
Myers, A. A. & Lowry, J. K., 2020, A phylogeny and classification of the Talitroidea (Amphipoda, Senticaudata) based on interpretation of morphological synapomorphies and homoplasies, Zootaxa 4778 (2), pp. 281-310 : 298-299

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4778.2.3

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Uhlorchestiidae View in CoL fam. nov.

Type genus. Uhlorchestia Bousfield, 1984 .

Included genera (1). Uhlorchestia Bousfield, 1984 .

Category. Mascupod.

Ecological type. Marsh-hoppers.

Diagnostic description. Antenna 1 short, not reaching midpoint of peduncular article 5 of antenna 2. Maxilliped palp article 2 without distomedial lobe; article 4 reduced, button-shaped. Gnathopod 1 posterior margin of merus, carpus and propodus each with palmate lobes; propodus ‘subtriangular’ with well-developed posterodistal lobe. Gnathopod 2 subchelate. Pereopods 3–7 simplidactylate. Pereopod 4 dactylus basidactylate. Pereopod 5 dactylus not inflated. Pereopod 6 subequal in length to pereopod 7. Epimera 1–3 slits absent. Uropods 1–2 rami without

apical spear-shaped setae. Uropod 1 male exopod not sexually dimorphic; exopod with marginal robust setae in one row. Uropod 3 ramus subequal in length or shorter than peduncle. Telson with apical and marginal robust setae, with 3–6 robust setae per lobe.

Remarks. A well-defined monotypic family.

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