Meonochilus amplipennis (Broun)
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Meonochilus amplipennis (Broun) |
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4. Meonochilus amplipennis (Broun) View in CoL
Tarastethus amplipennis amplipennis Broun, 1912: 386.
Molopsida amplipennis amplipennis , Britton, 1940: 477.
Mecyclothorax amplipennis amplipennis , Larochelle and Larivière, 2001: 61.
Meonochilus amplipennis amplipennis , Liebherr and Marris, 2009: 10.
Tarastethus amplipennis labralis Broun, 1912: 387 (NEW SYNONYMY).
Molopsida amplipennis labralis , Britton, 1940: 477.
Mecyclothorax amplipennis labralis , Larochelle and Larivière, 2001: 62.
Meonochilus amplipennis labralis , Liebherr and Marris, 2009: 10.
This is the largest-bodied Meonochilus ; standardized body length 6.1-6.7 mm. In addition, individuals of this species have elytral striae 1-8 deeply impressed, with stria 7 as deep and as punctate as stria 6. The elytral striae are the least punctate of all Meonochilus spp., with the punctures restricted to the deepest portions of the striae and associated with minimal lateral strial expansion (Fig. 10A). The discal elytral intervals are covered with traceable, elongate transverse sculpticells. The male aedeagal median lobe terminates in a ventral expansion, and the internal sac bears a spiculate lobe on the apicodextral surface (Fig. 2A, 2B), however no flagellum is present.
Male Genitalia.
(n = 9). Aedeagal median lobe with short, thin sagittal crest, apical half of shaft straight to recurved ventrally, terminated in an explanate ventral expansion (Fig. 2A); internal sac densely covered with microspicules, these densest on the dorsal surface, though largest and most sclerotized in two fields, one on the right surface, and one on a more apically positioned, rounded lobe; ventral, right paramere short, length ½ distance from parameral articulation to outer face of apex, broadest near midlength and so appearing subtriangular in lateral view, apical half of paramere setose, the ventral surface with 6-8 thinner setae immediately adjacent to 16-20 larger, thicker setae lining the rounded apex, 4-6 smaller setae on the dorsal edge; dorsal left paramere subconchoid, apex narrowly rounded, 2-3 larger setae at tip interspersed with up to 6 small setae.
Female Reproductive Tract.
(n = 1) Bursa copulatrix columnar, distance from gonocoxal bases to apex 1.67 × maximal breadth; spermatheca an appressed button-like reservoir on dorsal surface of bursa (Fig. 4B); spermathecal gland duct entering spermatheca on distal end, the duct length subequal to length of apical ductile reservoir of gland; common oviduct broadly joined to bursa just distad base of gonocoxites; basal gonocoxite 1 with apicolateral series of 2-4 setae, 3-4 setae arrayed along apical half of mesal surface (Fig. 5C); apical gonocoxite 2 with 2 broad lateral ensiform setae and 1 dorsal ensiform seta on dorsal surface; apical sensory furrow bearing 2 nematiform setae at 0.75 × gonocoxite length.
For Tarastethus amplipennis , lectotype male (BMNH), mounted on unmarked white platen, labeled: Type (round, red-bordered label) // 3170. // New Zeal. / Broun Coll. / Brit. Mus. / 1922 - 482. // Raurimu. / Jany. 1910. // Tarastethus / amplipennis ♂ // Lectotype ♂ / Tarastethus / amplipennis / Broun, 1912 / det. J.K. Liebherr 2011 (black-bordered red label). Paralectotype female (BMNH) identically labeled except for: Paratype (round yellow-bordered label) [first label] // … // Paratype / Tarastethus / amplipennis Broun / E.B. Britton [fifth label] // Paralectotype ♀ … [bottom label] (black-bordered red label). For Trechus amplipennis labralis , lectotype female (BMNH), identically mounted and labeled as Amblytelus amplipennis lectotype except for: var. A. / labrum. [fourth label] // Type / Tarastethus / amplipennis Broun / labralis Broun / E.B. Britton [fifth label] // Lectotype ♀ / Tarastethus / amplipennis labralis / Broun, 1912 / det. J.K. Liebherr 2011 (black-bordered red label).
Non-type Material.
BP:Mt. Te Aroha, 37°32.10'S, 175°44.52'E, 740-950 m el., 07-v-2003, Thorpe (AMNZ, 3). GB: "Auckland (sic)", Mt. Maungapohatu, 38°35.08'S, 177°07.08'E, 914-1219 m el., 03-iii-1971, Townsend (NZAC, 3); Aiawhana Station, Tarndale Rd., 38°13.07'S, 177°47.71'E, 762 m el., 28-ii-1971, Townsend (NZAC, 1); Huiarau Range, Putaihinu Ridge, 38°35.47'S, 177°06.47'E, 1158 m el., 02-iii-1971, Townsend (NZAC, 3), Putaihinu Ridge, S end, 38°36.74'S, 177°05.86'E, 914 m el. 02-iii-1971, Townsend (NZAC, 4); Uwewera N.P., Huiarau summit, pittrap/ Nothofagus /Horopito/tree fern, 38°37.96'S, 177°01.90'E, 923 m el., 14-19-ii-1994, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 8), Ngaputahi, 10 km S, Okahu Rd. end, under log/open wet broadleaf for., 38°40.57'S, 176°48.57'E, 500 m el., 16-ii-1994, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 2), Ta Taita a Makoro Camp, pittrap/low Nothofagus for./litter, 38°41.01'S, 177°03.40'E, 700 m el., 14-18-ii-1994, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 1). HB: Kaweka For. Pk., Black Birch Ra. Tk., N side, Kaweka Rd., under log, 39°19.00'S, 176°26.36'E, 1000 m el., 04-iii-1996, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 1), Kaweka Flats Tk.-N Boulder Str. Tk. jct., 39°13.92'S, 176°24.95'E, 1000 m el., 03-iii-1996, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 2); Kaweka Range, Little’s Clearing to Black Birch Range, along stream, 39°16.89'S, 176°26.25'E, 13-xi-1988, Townsend (NZAC, 1), Ngahere Hut, baited pit trap, 39°17.44'S, 176°24.87'E, 980 m el., 20-27-xii-1983, Watt (NZAC, 1); Makahu Saddle, Ngahere Loop Tk., under log/mtn. beech for., 39°17.29'S, 176°24.45'E, 1000 m el., 22-ii-02-iii-1996, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 1). RI: Copper Creek, 14-iv-1957, Townsend (NZAC, 1); Mangawhero R., Kakatahi Str., Te Hue Rd., 39°40.34'S, 175°19.99'E, 09-i-1989, Townsend (NZAC, 1); Ruahine St. For. Pk., Rangitane Range, Kawhatau Base, pittrap/Horopito/ Melicytus /tree fern for., 39°46.82'S, 176°02.22'E, 800 m el., 25- ii–iii- 1994, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 3), Rangitane Rd. end, Colenso Trig. Tr., 39°45.26'S, 176°02.73'E, 850-1000 m el., 26-ii-1994, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 1), Short’s Tk.-Limestone Rd. end jct., under stone/moist for./Horopito/treefern, 39°59.34'S, 176°01.14'E, 750 m el., 03-i-1994, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 2). TK: Lucy'S, Gully S of New Plymouth, 39°12.08'S, 173°57.26'E, 02-x-2007, Chogstall/Townsend (JITC, 1); Mt. Egmont, 23-ii-1929, Brookes (NZAC, 1), Dawson Falls, 39°19.53'S, 174°06.42'E, 03-iv-1957, Townsend (NZAC, 1), Manganui R., Curtis Falls, 39°17.96'S, 174°06.65'E, 880 m el., 02-i-1990, Townsend (NZAC, 2), Ihaia Tk., under stone/wet broadleaf for./mud flats, 39°19.71'S, 173°59.20'E, 500 m el., 20-iii-1998, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 2), Oaonui Tk., 39°18.56'S, 173°59.64'E, 28-ii-1981, Townsend/Townsend (JITC, 2), Ngatoro Tk., under log/wet broadleaf for./mud flats 39°14.70'S, 174°07.43'E, 650 m el., 19-iii-1998, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 1), North Egmont, pitfall trap, 39°16.11'S, 174°05.66'E, 470 m el., 14-xii-2003-12-i-2004, Stringer (AMNZ, 2), Holly Hut, pit trap, 39°15.90'S, 174°02.84'E, 950 m el., 27-xi-1975, Walker (NZAC, 1), under Uncinia rubra , 39°15.90'S, 174°02.84'E, 950 m el., 28-xi-1975, Dugdale (NZAC, 1), Pouakai Range, Dover Tk. Under branch/wet broadleaf for., 39°13.65'S, 173°58.33'E, 500 m el., 21-iii-1998, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 1), Pouakai Hut, under log/ Senecio eleaguifolius , 39°14.12'S, 174°02.26'E, 1280 m el., 03-xii-1975, Walker (NZAC, 1), Stratford Mountain House, mossy logs/trees at night/kamahi-totara, 39°18.34'S, 174°07.30'E, 850 m el., 26-xii-1994, Emberson/Syrett (LUNZ, 1), Stratford Plateau, under rock/ Senecio scrub, 39°18.46'S, 174°06.01'E, 1100 m el., 27-xii-1985, Emberson/Syrett (LUNZ, 1). TO: Awakino, N Manganui Saddle, 38°38.97'S, 174°39.46'E, 26-iv-1986, Townsend (NZAC, 1); Hauhungaroa Range, west side, 38°42.97'S, 175°26.91'E, 20-xi-1965, Townsend (NZAC, 2); Mahoenui, Mangaorongo Rd., 38°34.99'S, 174°50.00'E, 31-x-1977, Townsend (NZAC, 1); Moerangi, Waituhi Saddle, 38°51.80'S, 175°32.65'E, 09-x-1979, Dugdale (NZAC, 1); Pihanga, Hinemihi'S, Tk., 39°00.27'S, 175°46.76'E, 22-xi-1992, Townsend (NZAC, 1); Pureora For. Pk., Bog Inn Tk., under log/wet broadleaf-podocarp for., 38°34.90'S, 175°38.16'E, 22-xii-1995, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 3), Link Tk., 38°34.88'S, 175°38.00'E, 700 m el., 25-xii-1997, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 10), Mt. Pureora Tk., Link Rd., halfway, under log/wet podocarp broadleaf for., 38°33.80'S, 175°38.10'E, 20-xii-1995, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 6), lower 1/2, under log/wet Rimu for., 38°34.20'S, 175°38.08'E, 20-xii-1995, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 7), start of tk., pit trap/wet Rimu for., 38°35.04'S, 175°38.27'E, 23-x-1995-3-i-1996, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 1), Mt. Titiraupenga, Link Rd., under log/wet podocarp broadleaf for., 38°30.67'S, 175°41.60'E, 24-xii-1995, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 3), Waihora Rd., Waihora Tk., 38°38.47'S, 175°39.75'E 19-xii-1995, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 5); Rangitoto St. For., Mangatutu Sce. Res., under log, 38°20.16'S, 175°27.38'E, 22-iii-1999, Paquin/ Dupérré (NZAC, 1); Raurimu, 39°07.05'S, 175°23.12'E, 26-xii-1940, Clarke (AMNZ, 2), 27-xii-1940, Clarke (AMNZ, 2); Tongariro N.P., Lake Rotopounamu, under log/mixed podocarp-broadleaf for., 39°01.41'S, 175°43.97'E, 24-xii-1991, Emberson/Syrett (LUNZ, 1). WA: Waewaepa Range, 40°26.08'S, 176°03.35'E, 29-iii-1957, Cumber (NZAC, 1). WN: Balance Bridge, Cross Rd. [Pahiatua, N], litter, 40°25.47'S, 175°51.77'E, 213 m el. 23-viii-1983, McColl (NZAC, 1); Manawatu Gorge, under log, 40°19.27'S, 175°48.71'E, 25-iv-1956, Townsend (NZAC, 1). WO: Herangi Range, Moeatoa Sce. Res., pittrap/wet broadleaf for./gully stream, 38°22.51'S, 174°44.41'E, 122 m el., 20- viii– 24-ix-2000, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 1); Mangatoa Sce. Res., pittrap/wet broadleaf for./gully stream, 38°25.66'S, 174°42.75'E, 191 m el., 23- x– 03-xii-2000, Larivière /Larochelle (NZAC, 1); Mt. Karioi, litter, 37°51.79'S, 174°48.03'E, 11-x-1981, Butcher (NZAC, 1); Whakapatiki Stream, Upper Awakino R., 38°36.95'S, 174°45.57'E, 26-iv-1986, Townsend (JITC, 2); Whareorino St. For., Leitch’s Clearing, 38°25.89'S, 174°46.63'E, 25-iv-1986, Nunn (LUNZ, 1).
Nomenclatural Note.
Broun (1912) proposed the variety “labralis” for a single specimen of Meonochilus amplipennis from Raurimu that had been collected with the two other types of the species. This specimen curiously lacks all six setae across the anterior labral margin, though the dimensions and microsculpture of the labrum appear as in the syntopic, nominate specimens. As all other attributes do not allow diagnosis of this variety, his validated name Meonochilus amplipennis labralis ( Larochelle and Larivière 2001) is considered a junior synonym of the nominate name, and the specimen with the glabrous labrum considered an infraspecific mutant.
Distribution and Habitat.
The most geographically widespread species of Meonochilus , Meonochilus amplipennis is found in forested areas of the North Island, from Mt. Te Aroha on the north to northern Wellington and Waiararapa Districts on the south (Fig. 15). Individuals have been collected from moist gully and streambank habitats at lower elevations (100-200 m el.) to higher elevation forest habitats (900-1300 m el.). The montane forests include a variety of formations, including Nothofagus forest, Horopito/ Melicytus tree fern forest, wet rimu forest, kamahi-totara forest, and Senecio scrubland. All specimens save one have been collected from ground-level microhabitats, by pitfall trapping, or under logs or stones. The lone semi-arboreal record was collected at night from a mossy log in kamahi-totara forest.
Meonochilus amplipennis is parapatrically distributed with Meonochilus spiculatus at Mt. Te Aroha (Fig. 13, 15), with Meonochilus amplipennis found at lower elevations from 740-950 m on the mountain, whereas Meonochilus spiculatus is restricted to the summit at 950 m.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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