Orthophana (Orthophana) maichiae, Constant & Pham, 2016

Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai, 2016, Two new Nogodinidae from Vietnam in the genera Orthophana Melichar, 1923 and Goniopsarites Meng, Wang & Wang, 2014 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Nogodinidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 40, pp. 1-16 : 1-16

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13272801

publication LSID


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scientific name

Orthophana (Orthophana) maichiae

sp. nov.

Orthophana (Orthophana) maichiae View in CoL sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:85B28F4C-4058-4B11-817C-899440860665 Figs 1-2 View Fig 1 View Fig , 6. View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species is named after Maichi, the daughter of Prof. Nguyen Trung Minh, director of VNMN.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ (dissected, right hind wing mounted): Vietnam: [Coll. V.N. M.N., Vietnam, Hue prov. , Bach Ma National Park, 16°12’N 107°52’E, 8.VI.2002, 1300 m, Leg. H. T. Pham] ( VNMN). GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS. The species is easily separated from (1) O. (Eupharos) tamdaoina by the apical spinose process of the tegmina (absent in tamdaoina ) and by veins Sc and R of tegmina running separately from the basal cell (fused basally in tamdaoina ), from (2) O. (Orthophana) spinata by the more elongate tegmina, posterior wings and head, from (3) O. (Orthophana) bidoupensis by its yellow-brown colour (probably green in fresh specimens) (brown in bidoupensis ) and more elongate tegmina, posterior wings and head.


Measurements and ratios (♂; n = 1): LT = 15.0 mm; LTg/BTg = 2.30; LV/BV = 1.47; LF/BF = 1.16.

Head: yellow-brown. Frons and vertex deeply concave, not separated by a carina, elongate with lateral margins carinate ( Fig. 1 View Fig 1 A-C). Head elongate, roundly projecting anteriorly in lateral view with antero-ventral angle; genae before eye as long as breadth of eye ( Fig. 1 A View Fig 1 ). Posterior margin of vertex concave and slightly carinate ( Fig. 1 C View Fig 1 ). Lateral carinae of frons slightly projecting laterally then curved internally in obtuse angle before clypeus ( Fig. 1 B View Fig 1 ). Fronto-clypeal suture transverse, deeply grooved ( Fig. 1 B View Fig 1 ). Clypeus strongly convex, not carinate, much longer than broad ( Fig. 1 B View Fig 1 ). Scape ring-shaped; pedicel subcylindrical, about 1.5 times longer than broad ( Fig. 1 B View Fig 1 ).

Thorax: pronotum yellow-brown, smooth with anterior margin strongly curved and posterior margin straight ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig 1 ). Paradiscal fields of pronotum wide behind eyes ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig 1 ). Paranotal lobes of pronotum elongate and broad, without carina ( Fig. 1 A View Fig 1 ). Mesonotum yellow-brown with slight median groove; lateral carinae rather straight ( Fig. 1 C View Fig 1 ).

Tegmina: crescent-shaped without hypocostal plate, yellow brown with some minute yellow spots. Costal margin broadly rounded on basal half, obliquely straight nearly to apex and rounded subapically in lateral view ( Fig. 1 A View Fig 1 ); sutural margin straight on basal ¾, obliquely elevated on apical ¼ ( Fig. 1 A View Fig 1 ). Apex with tooth-shaped spine formed by fusion of veins CuA 1+2 and MP 1+2 ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig 1 ). Costal area broad ( Fig. 1 A View Fig 1 ). Clavus slightly surpassing 2/3 of tegmen length, closed ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig 1 ).

Venation: ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig 1 ) C visible to slightly further than half of tegmen length, densely furcate; ScP and R running separately from basal cell, simple, subparallel; MP furcate at basal third into MP 1+2 and MP 3+4 not subdivised latter, running in parallel; CuA furcate after half of tegmen; CuA 2 fused with costal margin after clavus and merging with CuA 1 before apex; PCu and A 1 fused at half of clavus.

Hind wings: ( Fig. 1 D View Fig 1 ) pale yellow, slightly infuscate medially. Well developed, bilobed apically. Costal margin concave with coupling lobe at middle. Veins slightly darker; veins black on apical half of anal area.

Venation ( Fig. 1 D View Fig 1 ): ScR forked at wing coupling apparatus level; RA and RP single; MP forked in single M 1+2 and M 3+4; CuA single almost straight; CuP single, anterobasally concave then subparallel to CuA; Pcu probably single, A 1 and A 2 bifurcate after middle line.

Legs: ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig 1 ) elongate and slender. All tibiae with strong longitudinal carinae. Metatibiae with one anteapical lateral spine and 8-9 apical spines. Metatarsomeres with long setae ventrally; first and second with 2 strong lateral spines, first longer than second and with 10 small ventral spines arranged in arc ventrally. Metatibiotarsal formula: 1+8-9/10/0.

Genitalia ♂: pygofer higher than long in lateral view, with anterior and posterior margins sinuate; posterodorsal angle rounded ( Fig. 2 A View Fig ). Anal tube elongate, lanceolate with apical margin truncate in dorsal view ( Fig. 2 B View Fig ); 2.5 times longer than broad with maximum breadth at basal 1/ 3 in dorsal view ( Fig. 2 B View Fig ); dorsoventrally flattened on apical 1/3 after anal opening; lateral margins strongly produced ventrally into broadly rounded lobe ( Fig. 2 A View Fig ). Gonostyli ( Fig. 2 A View Fig ) elongate and rather narrow in lateral view, rounded apically and with strong process before apex projecting dorso-internally on dorsal margin; ventral margin slightly excavate after middle; dorsal process slightly twisted internally. Aedeagus strongly curved in lateral view, with a series of simple, elongate, apically pointed and narrow processes directed posterodorsally ( Fig. 2 C View Fig ). Periandrium deeply notched posteriorly ( Fig. 2 D View Fig ), forming a pair of dorsoventrally depressed processes ( Fig. 2 View Fig C-D); shorter pair of laterodorsal processes with basal laminate process directed dorsoanteriorly and with apical margin truncate ( Fig. 2 C View Fig ). Phallus membranous medially and with pair of sclerified processes between processes of periandrium ( Fig. 2 View Fig C-D).

BIOLOGY. The holotype was collected in moist evergreen mountain forest (1300 m asl.). DISTRIBUTION. Currently recorded from a single place in Central Vietnam ( Fig. 6 View Fig ) .


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Vietnam National Museum of Nature













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