Scybalocanthon korasakiae Silva, 2011

Silva, Fernando A. B. & Valois, Marcely, 2019, A taxonomic revision of the genus Scybalocanthon Martínez, 1948 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Deltochilini), Zootaxa 4629 (3), pp. 301-341 : 324

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Scybalocanthon korasakiae Silva, 2011


Scybalocanthon korasakiae Silva, 2011 View in CoL

( Figs. 1M View FIGURE 1 , 4M View FIGURE 4 , 5L View FIGURE 5 , 6F View FIGURE 6 )

Scybalocanthon korasakiae Silva, 2011: 2 View in CoL , figs. 1–2 (original description); Vaz-de-Mello & Silva 2017: 144 View Cited Treatment , 145 (identification key and distribution).

Diagnosis. Specimens of S. korasakiae are readily distinguishable from all other species by the opaque body surface ( Fig. 1M View FIGURE 1 ); elytra fully dark brown or black; femora noticeably bicolored; ventral margin of parameres with an excavation on its basal one-half ( Fig. 4M View FIGURE 4 ); apex of parameres arrow shaped; endophallus with one set of bristles and dense microbristles right beside the FLP sclerite ( Fig. 5L View FIGURE 5 ); and additional sclerite ( AS) absent ( Fig. 5L View FIGURE 5 ).

Description. Body. Oval, lateral edges rounded. Surface opaque, completely microgranulate. Color. Head, anterior, and posterior edge of pronotum, elytra, prosternum, internal portion of hypomera, mesoventrite, mesoepisternae, procoxae, trochanters, tibiae, mesotarsomeres and metatarsomeres, and proximal and distal parts of femora black with green or blue reflection. Other parts of pronotum, pygidium, most of hypomera, metaventrite, metaepistenum, abdomen, most of mesocoxae and metacoxae, and femora (except the extremities) yellowish brown.

Length. 8.0–11.0 mm. Thorax. Anterior angles of pronotum acute (approximately 80°). Lateral margin irregularly curved outward, forming an obtuse angle at the middle portion. Elytra. Striae thin, punctures inconspicuous. Eighth stria with a thin carina at the anterior portion. Aedeagus. Parameres slightly asymmetrical, apex pointed ( Fig. 4M View FIGURE 4 ). Dorsal margin of parameres slightly curved inward from the basal to medial portions, and slightly curved outward at the apical portion. Ventral margin of parameres curved inward at the basal portion, and substraight from the medial to apical portions. SRP circular, with substraight handle-shaped extension ( Fig. 5L View FIGURE 5 ). FLP short, comma shaped, with a set of bristles and dense microbristles right beside it ( Fig. 5L View FIGURE 5 ). A+SA with two superposed and elongate sclerites ( Fig. 5L View FIGURE 5 ).

Type material. Scybalocanthon korasakiae Silva, 2011 . Holotype ♂ ( MZSP). BRAZIL: MINAS GERAIS, Lavras (21°16.615’S, 44°57.072’W), 950 m, 21.i.2011, C.M.Q. Costa & R. Maciel. GoogleMaps

Non-type material [ 4 males, 4 females]. BRAZIL: MINAS GERAIS, Conceição dos Ouros, Rio Sapucai (45°45’50”W, 22°25’22”S), 28.ii.1995, G.P. Almeida— 1♂ 1♀ ( CEMT); GoogleMaps Lavras (21°16.615’S, 44°57.072’W), 950 m, 21.i.2011, C.M.Q. Costa & R. Maciel— 1♂ ( CEMT); GoogleMaps Lavras, Mata do Capivari (44°16’57”W, 21°16’25”S), xii.2001, G. Schiffler— 1♀ ( CEMT); GoogleMaps Cordisburgo, Fazenda Pontinha, xii.1997, Vaz-de-Mello— 1♂ ( CEMT); Igara- pé (44°17’59”W, 20°04’16”S), 3.i.1995, W.W. Koller— 1♀ ( CEMT); Ribeirão Vermelho, 30.x.2003, Marcelo— 1♂ ( CEMT) GoogleMaps . SÃO PAULO: Campos do Jordão , x.2002, G.P. Almeida— 1♀ ( CEMT) .

Distribution. Known from Brazil (Minas Gerais and São Paulo) ( Fig. 6F View FIGURE 6 ). Endemism areas: Chacoan sub-region: Parana dominion: Cerrado and Parana Forest provinces (see Morrone 2014; fig. 12). This species is distributed in the areas of Atlantic forest in the continental slope of the Mantiqueira mountain range and other areas of the forest inside Cerrado dominion but related to the Atlantic Forest tributaries ( Vaz-de-Mello & Silva 2017).


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


















Scybalocanthon korasakiae Silva, 2011

Silva, Fernando A. B. & Valois, Marcely 2019

Scybalocanthon korasakiae

Vaz-de-Mello, F. Z. & Silva, F. A. B. 2017: 144
Silva, F. A. B. 2011: 2
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