Cephaloleia nevermanni Uhmann, 1930a

Staines, Charles L. & Garcia-Robledo, Carlos, 2014, The genus Cephaloleia Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae), ZooKeys 436, pp. 1-355 : 190

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scientific name

Cephaloleia nevermanni Uhmann, 1930a


Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Chrysomelidae

Cephaloleia nevermanni Uhmann, 1930a View in CoL Fig. 191

Cephalolia nevermanni Uhmann 1930a: 221. Uhmann 1936b: 485 (key).

Cephaloleia nevermanni Uhmann. Blackwelder 1946: 718 (catalog); Uhmann 1950b: 336 (type); Papp 1953: 19 (catalog); Uhmann 1957a: 22 (catalog); Descarpentries and Villiers 1959 a: 139 (types); Gaedike and Döbler 1971: 355 (types); Wilcox 1983: 136 (catalog); Staines 1996: 45 (Central America species), 1997: 414 (Uhmann species list), 2004: 312 (host plants), 2011: 50 (faunal list); Staines and Staines 1997: 15 (types); McKenna and Farrell 2006: 10949 (phylogeny).


Elongate; large; subdepressed; yellow; head, antennae, and scutellum black, pronotum with black anterior and posterior maculae, elytra yellow with black sutural vitta to puncture row 2 and black lateral vitta to puncture row 8, sutural and lateral vittae unite near apex; venter with pro-, meso-, metasterna, and abdominal sterna yellow medially, black laterally; leg with femur yellow except for base and apex, tibia and tarsi darker. Head: vertex sparsely, finely punctate, with 3 carinae near base of antennae; frons punctate, not projecting; slightly depressed between eyes. Antenna: reaches to humerus; slender; antennomere 1 incrassate, with fringe of setae on lower apex, largest, longer than 2 and 3 combined; 2 transverse; 3 transverse and triangular in male, elongate in female; 4-10 elongate, subequal in length; 11 rounded at apex, ¾ length of 1; 1-3 punctate with scattered setae; 4-11 setose. Pronotum: transverse; lateral margin straight and divergent for basal ¾ then rounding to anterior angle, margined; anterior angle rounded, not produced; posterior angle angulate; anterior margin weakly emarginate behind head; disc flattened; surface sparsely, irregularly punctate, disc impunctate; basal impression absent; pronotal length 1.4-1.6 mm; pronotal width 1.7-1.9 mm. Scutellum: pentagonal; alutaceous. Elytron: lateral margin straight, smooth, margined; apex rounded; sutural angle without tooth; humerus rounded, not produced; slightly constricted behind humerus; declivity beginning just behind humerus at puncture row 7 not edged with faint carina; disc flattened; shallowly punctate-striate, punctures obsolete apically; elytral length 5.9 mm; elytral width 2.7 mm. Venter: pro-, meso-, and metasterna impunctate medially, rugose laterally; abdominal sterna punctate, each puncture with pale seta; suture between sterna 1 and 2 complete; last sternite with apical margin rounded in female, bisinuate in male. Leg: slender; apex of tibia with spoon-shaped depression with fringe of setae; mesolegs densely pubescent. Total length: 7.0-8.5 mm.


This species is similar to Cephaloleia quadrilineata and Cephaloleia suaveola . It can be distinguished by the elytra not expanding apically and by antennomere 1 being incrassate with 2 transverse.

Host plant.

Calathea insignis Hort. and Bull. ( Uhmann 1930a); adults have been collected feeding on Heliconia imbricata (Kuntze) Baker ( Heliconiaceae ), Calathea macrosepala K. Schumann ( Marantaceae ) ( Staines 1996).


Costa Rica, Panama.

Type material examined.

Lectotype: Costa Rica, F. Nevermann, 25-VI-22 [green label]/ Hamburg Farm, Reventazon, Ebene Limon [reversed green label]/ Cotype No. 54631 USNM [orange label]/ Cephalolia nevermanni Uh. Det. E. Uhmann- designated by Uhmann 1950 (USNM).

Specimens examined.

COSTA RICA: Alajuela- Río Frío, 16 July 1972 (FCSA). Cartago- Aquiares nr. Santa Cruz, 9 km NW Turrialba, 1500 m, 16 May 1985; Turrialba, 9 March 1967 (EGRC); ITICA at Turrialba, 13 March 1965 (BYUC). Heredia- Est. Biol. La Selva, 50 m, 30 March 1990 (INBIO), 31 March 1990 (USNM, MUCR); Finca La Selva, 21-30 July 1969, 23-30 May 2001, 11 March 2003 (USNM), 21 March 2003 (USNM); Finca La Selva, nr Puerto Viejo, 24 July 1969 (USNM). Limón- Sector Cerro Cocorí, Fca. de E. Rojas, 150 m, 28 May- 28 June 1992, December 1992, May 1993 (INBIO); Est. Hitoy Cerere, 100 m, R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, 28-12 April 1992, 30 June- 20 July 1992, July 1992, November 1992, 15-27 February 1993 (INBIO); Hamburg Farm, Reventazón, Ebene Limón, 24 January 1924, 15 February 1924, 1 February 1932, 20 July 1931, 22 December 1933 (USNM), 15 November 1923, 15 February 1924, December 1929, 24 January 1932 (DEI); Limón, June 1972 (FSCA); Reventazón, 25 June 1922, 15 February 1924 (USNM); Valle La Estrella, 100-200 m (INBIO). Puntarenas- 5 km S. Rincón, 20 March 1973 (SEMC). San José- between Cerro de la Muerte and San Isidro, 18 July 1972 (FSCA); Pan American Hwy., km 80 S, 9.5 km SSW on San Gerado Rd., Catalata Trail, 23 July 2000 (SEMC, USNM). PANAMA: Bocas del Toro- 6 km N Punta Peña, 27 May 1993 (CDFA). Chiriquí- Reserva Fortuna, Continental Divide Trail, 26 May 1993 (CDFA). Coclé- El Valle (trail to Las Minas), 19 February 1959, 21 February 1959, 23 February 1959 (FMNH). Panamá- Cerro Campana, 17 February 1959 (FMNH), 11-15 May 1980 (EGRC), 17 May 1993 (CDFA); Fort Kobbe, 22 May 1993 (CDFA); Madden Forest, 9 January 1971, 27 March 1971, 25 June 1976 (EGRC). San Blas- Salud, 30 December 1972 (EGRC). Total: 155.













