Gnaptorina globithoracalis, Shi & Ren & Merkl, 2007

Shi, A-M., Ren, G-D. & Merkl, O., 2007, Six New Species Of Gnaptorina Reitter, 1887 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae: Blaptini) From The Tibet Plateau, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (3), pp. 219-238 : 228-230

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585448


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gnaptorina globithoracalis

sp. nov.

Gnaptorina globithoracalis sp. n.

( Figs 49–60 View Figs 49–60 , 81–82, 89)

Description – Dorsal surface of head and pronotum black, elytra black or brownish, slightly shining; apices of antennae, tibiae and tarsi somewhat brownish. Male body length 8.5–9.8 mm, width 4.5–4.9 mm; female body length 8.8–9.7 mm, width 4.8–5.3 mm.

Male (Fig. 81). Anterior margin of clypeus weakly sinuate to straight. Outer margin of head with very weak obtuse-angled incision above antennal base. Genae parallel-sided before eyes. Eyes protruding beyond outer margin of head. Dorsal surface of head covered with large, well-defined punctures. Antennae strong and long, when posteriorly extended, reaching pronotal base. Length (width) ratio of 2nd to 11th antennomeres 9 (9): 18(8): 10(8): 11(8): 11(8): 11(9): 11(11): 11(12): 12(13): 16(14).

Pronotum ( Fig. 49 View Figs 49–60 ) transverse, 1.25–1.35 (1.31 on average, n = 10) times as wide as long, widest in the middle, 1.69–1.73 (1.72 on average, n = 10) times as wide as head. Ratio of pronotal width at anterior margin to its maximum width and width at base (n = 10) 0.60: 1.00: 0.91 on average. Outer margins of pronotum more sharply arcuately narrowing to anterior margin than to base, bordered along entire length. Anterior margin shallowly sinuate, basal margin straight, both bordered laterally. Anterior angles of pronotum obtuse, rounded apically; posterior ones nearly rectangular. Pronotal surface between outer margins strongly convex, without well-defined median depression, punctures smaller than those on head. Prothoracic hypomeron with dense longitudinal wrinkles and very sparse granules. Prosternum steeply sloping before coxae; intercoxal process with wide shallow median depression, obliquely sloping behind procoxae and obviously swelling toward apex.

Elytra elongate oval, 1.38–1.48 (1.43 on average, n = 10) times as long as wide, widest immediately before the middle, 1.25–1.38 (1.32 on average, n = 10) times as wide as pronotum. At least anterior 1/2 (sometimes the whole) of epipleural carina visible from above. Elytral surface between outer margin of epipleura and sutural margin weakly convex, with sparse fine punctation and dense irregular wrinkles. Epipleural surface covered with dense irregular wrinkles and very sparse granules. Apex of epipleura extending to end of elytra. Visible abdominal ventrites with punctures and brown setae, 1st to 3rd ventrites with longitudinal wrinkles.

Legs ( Figs 51–53 View Figs 49–60 ) strong, length (width) ratio of fore, middle and hind femora 75(20): 85(20): 100(21); that of corresponding tibiae: 68(9): 70(12): 95(16). Fore tibiae parallel-sided in apical 2/3, with weakly serrate outer margin, and massive upper spur at apical margin longer than 1st protarsomere, lower spur very small. Only 1st protarsomere with a tuft of light setae at apical margin of plantar surface. Hind tibiae straight, gradually widening toward apex. Length (width) ratio of 1st to 4th metatarsomeres 19(7.0): 11(6.3): 10(6.0): 25(6.0).

Aedeagus ( Figs 54–56 View Figs 49–60 ): length 2.2 mm, width 0.64 mm. Parameres 0.64 mm long and 0.38 mm wide, with outer margin linearly narrowing toward apex. Spiculum gastrale as in Fig. 57 View Figs 49–60 . Apical margin of abdominal sternite 8 shallowly sinuate ( Fig. 58 View Figs 49–60 ).

Female (Fig. 82). Body wider. Antennae short, when posteriorly extended, reaching posterior 1/4 of pronotum. Upper spur of fore tibiae massive, parallel-sided, and rounded apically, lower spur missing. Plantar surface of 1st protarsomere without tuft of light setae. Ovipositor as in Figs 59–60 View Figs 49–60 .

Type material – Holotype male, CHINA: Tibet, Nagqu , 4400 m, N 31°30’, E 92°06’, 6 August 2004, Yi-Bin Ba and Ai-Min Shi leg. ( MHBU). First label of the holotype (written with Chinese characters) see Fig. 89 View Figs 85–90 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 6 males (1, HNHM, 5, MHBU) and 4 females (1, HNHM, 3, MHBU), same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; 22 males and 6 females, CHINA: Tibet, Nagqu , 4400–4500 m, 8 July 2002, Yi-Bin Ba and Yang Yu leg. ( MHBU) .

Etymology – Named after the strongly convex pronotal surface between outer margins. view, 60 = same, ventral view

Diagnosis – This new species resembles Gnaptorina cordicollis MEDVEDEV, 1998 , with the following differences: anterior margin of clypeus weakly sinuate or straight; antennae strong and long, when posteriorly extended, reaching pronotal base; pronotum widest in the middle, outer margins arcuately narrowing to base in basal half, anterior and basal margins bordered laterally; parameres slightly elongate (1.68 times as long as wide), with outer margin narrowing toward apex in straight line.

Distribution – China: Tibet.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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