Notiocoenia paniculata Mathis

Mathis, Wayne N. & Marinoni, Luciane, 2016, Revision of Ephydrini Zetterstedt (Diptera: Ephydridae) from the Americas south of the United States, Zootaxa 4116 (1), pp. 1-110 : 17-20

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4116.1.1

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scientific name

Notiocoenia paniculata Mathis


3. Notiocoenia paniculata Mathis View in CoL

Figs. 12–20 View FIGURES 12 – 15 View FIGURES 16 – 20 , Map 3

Notiocoenia paniculata Mathis 1980: 15 View in CoL .— Mathis and Zatwarnicki 1995: 50 [world catalog].

Diagnosis. Specimens of this species very closely resemble those of N. acutella , and we can distinguish them confidently only by comparing structures of the male terminalia. The latter differ as follows: 4th abdominal sternum pentagonal, posterior margin shallowly pointed and with distinct clump of 15 or more larger setae near apex; ventral margin of epandrium lacking U-shaped medial emargination in posterior view; aedeagus with gradual taper throughout its length; gonite lacking pointed process along posterior margin. Moderately small to moderately large shore flies, body length 2.91–4.17 mm; appearing dull, microtomentose; coloration mostly pale brown to brown; wing hyaline.

Head ( Figs. 12–13 View FIGURES 12 – 15 ): Frons width-to-length ratio 0.31–0.34; coloration of frons uniform, slightly charcoalish brown. Antenna mostly brownish black to black, basal flagellomere of some specimens with rufous coloration posteroventrally along medial surface. Coloration of face nearly concolorous with mesonotum, slightly paler brown than frons; antennal fovea more grayish and with some greenish tinges. Eye height-to-width ratio 0.92–0.96; gena-to-eye ratio 0.18–0.20. Gena unicolorous, whitish gray.

Thorax ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 12 – 15 ): Mesonotum dull, rather densely microtomentose, pale brown anteriorly, becoming darker and shinier posteriorly, with a pair of whitish brown vittae laterad of acrostichal setae, extended posteriorly no farther than transverse suture, distinctiveness of vittae variable. Scutellum subshiny to shiny, darker colored than mesonotum, more blackish. Pleural areas paler brown than mesonotum, becoming generally paler ventrally; postpronotum, proepisternum, part of anepisternum, forecoxa, and katepisternum distinctly paler colored, brownish gray to whitish gray, otherwise pleural areas mostly unicolorous, brown to pale brown. Wing mostly hyaline, shiny; slight infuscation anteriorly and around crossvein dm-cu; costal vein ratio 0.13–0.15; M vein ratio 0.65–0.68. Legs rufous to orange, frequently with some infuscation; tarsi becoming blackish, toward apical tarsomere. Halter yellowish to yellowish orange, unicolorous.

Abdomen ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 12 – 15 ): Coloration nearly unicolorous, brownish black with some bluish hues, subshiny to shiny. Male sternite 4 pentagonal, posterior margin shallowly pointed and with distinct clump of 15 or more larger setae near apex. Male terminalia ( Figs. 16–18 View FIGURES 16 – 20 ): Epandrium in posterior view ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 16 – 20 ) as an inverted U, more thinly developed dorsally, in lateral view ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 16 – 20 ) dorsal arch of inverted U more thinly developed, thereafter ventrally in lateral view gradually becoming wider, widest at ventral 1/3, ventral 1/3 tapered to a rather bluntly rounded point, posterior margin shallowly arched, anterior margin nearly straight; ventral epandrial margin, which is probably the fused surstylus, truncate with a very shallow, wide emargination ventrally; cerci free in cercal cavity, not fused with epandrium, semihemispherical, wider ventrally; aedeagus in lateral view ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 16 – 20 ) with gradual taper throughout length, very shallowly curved; gonite lacking pointed process along posterior margin. Female ventral receptacle as in Figs. 19–20 View FIGURES 16 – 20 .

Type material. The holotype male is labeled “ CHILE: Osorno Prov. [Termas de] Aguas Calientes (1 km SE) 530 m. elev. 7–8 Feb. 1978 WNMathis/ HOLOTYPE Notiocoenia paniculata Mathis [handwritten, red].” The holotype specimen is double mounted (minute nadel), is in good condition, and the holotype, allotype, and paratypes from the type locality are in the USNM (76068). The allotype female and 16 paratypes (4♂, 12♀; USNM) bear the same locality label data as the holotype. Other paratypes as follows: CHILE: Antofagasta: Rincón El Arbol (24°11.3'S, 69°31.3'W), Oct. 1969, L. E. Peña (1♀; MZUSP). Concepción: Concepción (Parque Botánico Hualpen; 36°48.9'S, 73°11'W), Jan 1970, L. E. Peña (1♀; MZUSP). Coquimbo: Tilama, El Naranjo (32°05'S, 71°10'W), Oct 1967, L. E. Peña (16♂, 22♀; MZUSP). Palena: Camping Arrayanes (5 km NW Chaitén; 42°53.8'S, 72°40.1'W; Malaise trap), 21 Jan 1987, C. M. and O. S. Flint (1♂; USNM).

Type locality. Chile. Osorno: Termas de Aguas Calientes (1 km SE; 40°41'S, 72°21'W; 530 m).

Distribution (Map 3). Neotropical: Chile (Antofagasta, Concepción, Coquimbo, Osorno, Palena), foothills, between 24°–42°S.

MAP 3. Distribution map for Notiocoenia paniculata Mathis.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo
















Notiocoenia paniculata Mathis

Mathis, Wayne N. & Marinoni, Luciane 2016

Notiocoenia paniculata

Mathis 1995: 50
Mathis 1980: 15
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