Scymnus (Pullus) zuritai Nestor-Arriola and Niño-Maldonado, 2022

Nestor-Arriola, Jorge I., Clark, Shawn M. & Niño-Maldonado, Santiago, 2022, Taxonomic and Distributional Notes on the Genus Scymnus Kugelann, 1794 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Mexico, The Coleopterists Bulletin 76 (3), pp. 299-328 : 312-316

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-76.3.299

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scientific name

Scymnus (Pullus) zuritai Nestor-Arriola and Niño-Maldonado


Scymnus (Pullus) trulla Gordon, 2000 Figs. 4 View Figs , 37–39 View Figs

Scymnus (Pullus) trulla Gordon 2000: 77 .

Diagnosis: Length 1.6 mm; width 1.1 mm. Dorsal and ventral color reddish brown ( Fig. 4 View Figs ). Males with first ventrite unmodified; fifth ventrite straight; sixth ventrite emarginate. Male genitalia with penis guide wide, expanded laterally, with narrowed apex; parameres short, wide ( Figs. 37, 38 View Figs ).

Material Examined: One specimen. TABASCO: (1♂) Tacotalpa ( FIC) .

Distribution: South America ( Gordon 2000). New record for Mexico.

Scymnus (Pullus) zuritai Nestor-Arriola and Niño-Maldonado , new species Figs. 40–47 View Figs View Figs

Diagnosis: Dorsal color black, except head and anterolateral angles of pronotum reddish brown, and elytra with narrow orange line at apex; ventral color black, except legs, mouthparts and antennae orange, and ventrites 3–6 reddish brown. Males with fifth ventrite straight; sixth ventrite depressed, with notch. Male genitalia without lateral alae, but with sinuous, membranous process at each side of penis guide.

Description: Holotype, Male: Length 2.0 mm; width 1.6 mm; body oval-rounded, dorsally convex. Dorsal color largely black; head reddish brown; pronotum with anterolateral angles and lateral margins reddish brown; elytra with narrow orange line at apex ( Fig. 40 View Figs ). Ventral color largely black; mouthparts, antennae and legs orange; ventrites 3–6 reddish brown. Head punctures large, each larger than ocular facet; interpunctural distance equal to or less than diameter of puncture. Pronotal punctures as large as head punctures, separated by distance equal to diameter of puncture. Elytral punctures larger than pronotal punctures, separated by distance equal to or less than diameter of elytral puncture. Metaventral punctures larger than elytral punctures, separated by less than diameter of metaventral puncture. Abdominal punctures as large as head punctures, separated by less than diameter of abdominal puncture. Dorsal surface with whitish gray, semi-prostrate pubescence, arranged in “S” shape, with each seta almost as long as scutellar shield. Prosternal intercoxal carinae reaching anterior margin of prosternum, convergent. Postcoxal line of first ventrite rounded, not reaching posterior margin of ventrite, with apex almost reaching anterior margin of ventrite; coxal depression with punctures. Fifth ventrite with truncate apex, slightly concave. Sixth ventrite depressed, with notch at apex ( Fig. 41 View Figs ). Male genitalia with penis guide slightly longer than

35) Tegmen, ventral view; 36) Penis. S. trulla : 37) Tegmen, lateral view; 38) Tegmen, ventral view; 39) Penis.

43) Tegmen, ventral view; 44) Penis. Scale bar for 40–41: 2.0 mm; for 42–44: 1.0 mm.

parameres, without lateral alae; ventral process wide at base, narrowed at apical fourth, acute at apex; dorsal process undifferentiated from ventral process; penis guide with pairs of sinuous membrane processes, one pair at penultimate fifth, forming acute, semi-translucent projections, second pair extending from basal two-fifths to penultimate fifth, forming semi-translucent, sinuate projections, wrapping penis guide and first pair of membranes, third pair extending from base of penis guide to three-fifths length of penis guide, forming semi-translucent, sinuate projection, wrapping penis guide and second membranous projection ( Figs. 43 View Figs , 46 View Figs ); parameres long, acute at apex ( Figs. 42 View Figs , 45 View Figs ); penis long, narrow, curved at basal half, sinuous in apical half, with microdentate segment and

46) Tegmen, ventral view; 47) Penis. S. brullei : 48) Tegmen, lateral view; 49) Tegmen, ventral view; 50) Penis.

membranous projection near apical third, with trifurcate apex small ( Figs. 44 View Figs , 47 View Figs ).

Female: Unknown.

Variation: Length 1.9 to 2.0 mm; width 1.5 to 1.6 mm. The coloration of legs, head, mouthparts and antennae varies from the reddish brown to yellow. In some specimens, almost all the abdomen is reddish brown.

Holotype: TAMAULIPAS: “ Reserva de la Biosfera “El Cielo”, selva, 200 msnm, 29-I-1998, col. S. NiÑo Maldonado, det. J. I. Nestor-Arriola 2020” ( FIC) (1♂).

Paratypes: CHIAPAS: “Palenque, selva alta, 4-abril-97, S. NiÑo, A. Hdz y C. Covarrubias, det. J. I. Nestor-Arriola 2020” ( FIC) (1♂) . HIDALGO: “Mpio. Huazalingo, Chiatipan, pert. Sole. Cuadrante 3, muestra 4, 2 de mayo del 2010, col. I. Hernández y L. Ramírez, det. J. I. Nestor-Arriola 2020” ( FIC) (1♂) ; “Mpio. Huazalingo, Zoquicualoya, pert. Sole. Cuadrante 5, muestra 1, 10 de marzo de 2010, col. I. Hernández y L. Ramírez, det. J. I. Nestor-Arriola 2020” ( FIC) (1♂) .

Etymology: This species is named in remembrance of Martín Leonel Zurita García, specialist on Elateridae ( Coleoptera ), from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (1979–2020).

Biology: This species has been collected in high perennial forest.

Discussion: This species is externally very similar to other species of Scymnus , and the male genitalia are needed for correct identification. The male genitalia are similar to those of Scymnus (P.) kraussi Gordon , Scymnus (P.) puncticollis LeConte and Scymnus (P.) semiruber Horn ; however, S. zuritai lacks the lateral alae on the penis guide, which are present in S. kraussi and S. puncticollis , and the penis is slenderer than that of S. semiruber .














Scymnus (Pullus) zuritai Nestor-Arriola and Niño-Maldonado

Nestor-Arriola, Jorge I., Clark, Shawn M. & Niño-Maldonado, Santiago 2022

Scymnus (Pullus) trulla

Gordon, R. D. 2000: 77
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