Enterocytozoon bieneusi subsp. genotypes

Yu, Mengshi, Liu, Xue, Karim, Fazal, Xie, Meng, Wu, Jiayun, Li, Diyan, Ni, Qingyong, Zhang, Mingwang, Yu, Guozhi, Xiao, Hongtao, Xu, Huailiang & Yao, Yongfang, 2022, Prevalence and new genotypes of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in wild rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) in China: A zoonotic concern, International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 18, pp. 61-67 : 63

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Enterocytozoon bieneusi subsp. genotypes


3.2. Molecular diversity of E. bieneusi genotypes

From 38 positive specimens, 11 E. bieneusi genotypes were identified based sequence analysis of the ITS region. Including 3 known genotypes: D (n = 24), EbpC (n = 4) and SCC-2 (n = 1); 8 novel genotypes were following: Mul6 (n = 1), Mul7 (n = 1), Mul8 (n = 1), Mul9 (n = 1), Mul10 (n = 2), Mul11 (n = 1), Mul12 (n = 1) and Mul13 (n = 1) ( Table 1). The base variation of the novel genotypes within the 243 bp of the ITS sequence is presented in Fig. 3 View Fig : Mul6, Mul7, Mul9, Mul11, Mul12 and Mul13 contained 1 to 4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with genotype D (MT796858); Mul8 had 3 SNPs relative to genotype PL9 (MT497898); Mul10 had 2 SNPs with genotype CAF4 (MZ502643). Genotype D (63.2%) was the most prevalent, it was observed in 7 populations except XZ-2 and QH. The population SC-1 had another known genotypes SCC2. Genotype EbpC was only found in XZ-2. Distribution of known and novel genotypes have shown in Table 1.

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