jun. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; net, Opuntia sp. ; MAPC. GoogleMaps Comanche Co . • Wichita Mountains NWR , Charon’s Garden Trail (34.7101 -98.7307): 1 ♂; 4 May 2012; Arduser leg.; Helenium amarum ; MAPC. GoogleMaps Ellis Co . • Four Canyon Preserve , head of Horse Canyon (36.0223 -99.494): 1 ♀; 7 Jun. 2009; Arduser leg.; bowls; MAPC. GoogleMaps Major Co . • Gloss Mountains State Park, top of Mesa (36.3649 -98.5788): 17 ♀♀; 6 May 2022; Arduser leg.; bowls; MAPC. GoogleMaps – SOUTH DAKOTA – Fall River Co. • Hot Springs : 1 ♂; 4 Aug. 1940; RH Daggy leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Hughes Co . • 1 ♂; 8 Aug. 1934; F Morton leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Jackson Co . • Bad Lands , Cedar Pass : 2 ♂♂; 14 Aug. 1940; HE Milliron leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Jones Co . • 8 ♂♂; 11 Aug. 1934; F Morton leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Pennington Co . • 3 ♂♂; 14 Aug. 1934; F Morton leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Lake Pactola : 1 ♂; 11 Sep. 1971; Woods leg.; UMSP. – Stanley Co . • 1 ♂; 7 Aug. 1934; F Morton leg.; UMSP; 7 ♂♂; 9 Aug. 1934; F Morton leg.; UMSP. – TEXAS – Brewster Co . • 1 ♀; 22 May 2000; R. Clinebell leg.; net, Calylophus sp. ; MAPC Chisos Mountains , Big Bend National Park : 1 ♀; date unknown; J Bequaert leg.; MCZ. – Eastland Co . • 1 ♀; 23 May 1921; GO Wiley leg.; UMSP; 1 ♂; 14 Aug. 1921; GO Wiley leg.; UMSP Cisco : 1 ♀; 21 Jun. 1921; GO Wiley leg.; UMSP. – El Paso Co . • Fabens : 4 ♀♀; 10 Jul. year unknown; J Bequaert leg.; MCZ. – Jeff Davis Co . • Davis Mts : 1 ♀; 4 Sep. 1949; F Werner, W Nutting leg.; MCZ Fort Davis : 1 ♀; 6 Jul. 1917; J Bequaert leg.; MCZ. – Lee Co . • Fedor : 1 ♀; 28 Apr. 1898; G Birkmann leg.; MCZ. – Pecos Co . • Ft Stockton : 2 ♀♀; 5 Aug. year unknown; J Bequaert leg.; MCZ. – Presidio Co . • Chinati Mts : 1 ♂; 16 Jun. 1930; E Tinkham leg.; UMSP Presidio , 3 mi. E: 1 ♀; 1–3 May 1963; HE Evans leg.; MCZ. – Somervell Co . • Glen Rose : 2 ♀♀; 19 May 1940; H Knutson leg.; UMSP. – UTAH – Emery Co . • 1 ♂; 1 Aug. 1921; GO Wiley leg.; UMSP. – Garfield Co . • Hog Springs Rec. Area : 1 ♂; 26 Jun. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; net, Stanleya pinnata ; MAPC. – Iron Co . • Beryl : 1 ♂; 24 Oct. 1957; GF Knowlton leg.; UMSP. – Kane Co . • Moquith Mtn. Wilderness (dunes) : 4 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂; 29 Jun. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; net, Eriogonum inflatum ; MAPC; 1 ♂; 29 Jun. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; net, Scabrethia sp. ; MAPC. – San Juan Co . • Bluff : 1 ♀; 7 Jul. 1935; Brues leg.; MCZ. Washington Co . • Leeds Crk Canyon (37.292 -113.4128): 3 ♂♂; 30 Jun. 2023; Arduser and MacRae leg.; net, Eriodyction sp.; MAPC. GoogleMaps – WYOMING – Crook Co . • 1 ♂; 31 Jun. 1939; HS Telford leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Platte Co . • Glendo : 2 ♀♀; 29 Jun. 1930; G Fairchild leg.; MCZ. GoogleMaps Teton Co . • Flat Creek : 1 ♂; 15 Aug. 1940; HE Milliron leg.; UMSP. GoogleMaps Weston Co . • 1 ♂; 11 Aug. 1939; HS Telford leg.; UMSP GoogleMaps Clifton : 2 ♂♂; 15 Aug. 1940; HE Milliron leg.; UMSP .


The type of A. angelicus is female, which has contributed to the confusion between this species and the A. texanus complex. We have examined images of the type specimen, which have sufficient detail to confirm the identity of the species based on the shape of the apex of the clypeus and the size and sculpturing of the propodeum.

Sandhouse (1936) was clearly able to identify the females of A. angelicus and correctly pair them with the males based on the characters reported in Sandhouse (1936), and we have seen a number of correctly-determined female A. angelicus bearing Sandhouse determination labels. With the exception of the differences in punctation of the scutum, the characters Sandhouse (1936) used to separate female A. angelicus (including the more strongly sculptured propodeum, smaller size, and whiter hairs) generally work, but none of them are 100% consistent. Roberts (1972) could not separate female A. angelicus and A. texanus and separated associated males and females primarily by the greater relative abundance of A. angelicus males, though he accepted the A. angelicus type female as determined by Sandhouse (1936).

The range of A. angelicus appears to be somewhat more extensive than reported by Roberts (1972). For example, Roberts (1972) reported only A. texanus s. lat. from Minnesota; however, in the UMSP collection, there are multiple male and female specimens of A. angelicus from Minnesota that were misidentified by Roberts as A. texanus (5 males and numerous females). One of the historic females of A. angelicus is from Washington County, MN, which borders Wisconsin, and raises the possibility that A. angelicus could be found even further eastward. Similarly, Roberts (1972) did not report A. angelicus from Montana, but we have found it to have an extensive range in that state. This demonstrates one of the dangers of identifying species based on range, and this led to further misidentifications as various workers misidentified A. angelicus females in Minnesota up until newly collected males and females prompted a complete rechecking of all historic material. As a result, the number of Minnesota counties that A. angelicus is known to occur in has increased to 23 from the four reported in Portman et al. (2023) ( Fig. 8B View Fig ). Finally, A. angelicus no doubt extends further northwards and westwards than shown in our distribution maps ( Fig. 7A View Fig ), with the more limited distribution being an artifact of our more limited material from those areas.


The nesting biology of A. angelicus from Arizona is reported in Eickwort (1981), though the bees were identified from females and we have not had the opportunity to confirm the identification. Agapostemon angelicus is a ground-nester, polylectic, multivoltine, and solitary, though it may practice communal nesting ( Eickwort 1981).


Agapostemon angelicus occurs across western North America. For this study, we have confirmed specimens from: AZ, CO, IA, ID, KS, MN, MT, ND, NE, MO, NM, OK, SD, TX, UT, WY. The western and northern limits of this species remain uncertain to us. It has previously been documented as far west as California ( Roberts 1972) and Oregon ( Roberts 1973) and as far north as Saskatchewan, Canada ( Sheffield et al. 2014). Agapostemon angelicus is generally a common species.


USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences


Marc A. A. Pollet


USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology


USA, Minnesota, St. Paul, University of Minnesota


United Kingdom, London, Linnean Society


USA, Montana, Bozeman, Montana State University


Museum of Comparative Zoology


University of Minnesota Insect Collection


Department of Biologics Research


Montana State Entomology Collection














Agapostemon (Agapostemon) angelicus Cockerell, 1924

Portman, Zachary M., Arduser, Mike, Powley, Mary E. & Cariveau, Daniel P. 2024

Agapostemon angelicus angelicus

Michener C. D. 1951: 1125

Agapostemon angelicus

Portman Z. M. & Arduser M. & Lane I. G. & Cariveau D. P. 2022: 114
Moure J. S. & Hurd P. D. 1987: 188
Hurd P. D. 1979: 1953
Roberts R. B. 1972: 461
Fischer R. L. 1950: 78
Sandhouse G. A. 1936: 83
Cockerell T. D. A. 1927: 156

Agapostemon texanus

Vachal J. 1903: 94
Robertson C. 1897: 328
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