Malpighioideae Burnett

de Almeida, Rafael F., de Morais, Isa L., Alves-Silva, Thais, Antonio-Domingues, Higor & Pellegrini, Marco O. O., 2024, A new classification system and taxonomic synopsis for Malpighiaceae (Malpighiales, Rosids) based on molecular phylogenetics, morphology, palynology, and chemistry, PhytoKeys 242, pp. 69-138 : 69-138

publication ID 10.3897/phytokeys.242.117469


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scientific name

Malpighioideae Burnett


2. Malpighioideae Burnett View in CoL , Outlines Bot.: 894, 1093, 1126. 1835, emend. nov. R. F. Almeida.

Type genus.

Malpighia L.


Posterior petal glandular, 2–10 fertile stamens, pollen 3–12 - aperturate, zono- to pantoaperturate, porate or colporate, styles capitate, uncinate, truncate, expanded or rarely subulate, stigmas usually lateral, nuts or mericarps, frequently winged or setose, rarely smooth, chromosome number n = 9–10, presence of dithiols, furanoid lignans, organic phosphoric acids and derivatives, and propargyl-type 1, 3 - dipolar organic compounds.


Aside from subfamily Byrsonimoideae , all previously proposed subfamilies are recovered nested within Malpighioideae , making it non-monophyletic. Furthermore, most of these subfamilies are non-monophyletic on their own since they were traditionally circumscribed based on fruit morphology (especially dry vs. fleshy) and the presence or absence of mericarp wings. Therefore, in our current circumscription, subfamily Malpighioideae comprises nine main lineages of mostly Neotropical genera of Malpighiaceae (including Burdachia , Glandonia , and Mcvaughia , which were previously placed by Anderson 1977 in Byrsonimoideae ). In its new circumscription, Malpighioideae comprises most of the family’s diversity (i. e., 63 genera and 1,254 species, with 624 threatened species; Suppl. material 1), including lianas, subshrubs, shrubs and trees occurring in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. We recognise nine tribes representing the main lineages within Malpighioideae , previously named by Davis and Anderson (2010) and Almeida et al. (2023 a) as: 1. Acridocarpoid clade ( Acridocarpeae ), 2. Mcvaughioid clade ( Mcvaughieae ), 3. Barnebyoid clade ( Barnebyeae ), 4. Ptilochaetoid clade ( Ptilochaeteae ), 5. Bunchosioid clade ( Bunchosieae ), 6. Hiraeoid clade ( Hiraeeae ), 7. Tetrapteroid clade ( Hiptageae ), 8. Stigmaphylloid clade ( Gaudichaudieae ), and 9. Malpighioid clade ( Malpighieae ).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch