Ptychoceratodus Jaekel, 1926

Pawlak, Wojciech, Tałanda, Mateusz, Sulej, Tomasz & Niedźwiedzki, Grzegorz, 2020, Dipnoan from the Upper Triassic of East Greenland and remarks about palaeobiogeography of Ptychoceratodus, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (3), pp. 561-574 : 565

publication ID 10.4202/app.00679.2019

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scientific name

Ptychoceratodus Jaekel, 1926


Genus Ptychoceratodus Jaekel, 1926

Type species: Ptychoceratodus serratus (Agassiz, 1838) ; Aargau, Switzerland; Keupersandstein .

Remarks.— Ptychoceratodus is not assigned to any family because of disagreement between researchers about taxonomy of Mesozoic lungfishes. Ptychoceratodontidae diagnosed on dental plates is commonly used by various authors ( Kemp 1998; Martin et al. 1999; Richter and Toledo 2008). However, objections to taxonomy based on the dental plates are also present ( Schultze 1992). Taxonomic difficulties are well outlined in Skrzycki (2015). We consider cranial features as a better taxonomic tool, however, because most dipnoan findings are isolated dental plates, there is no other and better possibility to distinguish the species or genera.

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