Dennyus (Dennyus) pascoliae, Valim, 2013

Valim, Michel P., 2013, Parasitic On Swifts (Aves, Apodiformes, Apodidae) In Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 53 (30), pp. 415-429 : 415-429

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492013003000001

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scientific name

Dennyus (Dennyus) pascoliae

sp. nov.

Dennyus (Dennyus) pascoliae View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 10-13 View FIGURES 10‑13 , 18, 19, 21, 23, 25 View FIGURES 18‑26 )

Type host: Streptoprocne zonaris zonaris (Shaw, 1796) – White-collared Swift ( Apodiformes : Apodidae )

Holotype: Male ( MZUSP #2701 View Materials ), ex Streptoprocne zonaris zonaris , BRAZIL: Minas Gerais, Uberlândia, Cachoeira do Malagone , Rio Uberabinha [18°40’46”S; 48°30’03”W, 600 m],. XI.2008, G. V. T. Pascoli coll. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 1 Male and 2 Females ( MZUSP #2702-2703 View Materials ), same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Additional specimens not-regarded as types: 3 Males ( MZUSP #2705-2707), ex Cypseloides senex (Temminck, 1826) , BRAZIL: Minas Gerais, Uberlândia, Cachoeira do Malagone, Rio Uberabinha [18°40’46”S; 48°30’03”W, 600 m],. XI.2008, G. V. T. Pascoli coll. 1 Female ( MZUSP #2708), Cypseloides senex (same individual for D. (D.) malagonensis described below), BRAZIL: Minas Gerais, Uberlândia, Cachoeira do Malagone, Rio Uberabinha [18°40’46”S; 48°30’03”W, 600 m],. XI.2008, G. V. T. Pascoli coll.

Etymology: The species epithet is a noun in the genitive case dedicated to the Brazilian veterinarian Graziela V. T. Pascoli, in honor of her studies and collection of Swift ectoparasites in Brazil.

Diagnosis: The new species belongs to the same group as described above for D. (D.) pichorimi . However, D. (D.) pascoliae is also morphologically close to D. (D.) brunneitorques based on head shape and chaetotaxy of the prosternal plate. Both species have three spine-like and two long setae along the anterior border of the prosternal plate ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 18‑26 ) and D. (D.) pascoliae has a pair of distinct sternal plates on abdominal segments I-II ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18‑26 ) (absent in D. (D.) brunneitorques ), and larger body measurements (TL: 3.27 vs. 2.30 in D. (D.) brunneitorques ). The male genital sclerite of D. (D.) pascoliae ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 18‑26 ) is quite distinctive among Neotropical species of the subgenus ( Dennyus ) with known males (see Carriker 1954).

Both sexes of D. (D.) pascoliae can be promptly distinguished from D. (D.) malagonensis by the number of outer dorsal (3 vs. 7 and 10, in D. (D.) malagonensis and D. (D.) pichorimi , respectively) and ventral (4 vs. 5 in D. (D.) pichorimi and D. (D.) malagonensis ) setae on first tibia.


Male (additional specimens in parenthesis): Habitus dorsal and ventral as in Figs. 10-11 View FIGURES 10‑13 , respectively. Head wider than long, cephalic index 0.62 (much as in Fig. 18 View FIGURES 18‑26 ). Preantennal margin smoothly rounded, temporal and occipital margins slightly angulated (as in Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10‑13 ). Dorsal head seta 5 (dhs5) short and slender; dhs14, dhs28, and one unnamed short and spiniform seta between dhs29 and dhs31. Labial setae 5 (ls5) 0.10 long. Gular plate with 7+6 setae (6+7; 7+7), the two most posterior setae set outside the gular band, other setae inside the gular plate; the most anterior setae always very short.

First tibia with 4 and 3 outer lateral ventral and dorsal setae, respectively. Prosternal plate with 10 (11-12) short setae within clear area of the plate and 3 anterior set on the marginal band, plus a antero-lateral pair of long setae ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 18‑26 ); mesosternal (21) and metasternal (25-27) plates with 20 setae each. Femoral brush III with 32-34 (37-40) setae. Metapleura with 3 setae on each side, the innermost 4x longer than the outer ones; metathorax with 16-19 (19-20) setae on posterior margin, of which 3+3 long; median anterior metanotal setae transversely aligned with respect to anterior lateral setae.

Tergal setae (most missing in the holotype), posterior row: I, 25-28 (27-29); II, 26 (25-28); III , 26-30 (24-25); IV, 27-30 (24-30); V, 27-29 (23-33); VI, 29-30 (25-30); VII, 25-26 (21-25); VIII, 20-21 (16-19). Sternite I with a pair of long setae (one on each latero-posterior side) and 9 short anterior setae. Sternal plate II entire (as in Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18‑26 ). Sternal setae, posterior row: II, 12-14 (11-13); III , 15-18 (16-19); IV, 15-16 (14-16); V, 10-11 (7-10); VI, 9-9 (9-11); VII, 4 (4). Anterior sternal rows: II, 12-14 (13-22); III , 16-18 (21-27); IV, 13-14 (21-22); V, 12 (14-14); VI, 11 (13-14); VII, 2-6 (2-4). Sternites I-VII with two irregular anterior rows of setae; sternites V-VII with a small brush of setae on their lateral margins, less distinct in VII. Sternal brush setae (left and right, respectively): V , 16+17 / 17+17 (26+21; 18+16); VI, 19+19 / 21+18 (24+25; 21+21); VII, 11+11 / 9+8 (11+12; 9+8) ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 10‑13 ). Anterior and posterior setae in brush on sternite VI similar to each other. Sternite VIII with a single row of 5-8 (5-6) short setae. Lateral plates wide and heavily sclerotized, with 8-11 setae on the posterior margin of segments III-VII (1-2 outermost setae thin and long); dorsal portion of pleurites II-VIII with characteristic incrassations ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10‑13 ).

Genitalia as in Fig. 25 View FIGURES 18‑26 , with broad parameres lightly curved inward and genital sclerite with distinctive shape ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 18‑26 ).

Measurements (n = 2): TW, 0.78-0.79; PoW, 0.56-0.57; HL, 0.49; PW, 0.48-0.49; PrL, 0.26; PrW, 0.18; MW, 0.81-0.83; FeIIL, 0.36-0.39; FeIIIL, 0.47-0.49; AL, 1.19-1.21; AW, 0.88-0.95; GL, 0.81-0.86; PaL, 0.27-0.28; GSL, 0.29-0.31; TL, 2.33-2.37.

Measurements for additional specimens (n = 3), ex Cypseloides senex : TW, 0.79-0.81; PoW, 0.56-0.58; HL, 0.49; PW, 0.46-0.47; PrL, 0.24-0.27; PrW, 0.18-0.19; MW, 0.78-0.82; FeIIL, 0.38-0.39; FeIIIL, 0.49-0.51; AL, 1.19-1.25; AW, 0.91; GL, 0.81-0.84; PaL, 0.29-0.34; GSL, 0.29-0.30; TL, 2.28-2.38.

Female (additional specimens in parenthesis): Habitus dorsal and ventral as in Figs. 12-13 View FIGURES 10‑13 , respectively. Similar to male, except in dimensions and morphology of terminalia. Head as in Fig. 18 View FIGURES 18‑26 , cephalic index 0.59. Labial setae 5 (ls5) 0.09 long. Gular plate with 6+7 (6+7) setae.

First tibia with 4 and 3 outer lateral ventral and dorsal setae, respectively. Prosternal plate with 8-12 (10) short setae within clear area of plate and 3 anterior set on marginal band, plus an antero-lateral pair of long setae ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 18‑26 ); mesosternal plate with 19 (22) setae; metasternal plate with 23 (38) setae. Femoral brush III with 42 (46) setae. Metapleura with 3 setae on each side, as in males; metathorax with 25 (21) setae on its posterior margin, 3+3 longer than others.

Tergal setae with only a posterior row: I, 34-36 (35); II, 34 (33); III, 34-36 (35); IV, 35-36 (36); V, 34 (32); VI, 31-33 (32); VII, 26-27 (28); VIII, 18-20 (18). Sternite I with a pair of long setae, one on each latero-posterior side, and 10 short anterior setae. Sternal plate II entire ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18‑26 ). Sternal setae, posterior row: II, 14-16 (18) ; III, 19-20 (21); IV, 18-21 (24); V, 13-14 (15); VI, 10-11 (11); VII, 4 (4). Anterior sternal rows: II, 23 (26) ; III, 26-31 (34); IV, 32-40 (42); V, 18-24 (25); VI, 12-21 (21); VII, 2-5 (5). Sternal brush setae : V, 28+28 / 27+28 (26+33); VI, 28+31 / 30+32 (34+35); VII, 0+8 / 10+10 (13+11) ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 10‑13 ). Subgenital plate without medio-anterior setae; with long (0.19) lateral marginal setae (lms, as much for Fig. 9 View FIGURES 5‑9 ) on subgenital plate; median marginal setae (mms) all missing in both paratypes, with 3 on each postero-lateral side. In additional female mms 0.15-0.17 long. Ventral and dorsal anal fringe with 48-50 setae each; without any setae anterior to anal fringe. A regular row of 21-23 setae on vulvar margin .

Measurements (n = 2): TW, 0.89-0.91; PoW, 0.62-0.64; HL, 0.53; PW, 0.53-0.56; PrL, 0.28-0.30; PrW, 0.20-0.21; MW, 0.94-1.00; FeIIL, 0.46-0.47; FeIIIL, 0.58-0.61; AL, 1.84-1.97; AW, 1.18-1.23; AnW, 0.42-0.43; TL, 3.15-3.27.

Measurements of additional female (n = 1), ex Cypseloides senex : TW, 0.86; PoW, 0.61; HL, 0.51; PW, 0.51; PrL, 0.27; PrW, 0.20; MW, 0.92; FeIIL, 0.42-0.47; FeIIIL, 0.55-0.56; AL, 1.68; AW, 1.11; AnW, 0.40; TL, 2.91.


Although only few louse specimens have been collected from two host species at the same place, it is reasonable to accept Cypseloides senex as a natural host for D. (D.) pascoliae , because the two samples (1 female / 3 males) were made independently from two distinct localities.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Paleontological Collections


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