Rhopalomeris carnifex ( Pocock, 1889 )

Likhitrakarn, Natdanai, Golovatch, Sergei I., Srisonchai, Ruttapon, Jirapatrasilp, Parin, Sapparojpattana, Pichsinee, Jeratthitikul, Ekgachai, Panha, Somsak & Sutcharit, Chirasak, 2024, A new species of the pill millipede genus Rhopalomeris Verhoeff, 1906 (Diplopoda, Glomerida, Glomeridae) from Myanmar, and notes on Rhopalomeris carnifex (Pocock, 1889), ZooKeys 1215, pp. 235-257 : 235-257

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1215.130919

publication LSID




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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Rhopalomeris carnifex ( Pocock, 1889 )


Rhopalomeris carnifex ( Pocock, 1889) View in CoL

Figs 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3

Glomeris carnifex Pocock, 1889: 290 (D). Type locality: Tenasserim. View in CoL

Glomeris carnifex var. pallida Pocock, 1889: 290 (D). Type locality: Elphinstone Island. View in CoL

Glomeris carnifex View in CoL – Pocock 1890: 385 (R); Attems 1914: 138 (L); Hoffman 1980: 65 (M).

Glomeris carnifex var. pallida View in CoL – Attems 1914: 138 (L); Silvestri 1917: 143 (D).

Glomeris ” bicolor View in CoL [non Wood, 1865] – Verhoeff 1910: 241 (M); Silvestri 1917: 143 (M); Hoffman 1980: 65 (M).

Rhopalomeris carnifex View in CoL – Silvestri 1917: 142 (D); Attems 1936: 194 (R); Enghoff 2005: 88 (R); Decker 2010: 24 (R); Golovatch et al. 2011: 6 (D); Golovatch and Semenyuk 2016: 411 (M, K); Likhitrakarn et al. 2017: 6 View Cited Treatment (L); Nguyen et al. 2019: 292 (M); 2021: 259 (M).

Rhopalomeris carnifex var. pallida View in CoL – Silvestri 1917: 143 (D); Attems 1936: 194 (L).

Records in the literature.

Myanmar, south Tenasserim ( Pocock 1889); Malwoon in Tenasserim ( Pocock 1890); Elphinstone Island ( Pocock 1889); Moulmein ( Attems 1936); Taninthay Division, Tanintharyi Region, 9°56'20˝N, 98°32'22˝E, Thatay Kyun (= Pulo Ru, Ko Son) GoogleMaps ( Decker 2010). Thailand, Phuket Province, Salanga Island (= Phuket Island ) ( Verhoeff 1906; Enghoff 2005); Mueang Phuket District, Ko Siray , 7°53'7˝N, 98°26'14˝E, 20–50 m a. s. l. GoogleMaps ( Decker 2010); Krabi Province, Krabi District, Nai Chong ( Enghoff 2005); Ao Luk , 8°10'54˝N, 98°50'30˝E, 70 m GoogleMaps ; Ban Khlong Jilat , 8°05'18˝N, 98°52'56˝E, 60 m a. s. l. GoogleMaps ; near Saengphet Cave , 8°9'46˝N, 98°53'12˝E, 80 m GoogleMaps ; Ko Lanta District, Ko Lanta Island , 80 m a. s. l. ; Phang Nga Province, Ko Yao District, Ko Yao Noi , 8°9'53˝N, 98°37'20˝E, 150 m a. s. l. GoogleMaps ; Thap Put District, Had Lek Beach , 8°37'N, 98°13'E, 10 m a. s. l. GoogleMaps ; Khao Lak-Lamru National Park , 8°37'N, 98°14'E, 30–40 m GoogleMaps ; Surat Thani Province, Ko Samui District, Samui Island , Khao Phlu , 10–500 m a. s. l. ; Nam Tok Na Muang Forest Park , 30 m a. s. l. ; Ko Pha Ngan District, Phangan Island, Than Sadet-Ko Phangan National Park , 9°44'7˝N, 100°1'10˝E, 320 m a. s. l. GoogleMaps ( Decker 2010). Malaysia, neighboring the Malay Peninsula ( Verhoeff 1906).

New material examined.

Myanmar – Tanintharyi Division • 2 ♂; Myeik, Kala Island ; elev. 5 m a. s. l.; 12°29'38″N, 98°30'53″E; 5 Apr. 2016; C. Sutcharit, W. Siriwut, R. Srisonchai leg.; CUMZ -GLO 016-1 , 16-2 GoogleMaps .


Body length of unrolled specimens, 17.5–17.9 mm (♂), width 8.9–9.1 (♂).

Color faded after 15 years of preservation in alcohol (Fig. 2 A – C View Figure 2 ): body blackish, with contrasting light yellow to yellow, broad to narrow bands at posterior edges of each of terga 2–11; axial stripe yellow, short, starting from behind caudal edge, not reaching 1 / 5–1 / 6 length of each tergite (Fig. 2 A View Figure 2 ); in lateral view, terga 2–11 each with a large, reddish or carmine to red orange band each side, ~ 1 / 4–2 / 3 height of each tergum (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ). Thoracic shield with a very large, lateral, reddish to red orange band each side at lateral edges, ~ 2 / 3–3 / 4 height of tergum in lateral view (Fig. 2 A – C View Figure 2 ); anal shield (= pygidium) with a reddish to red-orange band at the lateral and posterior edges, ~ 2 / 3–3 / 4 height of tergum (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ). Head, collum and antennae black to dark brown, only labrum and Tömösváry’s organ brownish (Fig. 2 C View Figure 2 ), venter and legs brownish to pale yellowish (Fig. 2 C View Figure 2 ).

Labrum sparsely setose (Fig. 2 C View Figure 2 ). Gnathochilarium with 2 + 2 palps subequal in length. Eyes blackish, with 8–11 + 1 ommatidia, cornea convex and translucent. Antennomere 6 long, ~ 2.3–2.5 × as long as its height, dorsal margin strongly curved (Figs 2 C View Figure 2 , 3 A View Figure 3 ). Disk of antennomere 7 beset with 55–62 small sensory cones apically (♂) (Figs 2 C View Figure 2 , 3 A View Figure 3 ). Organ of Tömösváry typical, horseshoe-shaped, suboval, elongate, ~ 1.5–1.6 × as long as broad.

Collum as usual, with two transverse striae. Thoracic shield with a small hyposchism field not projecting past rear tergal margin (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ); 7–9 mostly superficial striae, only lower two or three lying in front of schism, one or two level to schism, remaining 2–4 behind schism, 6 and 7 complete striae, crossing the dorsum. Terga 3 and 4 relatively broadly rounded laterally (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ). Following terga in front of pygidium faintly concave medially at caudal edge and with three or four striae starting above lateral edge, sometimes first and second stria fading away towards midway. Pygidium slightly concave medially at caudal edge.

♂ legs 17 (Fig. 3 B View Figure 3 ) simple, rather strongly reduced, with a rather low to medium-sized, often rounded, coxal lobe and a 4 - segmented telopodite. Tarsus with 4–10 strong median and 1–3 strong apical spines (Fig. 3 B View Figure 3 ).

♂ legs 18 (Fig. 3 C View Figure 3 ) simple, slightly reduced, without any evident outgrowths; syncoxite membranous, with a small, broad, arch-shaped syncoxite notch and a 4 - segmented telopodite. Tarsus with a small, but strong apical spine.

Telopods (= ♂ legs 19) (Fig. 3 D – F View Figure 3 ) with a rather large and roundly pentagonal syncoxite lobe, this being flanked by two short, spiniform, acuminate and setose syncoxite horns, the latter being evidently lower than syncoxite lobe (Fig. 3 F View Figure 3 ). Telopodite 4 - segmented, with a spine apically. Prefemur (Fig. 3 D, E View Figure 3 ) subtrapeziform, with a conspicuous, elongated, robust, tuberculiform, distomesal prefemoral trichostele with a rounded tip, extending to about half or distal boundary of femur (Fig. 3 D, E View Figure 3 ). Femur (Fig. 3 D, E View Figure 3 ) subtrapeziform, with a stout, relatively short femoral trichostele in anterior view, extending apically to ~ 1 / 2–3 / 4 prefemoral trichostele, in posterior view with a rounded, slightly narrowed, subtrapeziform femoral process, this being strongly curved anterolaterally and gently tapering into an acuminate and pointed tip (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ). Tibia stout, gently tapering distad and curved apicobasad towards femoral process, with an evident, distolateral tibial process, this being strongly curved mesad (Fig. 3 E View Figure 3 ). Tarsus the smallest, subcylindrical, moderately sigmoid, strongly curved, narrowly rounded apically, with a robust and small terminal seta (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ).


The taxonomic status of R. carnifex presents a challenge. Pocock (1889) originally described both Glomeris carnifex and G. carnifex var. pallida in the same paper. However, the original description of G. carnifex lacked details, focusing solely on body coloration and a vague collection locality (south Tenasserim, Myanmar). Pocock (1890) subsequently provided more information regarding the precise sampling locations, viz. south Tenasserim and Malwoon (= Maliwan, Kawthoung, Tanintharyi, Myanmar; Likhitrakarn et al. 2017).

In contrast, the description of G. carnifex var. pallida from Elphinstone Island contained far more detail. Pocock (1889) provided information on the number of specimens (male and female individuals), body characteristics, the 18 th pair of legs and the telopod structure, all accompanied by clear illustrations. Notably, G. carnifex and G. carnifex var. pallida differ only slightly in coloration, showing a central, longitudinal, carmine line and large, lateral, carmine spots on each tergite.

Subsequently, Silvestri (1917) provided a more detailed description, accompanied by comprehensive illustrations, while still treating R. carnifex and R. carnifex var. pallida as two different taxa. He also treated G. bicolor sensu Verhoeff (1906) as a synonym with R. carnifex var. pallida ( Pocock, 1889) . In a recent study, Golovatch et al. (2011) formally synonymized R. carnifex var. pallida with R. carnifex .

However, our recently obtained specimens from Kala Island, Myanmar (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 , green square) closely resemble the original description of G. carnifex var. pallida from Elphinstone Island (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 , red square) both in color pattern (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ) and morphological characters, especially the structure of their legs and telopod (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ) as described by Pocock (1889). These two geographically distant populations (ca 50 km apart) (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ) share these similarities, indicating that they probably belong to the same taxon. As R. carnifex var. pallida is now synonymized under R. carnifex ( Golovatch et al. 2011) , we currently identify these specimens from Kala Island, Myanmar as R. carnifex .

Although there were previous reports of R. carnifex from several localities in southern Thailand, preliminary analyses of a number of R. carnifex specimens from this area reveal notable intraspecific variation in coloration, morphology, and molecular genetics, suggesting an occurrence of cryptic species (unpublished data). Therefore, a comprehensive redescription of newly retrieved male specimens from Kala Island, Myanmar in this study, comparing them with the original description of G. carnifex var. pallida from the nearby Elphinstone Island, is essential before any taxonomic revisions of other Thai specimens can be proposed. Furthermore, the morphological redescription of R. carnifex above is thus based only on these Myanmarese specimens.














Rhopalomeris carnifex ( Pocock, 1889 )

Likhitrakarn, Natdanai, Golovatch, Sergei I., Srisonchai, Ruttapon, Jirapatrasilp, Parin, Sapparojpattana, Pichsinee, Jeratthitikul, Ekgachai, Panha, Somsak & Sutcharit, Chirasak 2024

Rhopalomeris carnifex

Nguyen AD & Sierwald P & Marek PE 2019: 292
Likhitrakarn N & Golovatch SI & Jirapatrasilp P & Panha S 2017: 6
Golovatch SI & Semenyuk II 2016: 411
Golovatch SI & Hoffman RL & Chang HW 2011: 6
Decker P 2010: 24
Enghoff H 2005: 88
Attems C 1936: 194
Silvestri F 1917: 142

Rhopalomeris carnifex var. pallida

Attems C 1936: 194
Silvestri F 1917: 143

Glomeris carnifex var. pallida

Silvestri F 1917: 143
Attems C 1914: 138

Glomeris carnifex

Hoffman RL 1980: 65
Attems C 1914: 138
Pocock RI 1890: 385

Glomeris carnifex

Pocock RI 1889: 290

Glomeris carnifex var. pallida

Pocock RI 1889: 290

Glomeris ” bicolor

Hoffman RL 1980: 65
Silvestri F 1917: 143
Verhoeff KW 1910: 241
Glomeris ” bicolor [non Wood, 1865