Bertiella (Sacc.) Sacc

Tennakoon, Danushka S., Thambugala, Kasun M., de Silva, Nimali I., Song, Hai-Yan, Suwannarach, Nakarin, Chen, Fu-Sheng & Hu, Dian-Ming, 2024, An overview of Melanommataceae (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes): Current insight into the host associations and geographical distribution with some interesting novel additions from plant litter, MycoKeys 106, pp. 43-96 : 43-96

publication ID 10.3897/mycokeys.106.125044


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MycoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Bertiella (Sacc.) Sacc


Bertiella (Sacc.) Sacc View in CoL View at ENA


Bertiella was established by Saccardo and Sydow (1899) to include B. macrospora as the type species. The species have superficial ascomata, cylindrical-clavate asci and hyaline, 1 - septate (when immature) and pale brown, 3 - septate (when mature) ascospores ( Tian et al. 2015; Hongsanan et al. 2020). To the present time, there are six Bertiella species in Species Fungorum (2024). Of them, molecular data are available only for three species. Bertiella species have been reported from six different plant families, Cyrillaceae , Fagaceae , Lauraceae , Moraceae , Salicaceae and Ulmaceae (Fig. 10 View Figure 10 ).