Lycodon fasciatus (Anderson, 1879)

Nguyen, Tan Van, Brakels, Peter, Maury, Nathanael, Sudavanh, Somchit, Pawangkhanant, Parinya, Idiiatullina, Sabira, Lorphengsy, Sengvilay, Inkhavilay, Khamla, Suwannapoom, Chatmongkon & Poyarkov, Nikolay A., 2020, New herpetofaunal observations from Laos based on photo records, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e 248) 14 (2), pp. 218-249 : 235

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13258271

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lycodon fasciatus


Lycodon fasciatus View in CoL (Anderson, 1 879)

Banded Wolf Snake ( Fig. 8C View Fig )

One adult individual of L. fasciatus was observed by P. Brakels and N. Maury on 27 April 2019 in Longcheng District site 2, Xaisomboun Province (18°58.645’N, 102°39.213’E; elevation 950 m asl), and another individual was observed by P. Brakels on 13 October 2019 in Thathom District, Xaisomboun Province (18°59.448’N, 103°35.554’E; elevation 300 m asl) GoogleMaps .

Morphological characters of the individual from Xaisomboun Province agreed well with the descriptions of Taylor (1965), Das (2010), and Vogel and David (2019). The photographed individual ( Fig. 8C View Fig ) agrees with the diagnosis of L. fasciatus in the following characters: medium body size, elongated; head moderately distinct from neck, markedly flattened; pupil vertically oval; loreal present, entering the orbit; 1 preocular; 2 postoculars; 1 anterior temporals; 2 posterior temporals; 8 supralabials, 1 st and 2 nd in contact with the nasal 2 nd and 3 rd in contact with the loreal, 3 rd – 5 th entering orbit, 6 th and 7 th largest; dorsal scale rows weakly keeled; ventrals 214; cloacal scale undivided; subcaudals 76; divided. Coloration of dorsal surfaces dark brown with 24 creamish-yellow bands across the body and 12 across the tail, bands on the posterior part of the body and tail are much more strongly speckled with black than anterior bands; head with an indistinct whitish-yellow band with irregular borders; ventral surfaces cream with wide transverse black bands in the anterior part, bands becoming narrower posteriorly.

Ecological notes. The first individual was found at ca. 2050 h in the valley of a rocky stream. The surrounding habitat was mixed evergreen forest with Banana plants ( Musa sp. ) in the undergrowth. The second individual was also found along a stream in mixed evergreen forest in the vicinity of some limestone formations.

Distribution. In Laos, this species has been previously recorded from Xiangkhouang and Champasak provinces ( Teynié and David 2010; Vogel and David 2019). This is the first record from Xaisomboun Province. Elsewhere, this species has been reported from India, China, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand (Vogel and David 2019).











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