Nouraguesia, Csuzdi & Pavlíček, 2011

Csuzdi, Csaba & Pavlíček, Tomáš, 2011, A new earthworm genus Nouraguesia gen. nov. from French Guiana with description of two new species (Oligochaeta, Glossoscolecidae), Journal of Natural History 45 (27 - 28), pp. 1759-1767 : 1761

publication ID 10.1080/00222933.2011.560727

persistent identifier

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Nouraguesia gen. nov.

Derivatio nominis

The new genus is named after the type locality of the two new species. Both of them were collected in the Nouragues Natural Reserve, French Guiana .


Setae eight per segment in regular rows. Male pores intraclitellar, copulatory chambers lacking. One muscular gizzard in 6. Three pairs of calciferous glands in 7–9 of lamellar structure and without ectal membranous reservoir. Male sexual apparatus holandric, spermathecae lacking. Intestine with circularly arranged digitate caeca, typhlosole lacking. Excretory system vesiculate with simple nephrostoma and nephridial sphincter.

Type species. Nouraguesia souadae sp. nov.

Other species. Nouraguesia amaparis (Righi, 1971) , Nouraguesia parare sp. nov.


The new genus is similar to Andiorrhinus Cognetti, 1908 , but clearly differs from it by possessing circularly arranged caeca at the anterior part of the intestine. Other characteristics of the new genus are the dorsoventrally flattened body and lack of spermathecae.

Both, the flattened body and the presence of many digitate caeca can be connected with the biology of the species. All the specimens we collected were found in decaying tree trunks or in similar habitats (in debris accumulated at the leaf-axils of palm trees, etc.).

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