Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & Drumm, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew

König, Julia, Siwakoti, Mohan, Hilger, Hartmut H. & Weigend, Maximilian, 2015, A revision of the genus Cynoglossum L. (Boraginaceae Juss.) in Nepal and notes on the widespread Asian species, Phytotaxa 224 (1), pp. 1-28 : 4-6

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.224.1.1

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scientific name

Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & Drumm, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew


1. Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & Drumm, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew View in CoL : 202. 1906. Figs. 1 A, B View FIGURE 1 ; 3 A, B View FIGURE 3 ; 5 A–C View FIGURE 5 ; 7 A, B View FIGURE 7 ; 9 View FIGURE 9 .

Lectotype (Verdcourt in Polhill, Fl. Trop. E. Africa, Boragin.: 104. 1991):— CHINA: Yunnan, Mengtsze, 1894, W. Hancock 133 (K-000942415!) . Syntypes:— CHINA: Yunnan, Szemao , 4500 ft, 1898, A.Henry 9365 (K-000942414!; E-00284596!) ; [Szechuan], Thibet oriental, Ta-tsien-lu, Principauté de Kiala , 1893, J.- A. Soulié 861 (K-000942416!, K-000942417!, P04083733 !, P04083733 !) .

= Cynoglossum amabile var. parviflorum Turrill (1949: 177) View in CoL . Lectotype (here designated):—Herbarium experimental grounds, K. 2492, seed from Ceylon, 15 July 1947, anon. (K). Syntypes:— Herbarium experimental grounds, K. 2492, seed from Ceylon [Miss Imivy], 01 August 1947, anon. (GDC-G-00177266!; US-00110903!)

Erect, annual or biennial herb, 15–60 cm tall. Stems often single, sometimes several. Densely and slightly spreading pubescent, hair 0.3–0.6 mm long, orientation towards inflorescence, without multi-cellular base. Leaves ovoid-oblong to lanceolate with acute apex. Basal broad petiolate, sometimes with leave rosette, 5–20 cm long, silver-grey, veins slightly immerged, densely appressed pubescent. Upper sessile and smaller, densely appressed pubescent. Trichomes straight, soft, with bulbous base; adaxial 0.1–0.2 mm long; abaxial 0.1–0.3 mm long, on veins longer and spreading; acroscopic; marginal longer and incurved. Inflorescences ebracteate. Pedicel 2–3 mm long, slightly elongated in fruit. Calyx 2.5–3.5 mm long, densely pilose outside; lobes ovate to oblong, apex acute. Corolla infundibuliform, blue to dark blue or purple, rarely white, 4–6 mm long; base 5–6 mm wide; limb 6–10 mm across; lobes subcircular, ca. 2.5 mm wide; veins distinctly reticulate; faucal scales at mouth of tube, rectangular to obscurely two-lobed, ca. 1 mm × 1 mm. Anthers oblong, ca. 0.8–1 mm long. Style ca. 1–1.5 mm long. Nutlets ovoid, 3–5 mm × 2–3 mm, abaxially planar to slightly concave; regularly and densely glochidiate; glochidia uniform, 0.3–0.5 mm long, with multiple retrorse barbs, marginal glochidia distinct, sometimes with widenend, slightly confluent bases.

Distribution and Habitat in open, often disturbed sites, on gravel slopes and sandy, dry river banks, elev. 2000– 4000 m.

Notes:— Cynoglossum amabile is probably the least problematic taxon of this genus in Nepal. It is easily recognized by the dense, white pubescence on its leaves and the large, usually sky-blue corollas nearly 1 cm across. The other species have a less dense indument and smaller and/or dark blue corollas. This species is widespread in East Asia, but also widely naturalized in Central and South America and planted as an ornamental, e.g., in Europe and the US.

Specimens examined:— BHUTAN. Punakha District: below Mendegang , 27°31 N, 1580 m, 89°49 E, 24.04.1982, A. J. C. Gierson & D. G. Long 4665 ( E) GoogleMaps ; Changhyo, Talo block, 1250 m, 18.07.1991, C. Parker 7004 ( E) ;

Thimphu District: Paro, 2370 m, 27°25 N, 89°25 E, 14.10.1984, I. W. J. Sinclair & D. G. Long 5714 ( E) GoogleMaps ; Paro, 10000 ft, 14.11.1914, R. E. Cooper 3589a ( E) ; above Bongde Farm Paro, 2500 m, 10.06.1975, A. J. C. Gierson & D. G. Long 175 ( E) ; 2200 m, 01.06.1967, H. Hara et al. 393 ( BM) .

CHINA. Sichuan Province: [Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Kangding/Dartsedo=Lucheng Township] west Szechuan and Tibetan frontier, chiefly near Tachienlu , at 9000−13500 ft, no date, A. E. Pratt 215 ( P) ; [Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture] Province of Batang, Yangang , anno 1903, Soulié 3333 ( P, P, P) ; Province of Batang, no date Soulié s.n. ( P) ; Province of Batang, Yangang , anno 1903, Soulié 3331 ( P) ; Province of Batang, Yangang , anno 1904, Soulié 3332 ( P) ; Province of Batang , anno 1904, Soulié 4169[?] ( P) ; Province of Batang , anno 1904, Soulié 4091 ( P, P) ; Province of Batang , anno 1903, Soulié 83(?) ( P) ; Province of Batang, Tongolo , 22.07.1894, Soulié 2321 ( P, P) ; Tongolo , Jul− Aug. 1891, Soulié 2321 ( P) ; Thibet oriental, Tsekou [on three specimens Ta-Tsien-lou, but deleted on two others replaced by Tsekou, fifth without place name], anno 1893, J.- A. Soulié 1057 ( P, P, P) ; Thibet oriental, Ta-Tsien-lou, anno 1893, J.- A. Soulié 861 ( P, P) ; Thibet oriental, Ta-Tsien-lou, no date, R. P. Mussot s.n. ( P) ; Thibet oriental, Tse-kou , 1200 m, no date, Montbeig 1912 ( P, P, P, P, P) ; Thibet oriental, Tsé-kou , no date, Montbeig s.n. ( P) ; Huong chou tchang, Uao Pao Shan mountains , 17.07.1908, Legendre 478 ( P) ; Yunnan Province: Mo-so-yin, 30.05.1884, J. M. Delavay 1044 ( GH) ; Mt. Pé-ngay-tze, Houang Kia Pin , 04.09.1882, J. M. Delavay 421 ( P) ; Yunnan-sen district , anno 1904, J. Cavalerie 7339 ( P) ; Plantes de Yunnan, no date, M. Bons d´Anty s.n. ( P, P, P) ; Yunnan sen, 31.03.1897, Bodinier & Ducloux 174 ( P) ; Yunnan sen, Delavay 1695 ( P) ; Yunnan sen, 31.03.1897, Ducloux 174 ( P) ; Yunnan sen, 23.05.1904, F. Ducloux 2499 ( P) ; Yunnan sen, Yun-nan, Ducloux s.n. ( P) ; Yunnan, no date, W. Hancock 33 ( P) ; Yunnan sen, 03.04.[19]14 Legendre 1789 ( P, P) ; Yunnan sen, Choui-Tang , 13.04.[19]14, Legendre 1863 ( P) ; Yo lon chan near Yong min, anno 1910, Ducloux 7596 ( P) ; Yunnan, without precise locality, 26.06.1915, P. Siméon-Ten s.n. ( P) ; Mong-tze , no date, M. Tanant s.n. ( P) ; Mong-tze, no date, Leduc s.n. ( P) ; Yunnan, illegible locality: Mo-lo-yn, 28.05.1887, D. [Delavay] 3034 ( P) ; Yunnan, Tong-tchouan , 2500 m, no date, R.- P. Maire s.n. ( P, P, P, P, P) ; Lijiang prefecture, 20 km South of Judian, Yangtze Valley , 2050 m, 18.06.1993, B. Aldén et al. 1579 ( GB) ; Diqing Prefecture, Zhongdian county, bottom of Chung Jiang He Valley , North of Yangtze River , 2900 m, 27°22’15 N, 99°57’58 E, 17.06.1993, B. Aldén et al. 1504 ( GB) GoogleMaps ; China , no locality, no date, Delavay s.n. (P-04082291, P-04082292) ; Gan-pin and Gan-chouen , E. Bodinier & L. Martin 2298 ( P) ; No date, no locality, Ducloux 322 ( P) ; No date, no locality, Soulié 2822 ( P) ; Gansu Province: Kansu, M i nchow, 1800 m, 26.06.1930, Hopkinson 556 ( P) ; Western China , 28.06.1903, E. H. Wilson 4170 ( GH) . TIBET AUTONOMOUS REGION. South-East, Tangme, Po Tsangpo Valley , Yigrong Confluence , 7000 ft, 01.06.1947, F. Ludlow et al. 13067 ( E) ; South-East, between Tse and Chamna , Tsangpo Valley , 9000 ft, 05.06.1938, F. Ludlow et al. 4658 ( E) ; [Zhaotong?] Tchaotong , 23.05.1882, Delavay s.n. ( P) .

JAPAN. Wakayama Prefecture: Kii, Nachi, anno 1888, Faurie s.n. ( P) ; Hokkaido Prefecture: [Ezo] Yeso, anno 1886, Faurie 2265 ( P) .

NEPAL. Central: Bagmati Zone: Bhaktapur District: Below Nagarkot , 5000 ft, 08.08.19[?]35, F. M. Baileys Collectors s.n. ( BM) ; Rasuwa district, Dhunche-Syabru besi, 1430−1980m, 23.07.1994, F. Miyamoto et al. 941004 ( KATH) ; West: Gandaki Zone: Manang District: Pisang (3090 m), Humde (3210 m), Manang (3360 m), 3240 m, 28°52´09 N, 84°14´22 E – 28°39´54 N, 84°00´59 E, 16.08.1994, M. Mikage et al. 9470445 ( BM, E) GoogleMaps ; Tanahu District: [Marsyangdi Valley], Marsyangdi Valley , 11500 ft, 27.06.1950, D. G. Lowndes 1077 ( BM) ; Umre, [Marsyangdi Valley], Marsyandi Valley , 01.08.1983, R. J. D. Mc Beath 1572 ( E) ; [?Central Nepal, Maharajgunj Khola], Maharigaon , 10500 ft, 14.07.1952, O. Polunin et al. 147 ( BM, E) ; Dhaulagiri Zone: Mustang District: Kali Gandaki , 13000 ft, 19.07.1977, G. Miehe 239 ( BM) ; Kali Gandaki , 20.07.1977, G. Miehe 275 ( BM) ; Mustang district, Kagbeni (2800m), Khingar (3230m), Jharkot (3400m), Muktinath (3550m), 22.07. 1983, H. Ohba et al. 8350580 ( KATH) ; Chele (3050 m), Samar (3660 m), Bhena (3820 m), Yamda La (3990 m), Syangboche (3800 m), 28°00 N, 83°49 E – 28°59 N, 83°50 E, 28.06.2003, Y. Iokawa et al. 20310021 ( E) GoogleMaps ; Jargeng Khola , 13500 ft, 07.07.1950, D. G. Lowndes 1149 ( BM, E) ; Myadgi District: Chimagaon ( N. of Tukucha ), 9000 ft, 03.06.1954, Stainton et al. 899 ( BM, E) ; Larjung ( S. of Tukucha ), 8500 ft, 27.05.1954, Stainton et al. 718 ( E) ; Larjung, Kali Gandaki Valley , 8000 ft, 07.06.1984, Stainton et al. 5556 ( BM) ; Samaraon ( N. of Tukucha ), 13000 ft, 15.08.1954, Stainton et al. 7239 ( BM) ; Mid-West: Karnali Zone: Jumla District: Kumrigam, S. of Jumla , 9000 ft, 22.07.1952, O. Polunin et al. 4859 ( BM) ; Chutta , SE of Jumla, 10000 ft, 27.09.1856, O. Polunin et al. 5416 ( BM) ; Rapti Zone: near Ghustung Khola , 28°14 N, 82°73 E, 10500 ft, 06.07.1954, Stainton et al. 3399 ( BM, E) .

Cultivated Material: ECUADOR. Cotopaxi: Road Latacunga to Quevedo, between Zumbahua & Pilaló, Disturbed cloud forest, 00°57’ 25,9’ S, 078°59’ 45,4 W, 2494 m, 28.06.2008, cultivated at the Botanische Gärten der Universität Bonn, summer 2014, M. Weigend & G. Brokamp 9115- C ( BONN).

Unidentified localities: [? Nepal], Jaglsing-Marche, 11000 ft, 21.06.16, T. B. Shrestha & M. S. Bista 1456 ( BM).


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Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & Drumm, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew

König, Julia, Siwakoti, Mohan, Hilger, Hartmut H. & Weigend, Maximilian 2015

Cynoglossum amabile var. parviflorum

Turrill, W. B. 1949: )
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