Parapholidoptera yarpuzi Ünal, 2018

Ünal, Mustafa, 2018, Tettigoniinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Turkey with key to genera and descriptions of six new species, Zootaxa 4432 (1), pp. 1-66 : 30-31

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Plazi (2018-10-10 20:43:37, last updated 2019-09-26 00:10:31)

scientific name

Parapholidoptera yarpuzi Ünal

sp. nov.

Parapholidoptera yarpuzi Ünal , sp. nov.

( Figs. 275–287 View FIGURES 273–291 , 330–338 View FIGURES 330–338 )

Description. Male (holotype): Fastigium of vertex 1.4 times wider than width of eye. Antennal scapus 2.2 times narrower than fastigium of vertex; 1.6 times narrower than width of eye; as wide as frontal groove. Pronotum ( Figs. 275–278 View FIGURES 273–291 , 330 View FIGURES 330–338 ) cylindrical in prozona, slightly flattened in metazona, with smooth surface, without median and lateral carinae; metazona extended posteriorly, reaching to half of 1 st abdominal tergite; shoulder incision distinct; anterior margin almost straight, posterior margin broadly rounded, but straightened in the middle; 1.8 times longer than high. Tegmina ( Figs. 275–278 View FIGURES 273–291 , 330 View FIGURES 330–338 ) brachypterous, concealed under pronotum except apical 1.5 mm part, reaching to slightly beyond the end of 1 st abdominal tergite. Fore femur with 2 spinules on inner genicular lobe, mid femora with 2 spinules on inner and outer lobes, hind femur with indistinct 1 spinule on inner and outer lobes. Fore femur with 2–3, hind femur with 6–7 inner spines ventrally, mid femur unarmed. Hind femur ( Figs. 275–276 View FIGURES 273–291 ) 2.6 times longer than pronotum. Last tergite ( Figs. 279 View FIGURES 273–291 , 332 View FIGURES 330–338 ) slightly extended posteriorly in the middle, with reduced, very small, slightly downcurved 2 triangular lobes, posterior incision very small as wide as one lobe. Cerci ( Figs. 279 View FIGURES 273–291 , 333 View FIGURES 330–338 ) almost cylindrical in proximal part, slightly widened with a avarage size inner tooth; distal part strongly narrowed almost 1/3 of the proximal part, slightly tapering towards apex. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 280 View FIGURES 273–291 ) longer than wide, with narrow, V-shaped posterior incision; with typical dark band laterally; styli 2.8 times longer than the depth of posterior incision. Titillators ( Figs. 281 View FIGURES 273–291 , 334–335 View FIGURES 330–338 ) slender; apical arms curved under obtuse angle, narrow, slightly widened at base of unfused part, with 4–5 dorsal spinules; basal arms reaching to unfused part of apical arms.

Female: Fastigium of vertex 1.3 times wider than width of eye. Antennal scapus 2.3 times narrower than fastigium of vertex; 1.7 times narrower than width of eye; as wide as frontal groove. Pronotum ( Figs. 282–284 View FIGURES 273–291 , 331 View FIGURES 330–338 ) as in male, but metazona cylindrical, shoulder incision more distinct and posterior margin more rounded. Tegmina ( Figs. 282–284 View FIGURES 273–291 , 331 View FIGURES 330–338 ) fully concealed under pronotum, not reaching to end of metanotum, contiguous at dorsum. Legs ( Figs. 282 View FIGURES 273–291 , 331 View FIGURES 330–338 ) as in male. Last abdominal tergite ( Figs. 287 View FIGURES 273–291 , 336 View FIGURES 330–338 ) short and wide, posterior margin smoothly convex, without any incision. Cercus ( Fig. 287 View FIGURES 273–291 ) simple, straight; basal 3/4 part slightly narrowing to apex, apical 1/4 part strongly and sharply tapering like a spine. Subgenital plate ( Figs. 285–286 View FIGURES 273–291 , 337–338 View FIGURES 330–338 ) with smooth surface without median carina; posterior lobes narrowly rounded at apex and slightly upcurved; posterior incision narrow, deep, elliptical; basal pit small and narrow. Ovipositor ( Figs. 282 View FIGURES 273–291 , 331 View FIGURES 330–338 ) long, very slightly upcurved, 1.1 times longer than hind femur and 2.8 times longer than pronotum.

Color. Body various shades of brown with black, castaneous, yellow and creamish markings as in typical congeners. Antennae light brown, each segment separated by black line. Dorsal surface of head creamish brown with irregular 2 blackish bands behind of scapus; with larger black bands behind of eye; ventral margin of fastigium uf vertex black; face creamish, with symmetrical 10 spots. Pronotum cataneous in dorsal surface with irregular shaped but symmetric short black stripes and spots; paranota with typical large black spot in the middle and typical yellow band at the margins. Costal margin of tegmina cream, other part blackish dark brown in male. Fore and mid legs creamish brown, with brown spots and short stripes. Outer surface of hind femur with a large typical longitudinal black band expanded to dorso-anterior spot; inner surface with dark brown band in the middle. Abdomen light brown, slightly darker in female; both sides of first 4 abdominal tergites blackened; dorsal surface of first abdominal tergite and male tegmina in the middle (in natural closed position) blackish dark brown; posterior margins of 2nd –6th abdominal tergites with a small black spot in the middle. Subgenital plates yellow in both sexes, typical lateral dark brown bands present in male. Last tergite creamish milky brown in male, light brown in female. Basal 1/3 part of ovipositor cataneous remaining part turns to dark milky brown.

Measurements (mm). Holotype: body 28; pronotum 9.5; tegmina 1.5; hind femur 24.9. Paratypes: body: female 27–28.6; pronotum: female 10.7–11; hind femur: female 29–29.2; ovipositor: 29–31.2.

Diagnosis. This new species is included in the P. signata sp. group by the large size, long and slender titillator, male subgenital plate with long styli, the shape of long subgenital plate of female with deep and narrow posterior incision. All the members of this species group (including recently described P. georgiae Massa et al, 2009 and P. kalashiani Massa et al, 2009) have male last tergites with very long posterior lobes and a deep posterior incision ( Figs. 288 View FIGURES 273–291 , 292, 296 View FIGURES 292–311 ). But, this new species is easily recognized by the male last tergite with strongly reduced posterior lobes and a very small incision; the female last tergite without posterior incision (all the others with posterior incision), the shapes of titillator and subgenital plates of both sexes.

Male subgenital plate with much deeper posterior incision and with typical lateral dark band separated it from P. signata , P. syriaca and P. indistincta in all of which posterior incision shallow and lateral dark band absent ( Figs. 289 View FIGURES 273–291 , 293, 297 View FIGURES 292–311 ).

Male cercus and titillator most similar to P. syriaca . But inner tooth of cercus in the middle (in proximal part in P. syriaca , Fig. 292 View FIGURES 292–311 ), unfused part of titillator more curved and basal arms longer in the new species. Additionally distinctly broader posterior margin of pronotum (narrowly rounded in P. syriaca ), shape of male last tergite (with much longer and downcurved posterior lobes in P. syriaca , Fig. 292 View FIGURES 292–311 ), female last tergite without posterior incision (with incision in P. syriaca ), female subgenital plate (lobes distinctly shorter and triangular; posterior incision clearly smaller and triangular in P. syriaca , Figs. 294–295 View FIGURES 292–311 ).

It is different from P. signata by the shape of male cerci (male cercis as in Fig. 288 View FIGURES 273–291 in P. signata ), titillator (apical arms long and strongly curved in P. signata ), female subgenital plate (posterior lobes strongly upcurved and pointed with deeper posterior incision in P. signata , Figs. 290–291 View FIGURES 273–291 ).

The new species is different from P. indistincta by the shape of male cerci (with longer inner tooth in P. indistincta , Fig. 296 View FIGURES 292–311 ), titillator (much stouter, fused part strongly widened like a plate in P. indistincta ), female subgenital plate (posterior lobes distinctly more upcurved and pointed with a distinct median carina; basal pit much larger in P. indistincta , Figs. 298–299 View FIGURES 292–311 ).

Male last tergite with reduced lobes similar to P. yoruka and P. bolkarensis . However all the other characters such as body size, male cerci, titillator, subgenital plates are very different. Moreover they are in different species groups.

Material examined. TURKEY: Osmaniye, Yarpuz Yaylası yolu, 927 m, 37.04.529 N, 36.22.451 E, 16.6.2005, 1 male (holotype), 2 females, 1 male nymph (leg. M. Ünal) (AİBÜEM).

Etymology. “Yarpuz” plateau is the type locality of this new species and is also the name of fragrant plant, a kind of Mentha .

Remarks. This species is found as a congeneric partner with P. signata in the type locality.

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FIGURES 273–291. Platycleis (Squamiana) melendisensis: 273 female habitus, lateral view; 274 ovipositor; 275–287. Parapholidoptera yarpuzi sp. nov.: 275 male habitus, lateral view; 276 ditto dorsal view; 277 male pronotum and tegmina, lateral view; 278 ditto dorsal view; 279 male end of abdomen; 280 male subgenital plate; 281 titillator; 282 female habitus, lateral view; 283 female pronotum, lateral view; 284 ditto dorsal view; 285 female subgenital plate, ventral view; 286 ditto lateral view; 287 female last tergite; 288–291. Parapholidoptera signata: 288 male end of abdomen; 289 male subgenital plate; 290 female subgenital plate, ventral view; 291 ditto lateral view.

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FIGURES 330–338. Parapholidoptera yarpuzi sp. nov.: 330 male habitus, lateral view; 331 female habitus, lateral view (330 and 331 illustrated by Şeyma Hatip); 332 male last tergite; 333 male cercus; 334 titillator anterior view; 335 ditto lateral view; 336 female last tergite; 337 female subgenital plate, ventral view; 338 ditto lateral view. Scales 1 mm.

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FIGURES 292–311. Parapholidoptera syriaca: 292 male end of abdomen; 293 male subgenital plate (styli missing); 294 female subgenital plate, ventral view; 295 ditto lateral view; 296–299. Parapholidoptera indistincta: 296 male end of abdomen; 297 male subgenital plate; 298 female subgenital plate, ventral view; 299 ditto lateral view; 300–311. Eupholidoptera singularis sp. nov.: 300 male habitus, lateral view; 301 ditto dorsal view; 302 male pronotum and tegmina, lateral view; 303 ditto dorsal view; 304 male end of abdomen; 305 male subgenital plate, ventral view; 306 ditto lateral view; 307 titillator posterior view; 308 female habitus, lateral view; 309 female pronotum, lateral view; 310 ditto dorsal view; 311 female subgenital plate, ventral view.