Oecetis koobarra, Wells, 2004

Wells, Alice, 2004, The long-horned caddisfly genus Oecetis (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) in Australia: two new species groups and 17 new species, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 61 (1), pp. 85-110 : 99-101

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24199/j.mmv.2004.61.7



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Oecetis koobarra

sp. nov.

Oecetis koobarra sp. nov.

Figures 60–63, 120

Oecetis sp. ‘H’ — Wells 1991: fig. 139.

Material examined. Holotype, male, NT, Kakadu National Park , Radon Creek, 3 Sep 1979, J. Blyth ( NTM).

Paratypes. NT: 15 males, ARRS, Radon Springs , 13/ 14 Apr 1988, Suter and Wells ( NTM and NMV); male, Magela Creek, 7 Apr 1993, P. Dostine ( NTM) .

Other material. NT: male, 3 females, 12°50’S 132°51’E, 16 km EbyN of Mt Cahill , 13 Jun 1973, J.C. Cardale ( ANIC) GoogleMaps ; male, 12°48'S 132°49'E, Kakadu National Park , Baroalba Springs, 16 Jan 1992, Wells and Webber ( NTM) GoogleMaps ; pupa, Litchfield National Park , Walker Creek, 18 Apr 1992, A. Wells ( NMV) ; 2 males, Litchfield National Park , Walker Creek, 18/ 19 Apr 1992, A. Wells ( NMV) ; 4 males, 12°48'S 132°49'E, Kakadu National Park , Baroalba Springs, 25 Apr 1991, Wells and Webber ( NTM) GoogleMaps ; 3 males, 1 female, 12°48'S 132°49'E, Kakadu National Park , Baroalba Springs, 29 May 1991, Wells and Webber ( NTM) GoogleMaps ; male, Melville Island , 11°36'S 130°43'E, 4 Oct 1996, G.R. Brown ( NTM) GoogleMaps ; male, Melville Island , nr Pickertaramoor, 11°46'S 130°53'E, 10 Oct 1996, G.R. Brown ( NTM) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Dark zig-zag mark on forewing (Fig. 63) formed by pattern on wing membrane around the stepped posterior anastomosis; overall straight-sided male genitalia, phallus narrow mesially, with apex obliquely truncate.

Description. Tibial spurs 1, 2, 2. Male forewing length 4.6–5.6 mm. Wing laminae with vestiture of equal length; forewing (Fig. 63) with a zig-zag pattern marking posterior anastomosis, a footstalk on fork 1, t1 more distal than t2, t2 and t3 contiguous. Male genitalia, Figs 60–62. Segment IX almost uniform in length all round, preanal appendages well separated, ovoid. Segment X with long, slender dorsal process. Inferior appendages straight-sided, stepped in midlength on inner margin, and with a slender dorsal lobe at midlength. Phallus in lateral view slender medially, obliquely angled towards apex.

Distribution. Northern NT (the ‘Top End’), and offshore Melville Island in the Tiwi Islands Group (Fig. 120).

Remarks. Oecetis koobarra is distinctive for both its wing markings and its very angular male genitalia. It is probably most closely allied to O. parka . An associated pupa is from a cornucopia-shaped sand case.

Etymology. Koobarra, now the official name for Baroalba Springs, one of the collecting localities.


Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences


Museum Victoria


Australian National Insect Collection













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