Caudicriodus Bultynck, 1976

Suttner, Thomas J., Kido, Erika & Briguglio, Antonino, 2018, A new icriodontid conodont cluster with specific mesowear supports an alternative apparatus motion model for Icriodontidae, Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 16 (11), pp. 909-926 : 910-911

publication ID 10.1080/14772019.2017.1354090


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scientific name

Caudicriodus Bultynck, 1976


Genus Caudicriodus Bultynck, 1976

Type species. Icriodus woschmidti Ziegler, 1960 ; lower Lochkovian ; Untenruden, Rhenish Slate Mountains, Germany .

Remarks. The generic diagnosis follows Bultynck (1976). The outline of the widely opened basal cavity (termed platform in earlier publications, but not homologous to the platform in polygnathids, for example) is identical in shape to that of other species of Icriodus . Features which discriminate Caudicriodus from Icriodus are the lateral process (denticulate or adenticulate) that extends posterior of the cusp at a specific angle, and a spur developed between the cusp and ‘posterior’-most transverse denticle row on the ‘inner’ side of the element.

Bultynck (1976) included the following species within Caudicriodus : Caudicriodus woschmidti , C. postwoschmidti , C. angustoides , C. curvicauda , C. celtibericus and C. sigmoidalis . Later, Drygant (2010) included four additional species, Caudicriodus hesperius , C. ruthmawsonae , C. transiens and C. serus , and Drygant & Szaniawski (2012) described Caudicriodus schoenlaubi . More recently, Murphy et al. (2016) excluded Caudicriodus hesperius , placing it in their new genus Cypricriodus .

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