Chroesthes faizaltahiriana Siti-Munirah, 2021
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PhytoKeys by Pensoft (2021-03-13 14:52:42, last updated 2024-11-28 14:39:22) |
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Chroesthes faizaltahiriana Siti-Munirah |
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sp. nov. |
Chroesthes faizaltahiriana Siti-Munirah sp. nov. Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3
Chroesthes faizaltahiriana most closely resembles C. longifolia ; however, it differs in its inflorescence type, the presence of a terminal raceme not branching (vs. terminal raceme branching) and posterior lobe size ratio 1:4 (vs. 1:2) and corolla length 4.5-5.5 cm (vs. 2-3 cm) and in the corolla tube and lobes being entirely bright yellow to dark orange (vs. entirely dark purple, purplish-red or occasionally white externally) and other significant characters (see Table 1 View Table 1 ).
Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia: Kelantan, Gua Musang Distr. , Berangkat FR , ca. 822 m alt., 26 Feb 2020, Siti-Munirah, FRI 91215 View Materials (holotype KEP!, barcode KEP 280001 About KEP ) .
Shrubs 0.7-1 m high. Stems terete, erect, not branched, surface glabrous, diameter ca. 2 mm, swollen at nodes. Leaves opposite; petiole 0.2-1 cm long; straight or twisted (makes the leaf arrangement look decussate); leaf blades elliptic, lanceolate to oblanceolate, 4.5-19 × 1.5-5.5 cm, both surfaces glabrous, lateral veins ca. 8-10 on each side of mid-vein, base attenuate to cuneate, margin entire, apex acute to acuminate. Inflorescence a terminal raceme (unbranched), up to 13 cm long; flowers secund (one bract at each node being sterile, the other bracts subtending each flower), ca. 10-flowered; glandular-pubescent on most parts; peduncles ca. 1 cm; bracts narrowly lanceolate, 20-30 × 2-5 mm, apex acute, glandular-pubescent, conspicuously 1-nerved; bracteoles narrowly lanceolate, 10-15 × 1-2 mm; pedicel short, ca. 1-2 mm long. Calyx 2-3 cm long, posterior lobe lanceolate, 30 × 7 mm, 3-5-nerved, apex acuminate; two anterior lobes, elliptic-lanceolate, 22 × 2-2.5 mm, 1-nerved, apex acuminate; two lateral lobes, linear-lanceolate, 20 × 1 mm, 1-nerved; all glandular-pubescent on both sides; all greenish. Corolla bilabiate, orange-yellow, ca. 4.5-5.5 cm long; outer surface pale yellow, glandular-pubescent; inner surface bright orange-yellow to orange with dark orange spots (or stripes), glabrous; tube with cylindrical basal portion ca. 2 cm long, expanded throat ca. 1.5 cm long; upper lip shortly two-lobed (8-9 mm long), lower lip deeply three-lobed (8-10 mm long). Stamens 4, didynamous, included in the throat, inserted at the base of the inflated part of the corolla, longer pair with filaments ca. 1.5 cm long, shorter pair with filaments ca. 1.2 cm long, all filaments with sparse glandular trichomes on the surface; anther thecae ca. 1-2 mm long, basal spur pointed, surface cover with simple trichomes. Pistil whitish-green; ovary ovoid, 1.5-2 mm long, apex pubescent; style ca. 3.2 cm long, pilose below, glabrous above; stigma subcapitate, minutely bilobed. Fruit not known.
Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia, Kelantan. Currently known only from the type collection from Berangkat FR, 5°07'55.5"N, 101°55'28.5"E (Map 1 View Map 1 ) GoogleMaps .
Chroesthes faizaltahiriana is found in upper hill dipterocarp forests under shade at 822 m elevation. It was found flowering in February in patches of unlogged forest beside a logging road (Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ).
Chroesthes faizaltahiriana is dedicated to Mohd Faizal Mat Tahir (known as Faizal Tahir), the husband of Siti-Munirah for his strong support in many ways towards the author’s botanical work.
Conservation status.
Critically Endangered B 2 ab(ii,iii). Following the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ( IUCN 2019), this species is assessed as critically endangered because it is only known from one locality and AOO is less than 10 km 2. Furthermore, about eight individuals were observed (all at the flowering stage). The collection locality is within the forest reserve, in an area of disturbed forest near a logging road at an elevation of 822 m. The status of the population is uncertain because the active selective logging activity within the forest reserve is ongoing. It is certainly not within a Totally Protected Area. During the 3-day visit to Berangkat FR, no other populations of C. faizaltahiriana were found. A further survey is needed to obtain more information that could estimate and determine the population size of this species.
Based on the general morphology of this plant, C. faizaltahiriana is close to C. longifolia , which was previously the only known species of Chroesthes in Peninsular Malaysia. However, a detailed comparison has shown that its inflorescence type is entirely different (Fig. 5 View Figure 5 , Table 1 View Table 1 ). Additionally, its phytogeography is also different when compared to C. faizaltahiriana , which is endemic to Gunung Berangkat (Kelantan) in upper hill dipterocarp forest (822 m a.s.l.), while C. longifolia is a widely distributed species inhabiting lowland dipterocarp forest. Based on herbarium specimen collections of C. longifolia at Kepong Herbarium ( KEP) and the Singapore Herbarium ( SING), it has been recorded in Kedah, Perak, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor. C. faizaltahiriana is a distinctive species amongst Chroesthes due to its flower colour. It is the only Chroesthes species with bright orange flowers internally. The flowers of C. longifolia are entirely dark purple to deep purplish-red (occasionally white externally), while the flowers of C. lanceolata are white, spotted pink to purple and those of C. bracteata are reported as pale pink, spotted with red.
MY |
Universidad Central de Venezuela |
FR |
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum |
Food Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia |
Forest Research Institute Malaysia |
B |
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet |
A |
Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum |
Singapore Botanic Gardens |
TL |
Université Paul Sabatier |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.