Goniopsarites tonkinensis, Constant & Pham, 2016

Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai, 2016, Two new Nogodinidae from Vietnam in the genera Orthophana Melichar, 1923 and Goniopsarites Meng, Wang & Wang, 2014 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Nogodinidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 40, pp. 1-16 : 1-16

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13272801

publication LSID


persistent identifier


taxon LSID


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scientific name

Goniopsarites tonkinensis

sp. nov.

Goniopsarites tonkinensis View in CoL sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:61DCE0D6-61A0-482D-84E8-1978148B2CB0 Figs 3-6. View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ (dissected, right hind wing mounted): Vietnam: [Coll. I. R. Sc.N.B., Vietnam, BacKan pr., BaBe N.P., 22°24’19”N 105°36’55”E, 2-7.VII.2015 day collecting, Leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 33.092]. GoogleMaps

Paratypes (2♂, 3♀): 3♀: same data as holotype ( RBINS; 1♀: VNMN) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ (dissected): [Coll. I. R. Sc.N.B., Vietnam, Vinh Phuc pr., MeLinh B.S., 21°23’38”N 105°42’56”E, 30.VI- 1.VII.2015 day collecting, Leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 33.092] ( VNMN) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ (dissected): [Coll. I. R. Sc.N.B., Vietnam, Cuc Phuong N.P., 20°19’00”N 105°36’30”E, 19- 23.VII.2011 Malaise trap, Leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 31.933] ( RBINS) GoogleMaps .

DIAGNOSIS. The species is very close externally to G. fronticonvexus Meng, Wang & Wang, 2014 and must be separated from the latter by the study of male genitalia. It can be separated from the latter by the anal tube more strongly curved and broader apically in lateral view, and with lateral margins more strongly sinuate and narrowing basally in dorsal view; the apex of the phallus more elongate and curved ventrally at apex (not curved and roundly truncate apically in G. fronticonvexus ); lateral processes of aedeagus strongly sinuate (regularly curved in G. fronticonvexus ), and especially the pair of posterior spinose processes of periandrium (absent in G. fronticonvexus ).


Measurements and ratios: LT (n = 3): 12.0 mm (11.0–13.4); LTg/BTg = 2.05; BV/LV = 9.0; LF/BF = 1.31.

Head: black-brown with yellow markings along carinae of frons and on lateral carinae of vertex; genae largely variegated yellow-brown; clypeus yellowish, black on sides near apex and with brown oblique lines on each side ( Fig. 3 A–F View Fig ). Vertex concave with lateral margins carinate and with anterior and posterior margins concave in dorsal view and slightly carinate ( Fig. 3 View Fig A-C, E-F). Frons elongate, broader dorsally, concave with median carina on middle of disc and with a strong projection on ventral half marked by 2 oblique carinae joining at summit of projection and further extending on clypeus; projection forming an obtuse angle in lateral view; lateral margins of frons carinate ( Fig. 3 View Fig C-F). Fronto-clypeal suture grooved and rounded ventrally ( Fig. 3 View Fig C-E). Clypeus elongate, narrower and shorter than frons, and showing a strong median carina, nearly laminate ( Fig. 3 View Fig D-F); roundly convex in lateral view ( Fig. 3 C View Fig ). Labium elongate and narrow, yellow-brown, slightly surpassing posterior coxae ( Fig. 3 D View Fig ). Scape ring-shaped; pedicel subglobose ( Fig. 3 View Fig B-C, E-F).

Thorax: pronotum variegated yellow-brown with median carina slightly marked ( Fig. 3 A View Fig ); lateral fields of prothorax broadening ventrally and rounded apically ( Fig. 3 View Fig B-C). Mesonotum ( Fig. 3 A View Fig ) dark brown with yellowish markings on sides and yellowish spot on scutellum; median carina obsolete; lateral carinae uniting anteriorly in a rounded carina parallel to posterior margin of pronotum. Tegulae brown ( Fig. 3 View Fig B-C).

Tegmina: elongate with costal margin broadly rounded on proximal half and strongly sinuate on posterior half ( Fig. 3 B View Fig ); pale brown with large irregular black marking on basal half, not extending on clavus; large pale yellowish marking along costal margin at mid-length; costal area narrow with small pale yellowish spots; clavus with darker markings on posterior half ( Fig. 3 View Fig A-B). Hypocostal plate narrow, visible on proximal third ( Fig. 3 D View Fig ). Posterior margin obliquely rounded ( Fig. 3 B View Fig ); clavus closed, extending to posterosutural angle ( Fig. 3 View Fig A-B). Veins reddish, black in black zones ( Fig. 3 View Fig A-B).

Hind wings: ( Fig. 3 G View Fig ) brown with blackish markings and large basal yellow-brown area. Well developed with posterior margin trilobed. Costal margin sinuate with coupling apparatus at 2/3 of length.

Venation ( Fig. 3 G View Fig ): ScR forked at wing coupling apparatus level; Sc and RA single, RP with 4 terminals; MP forked distally in single M 1+2 and M 3+4; CuA forking in CuA1 with 3 terminals and CuA2 forking very distally in two terminals; CuP single, almost straight merging at the wing margin with PCu anterobasally strongly concave; A 1 forked before middle line, A 2 forked in its last third.

Legs: ( Fig. 3 View Fig A-B, D-E) profemora black-brown with narrow pale yellow rings; mesofemora pale yellow with brown rings; pro- and mesotibiae elongate and slender, with 6 rings alternatively pale yellow and brown, basal one brown, apical one yellow; metafemora yellow with brown markings; metatibiae rather short, broadening towards apex, pale yellow, infuscate basally, with 2 strong lateral spines near apex. Tarsi brown, darker apically. Metatibiotarsal formula: 2+10/7/0.

Genitalia ♂: pygofer higher than long in lateral view, with anterior and posterior margins sinuate; posterodorsal angle vertically laminate and rounded ( Fig. 4 A View Fig ). Anal tube elongate, with lateral margins strongly bisinuate in dorsal view; 2.15 times longer than broad with maximum breadth near apex in dorsal view ( Fig. 4 B View Fig ); dorsoventrally flattened on basal half; strongly curved ventrally at level of anal opening with lateral margins strongly produced ventrally into broad lobe; lobes subrectangular in lateral view ( Fig. 4 A View Fig ). Gonostyli ( Fig. 4 A View Fig ) elongate in lateral view, rounded apically and with strong process projecting dorso-internally on dorsal margin, before apex; ventral margin slightly sinuate and posterior margin sinuate in lateral view; dorsal process slightly twisted internally, ended in a smooth pointed hook directed postrointernally. Aedeagus strongly curved in lateral view, with a pair of lateral, elongate, strongly sinuate processes directed anteriorly, attached posteriorly at 2/3 of length ( Fig. 4 C View Fig ). Periandrium posteriorly with a pair of narrowly pointed processes directed dorsoexternally ( Fig. 4 View Fig C-D). Phallus membranous, large, with pair of curved, sclerified processes directed dorsoanteriorly before apex; strongly, angularly projecting posterodorsally; apex narrowing, directed anteriorly and curved ventrally ( Fig. 4 C View Fig ).

NYMPH. See Fig. 5 F. View Fig

BIOLOGY. The specimens were collected in low altitude tropical rainforests (less than 300 m asl.). Specimens in Ba Be National Park were observed sitting on branches or trunks holding their tegmina laterally compressed, while they opened their tegmina and flattened their body when sitting on leaves ( Fig. 5 E View Fig ).

DISTRIBUTION. Recorded from three locations extending from southern to northern parts of North Vietnam ( Fig. 6 View Fig ).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Vietnam National Museum of Nature













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