Calvisia (Calvisia) khlongsokana, Bresseel & Constant & Jiaranaisakul & Hübner, 2022

Bresseel, Joachim, Constant, Jérôme, Jiaranaisakul, Kawin & Hübner, Christian, 2022, A new species of Calvisia (Calvisia) from Thailand and Myanmar and notes on C. (Calvisia) sangarius from Peninsular Malaysia (Phasmida, Lonchodidae, Necrosciinae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 133, pp. 1-23 : 5-16

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11589818

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Calvisia (Calvisia) khlongsokana

sp. nov.

Calvisia (Calvisia) khlongsokana View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 1–11 View Fig View Fig 2 View Fig 3 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig 10 View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet refers to Khlong Sok, the locality where the new species was first discovered.



THAILAND • ♂; Thailand, Surat Thani prov., Phanom District, Khlong Sok ; N 08°54.687’, E 098°31.956’; leg. C. HÜbner; ex breeding B. KneubÜhler; 2019 ( THNHM).


Paratypes (5 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀)

THAILAND • 5 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀; Same collection data as for holotype (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀: THNHM; 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀: RBINS) ; 1 ♀: Pang Nga Prov., Si Pang Nga N.P., 8°59’55.0”N 98°27’28” E, 35 m., 31.XII.2018, N. Pinkaew et S. Muadsab ( THNHM). GoogleMaps


MYANMAR • 1 ♀; S-Myanmar; Mergui District , Tenasserim ; leg. Lehmann; 25.VII.1996; coll. FH No. 0005-1 ( FH). GoogleMaps

Photographic record

THAILAND • 1 ♀ ( Fig. 8 G View Fig ); South Thailand , Ranong Province, Khlong Nakha Wildlife Sanctuary ; 25.VII.1996; A. Giudici.



The species keys out to the subgenus Calvisia (Calvisia) : it lacks the conical head, has no spots on the mesonotum, has no green to yellow base colour and has a red metanotal scutellum.

The species is most closely related to C. (Calvisia) sangarius ( Westwood, 1859) from Peninsular Malaysia. It can easily be differentiated based on colouration alone. Females of C. (Calvisia) khlongsokana sp. nov. have the thorax and head bright red and females of C. (Calvisia) sangarius have the thorax and head green to brown with red and yellow markings on pro and mesonotum; males of both species are predominantly light brown and have a green marking on the anterior margin of metanotum but C. (Calvisia) khlongsokana sp. nov. can be distinguished by the inner white margins of the tegmina.


Male ( Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig 2 View Fig 3 , 9 C View Fig )

Head: Yellowish brown, globose and smooth. Vertex convex. Eyes strongly projecting hemispherically. Antennae not reaching apex of abdomen. Scapus and pedicellus coloured as head; scapus slightly flattened dorso-ventrally, inner margin slightly rounded, outer margin straight; pedicellus cylindrical, slightly shorter than scapus. Antennomeres filiform, scarcely setose, reaching about halfway abdomen.

Thorax: Pronotum predominantly yellowish brown, shorter than head with anterior edge red and concave. Prozona with transverse sulcus behind anterior margin; shorter and slightly raised compared to the metazona; anterolateral margins semi-circularly incised where the openings of the prothoracic defence glands are positioned. Main sulcus with diamond-shaped excavation medially. Metazona slightly wider than prozona, with lateral and posterior margins rounded; posterior margin red. Episterna almost semicircular with outer margin thickened. Mesonotum yellowish brown with green transverse marking on anterior margin, followed by a transverse carina; granulation more distinct towards lateral margins; about as long as head and pronotum combined and widening towards the posterior;medially with a pair of raised humps. Mesosternum with anterior margin concave; slightly granulose and with indistinct mediolongitudinal line.

Legs: Slightly setose and slender. Femora predominantly light brown with posterior portion with a reddish hue and some indistinct black markings laterally; tibiae coloured as femora but without reddish hue. Femora and tibiae with indistinct carinae; profemora very slightly curved basally, only slightly longer than metafemora; mesofemora about as long as pro- and mesonotum combined; metafemora not reaching posterior margin of tergum IV. Tibiae more slender than corresponding femora; pro- and mesotibiae shorter than corresponding femora; metatibiae about as long as mesofemora. Basitarsi distinctly longer than following tarsomeres. Tarsomeres with a triangular blunt tooth posteromedially. Claws small but acute.

Wings: Tegmina small, predominantly light brown with pale venation and bluish spots, interior margin distinctly paler and slightly rounded. A small but definite hump present antero-laterally. Alae well developed, costal area coloured as tegmina, but lacking pale colouration on inner margin; anal area infuscate. Alae projecting halfway along tergum VII.

Abdomen: Yellowish with pale brown and grey markings. Median segment well developed, about 1.5x as long as metanotum, rounded anteriorly, widening towards the posterior. Terga II–VIII cylindrical and smooth; terga II–VI more or less of the same length; tergum VII shorter, about two thirds the length of VI; VIII shorter than VII, distinctly trapezoidal and widening towards the posterior; tergum IX about the same length as VIII, with posterior margin slightly concave and posterolateral margins curved under anal segment. Anal segment shorter than tergum IX, somewhat raised posteromedially with posterior margin rounded. Abdominal sterna smooth. Sternum IX transversally divided into an anterior sternite and a posterior sternite; anterior sternite bulgy with posterior margin broadly rounded; posterior sternite (poculum) directed obliQuely upwards and tapering towards apex, not reaching posterior margin of anal segment. Vomer well developed, visible as an elongated triangular spine. Cerci dark, short, broad and incurving, with basal half slightly tapering and posterior half parallel-sided; apex broadly rounded.

Female ( Figs 4–8 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig , 9 D–F View Fig )

Head: Bright red with brown eyes and a lighter red oval marking between eyes; globose and smooth. Vertex rounded. Eyes strongly projecting hemispherically. Antennae not reaching apex of abdomen. Scapus and pedicellus brown; scapus slightly flattened dorso-ventrally, pedicellus cylindrical, slightly shorter than scapus. Antennomeres filiform, scarcely setose and predominantly black.

Thorax: Pro- and mesothorax coloured as head; metathorax yellow. Pronotum smooth, shorter than head with anterior edge slightly raised and concave; anterolateral margins semi-circularly incised where the openings of the prothoracic defence glands are positioned. Openings of prothoracic defense glands readily visible. Prozona distinctly shorter than metazona and with distinct transverse groove behind anterior margin; posterior margin rounded and minutely incised medially. Metazona with anterior margin concave, posterior margin convex and lateral margins rounded; anteromedially incised, incision followed by a median line not reaching posterior margin. Mesonotum with few granules dorsally; lateral margins with more granules; anterior margin concave followed by subanterior transverse thickened ridge reaching lateral margins. Raised portion of mesonotum starting behind transverse ridge, at about 1/5 down the mesonotum with a pair of distinct humps anteriorly; posterior margin somewhat tectiform with faint transverse black line marginally and a scale-like hump medially.

Legs: Indistinctly setose, unarmed and slender. Femora bright red; tibiae and tarsi yellowish dorsally and blackish ventrally. Profemora only slightly flattened laterally and incurved basally. All carinae of femora and tibiae indistinct. Claws small but acute.

Wings: Tegmina subQuadrate with interior margin white and rounded, only slightly overlapping at rest; anterolaterally with a blunt hump. Alae well developed; costal area coloured as tegmina; anal area infuscate. Alae not reaching apex of abdomen. Ground colour of tegmina and of costal area of hind wing coming in two morphs; one morph with ground colour a striking sky blue; other morph with ground colour pale yellowish; both morphs with dark spots on tegmina and on costal region of alae.

Abdomen: Completely yellow. Median segment well developed, rounded anteriorly, widening towards the posterior and about as long as tergum II. Terga II–VIII smooth; II to IV slightly increasing in length; IV to VI about eQual in length; VII to IX gradually decreasing in length; IX with posteromedian hump. Anal segment about as long as tergum IX and strongly sloping downward; rounded in lateral view. Apical portion strongly flattened dorsoventrally with short mediolongitudinal ridge; posterior margin rounded in dorsal view. Subgenital plate somewhat setose, slightly compressed laterally and keeled; apex notched, not reaching apex of abdomen. Cerci setose, slightly flattened laterally and incurving.

Egg ( Fig. 10 View Fig 10 )

Capsule and operculum irregularly covered with small pits. Dorsal and dorsolateral portions of capsule and operculum predominantly light brown; lateroventral portions of capsule whitish. Capsule more or less rectangular with anterior portion slightly constricted; two distinct short, obliQue black markings with white centre dorsally, markings starting near posterolateral margins of operculum. Anterior margin of capsule with outer rim elongated and laterally flattened, covering polar area of adjacent egg up to micropylar cup. Polar area rounded, black centrally with pale outer rim. Ventral portions of capsule flattened and glued to surface. Operculum displaced towards dorsal part of capsule, oval and slightly darker brown posteriorly. Micropylar plate small and more or less lozenge-shaped; paler than capsule with narrow whitish outline; medially with longitudinal carina extending over nearly the complete plate.

Nymph ( Fig. 9 View Fig )

Newly hatched nymphs ( Fig. 9 A–B View Fig ) with body, legs and antennae slightly setose. Head smooth, yellow green with a postocular black round spot near occiput. Body and legs completely yellow green. Antennae grey.

Older nymphs ( Fig. 9 C–F View Fig ) light brown to grey brown with black markings, sometimes with a greenish hue. Adult colouration in females can be observed in subadult stage before final moult, though being distinctly duller ( Fig. 9 E–F View Fig ).


Myanmar: Mergui District; Thailand: currently known from Khlong Sok Subdistirict, Khlong Nakha W.S. and Si Pang Nga N.P. ( Fig. 11 View Fig ).


The specimens were found during night-time, sitting on leaves of small trees at about 1 m from the ground, in tropical lowland rainforest ( Fig. 8 View Fig ). Male and female can fly away Quickly. Eggs are laid glued in chains onto different surfaces by their ventral side in a continuous row, attached to each other by the anterior and polar ends ( Fig. 10 View Fig 10 ).


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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