Caryanda hongheensis Mao, Yin

Song, Hong, Yin, Zhi-Long, Storozhenko, Sergey Yu. & Mao, Ben-Yong, 2024, A review of the Caryanda tamdaoensis species-group (Orthoptera: Acrididae), with description of a new species from Yunnan, China, Zootaxa 5474 (4), pp. 412-426 : 422-425

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5474.4.4

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scientific name

Caryanda hongheensis Mao, Yin


Caryanda hongheensis Mao, Yin & Song, sp. nov.

Chinese common name: Ḧ河卵OEè

( Figs 8, 9 View FIGURE 9 )

Type material examined. Holotype: male, CHINA: Honghe County, Yunnan Province, 23°14′N, 102°24′E, alt. 1909 m, 19 August 2022, leg. Zhilong Yin. GoogleMaps Paratypes: 30 males, 30 females, same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; 18 males, 8 females, CHINA: Xinping County, Yunnan Province, 23°57′N, 101°55′E, alt. 2102 m, 16 August 2022, leg. Zhilong Yin. All type specimens are deposited in BMDU GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. This new species is placed in Caryanda tamdaoensis species-group as demonstrated by sharing appearance of nearly pentagonal epiproct, conical male cerci and lathy upcurved apical penis valves, and is very similar to C. zhenyuanensis Mao, Xu & Li, 2017 , but differs from latter in: 1) body length larger, 19.0–20.0 mm in male, 21.5–24.0 mm in female (in C. zhenyuanensis , the length is 17.0– 17.9 mm in male or 20.3–21.0 mm in female); 2) abdominal tergites black with 3 yellow longitudinal stripes in male (in C. zhenyuanensis , abdominal tergites darkish green in male); 3) female subgenital plate with posterior margin nearly straight but weakly excised near both sides (in C. zhenyuanensis , female subgenital plate with posterior margin roundly projected at the middle).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality, Honghe River basin, Yunnan Province, China.

Description. Body size small to medium for genus, stouter in female.

Head. Head shorter than pronotum; fastigium broad, slightly flat in dorsal view, and the anterior margin broadly rounded, width in front of eyes about 2.0–2.4 (2.2, mean, n=5, male) (the same below) or 2.3–2.9 (2.7, female) times larger than length, interocular distance 1.1–1.5 (1.3, male) or 1.0–1.3 (1.2, female) times width of frontal ridge between antennae. Face sloping, strongly foveolate; frontal ridge laterally straight with shallow longitudinal sulcus, subobsolete near the base of labrum; lateral margins nearly parallel, except somewhat extended around median ocellus. Lateral facial keels thick and straight. Antennae filiform, retrad reaching the base of hind femora (male) or posterior margin of pronotum (female), median 7–9 segments about 2.4–3.1 (2.7, male) or 2.0–2.6 (2.3, female) times as long as wide. Eyes oval, longitudinal diameter about 1.5–1.6 (1.6, male) or 1.6–1.9 (1.7, female) times as long as horizontal diameter, and about 2.0–2.3 (2.1, male) or 1.7–1.8 (1.8, female) times as long as subocular furrow.

Thorax. Pronotum in both genders nearly cylindrical, surface foveolate, anterior margin nearly straight, posterior margin nearly straight and with a wide and shallow notch at the middle; median carina indistinct, lateral carinae absent; three transverse sulci distinct; prozona 2.2–2.7 (2.4, male) or 2.2–2.3 (2.3, female) times as long as metazona; lateral lobe with posterior margin distinctly concave, posteroventral corner nearly rectangular (male) or obtusely angular (female). Prosternal spine conical, straight, apex weakly acute (male, female). Mesosternal interspace about 1.4–1.8 (1.6, male) or 1.0–1.4 (1.2, female) times longer than minimum width; mesosteral lobes nearly square, 1.1–1.4 (1.2, male) or 1.1–1.3 (1.2, female) times wider than long; metasternal lobes almost contiguous (male) or separated (female). Tegmina lateral, squamiform, length 2.8–3.9 (3.3, male) or 2.6–3.4 (3.2, female) times larger than maximum width, apex surpassing (male) or reaching (female) posterior margin of 2 nd abdominal tergite. Hind femora with upper carina smooth and terminating in an acute angle; apex of lower knee lobes with spine. Hind tibiae with apical half nearly cylindrical, with internal and external apical spines, 7–8 external and 8–9 internal spines on dorsal side. Abdomen tergites with median carina. Tympana opening distinct, oval.

Abdomen. Male genitalia ( Fig. 8 C–D, G–L).Tenth abdominal tergite widely divided in middle, with small furculae. Epiproct nearly pentagonal, width at base larger than length; basal half with broad median longitudinal sulcus, lateral areas concaved; flat and longitudinally elevated in the middle; posterior margin triangular, apex acute. Cerci long conical, straight and apex acute, surpassing apex of epiproct. Subgenital plate long conical, apex rounded. Epiphallus with outer lophi near narrowly triangular, apically tapering in posterior view, inner lophi small and triangular; ancorae fingerlike, pointing dorsad, apically blunt; bridge divided in middle with anterior margin flat. Phallic complex: apical valves of penis and cingular valves obviously extended out of hind margin of cingular rami; apical valves of penis upcurved in lateral view, in posterior view apex strongly expanded nearly long oval with inner edge retrad rolled; cingular valves upcurved in lateral view, fused apically.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 8 E–F). Epiproct nearly triangular, with a transverse crease in the middle and a middle longitudinal sulcus in the basal half. Cerci conical, apex blunt, not reaching apex of epiproct. Subgenital plate broad, near rectangular, median area concaved, posterior margin nearly straight but weakly excised near both sides. Valves of ovipositor with dentes along margins.

Coloration ( Figs 8 A–B, 9 A–E View FIGURE 9 ). Head dorsally blue or greenish blue in male, green or greenish brown in female, frons and genae yellow, eyes brown. Antennae yellow except apical segments fuscous; postocular bands black, continued on pronotum, tegmen and abdomen. Pronotum with disc blue or greenish blue in male, yellowish green or brown in female; lateral lobes black with two yellow maculae close to each other, lower edge black. Prosternum and prosternal spine yellow-green. Meso- and meta- thoraxes with episterna and epimera yellow. Tegmina black. Fore and middle legs green. Hind femora green with or without a yellow preapical ring in male, or green with or without a red preapical ring in female; knee black; hind tibiae blue except base black; claws black. Abdominal tergites black with 3 yellow longitudinal stripes in male, green or brown in female; abdominal sternites yellow. Cerci black. Epiproct yellow.

Mesurements of length (in mm). Body length: male 19.0–20.0, female 21.5–24.0; pronotum length: male 6.5–7.1, female 8.8–9.1; tegmen length: male 5.0–7.0, female 5.9–7.2; hind femora length: male 10.2–11.4, female 12.6–13.4.

Distribution. China: Yunnan.

Remarks. After a careful examination of all materials, we found that all individuals from Xinping County share the same morphological feature with those from Honghe County, especially showing the same shape of epiphallus, cingular valves and apical valves of penis, but only small different in body color. Eighteen male individuals from Honghe show hind femora green having a yellow preapical ring and 8 female individuals with a red preapical ring while all individuals from Xinping without any color preapical ring in both sexes ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ). Therefore, it is reasonable that they are identified as the same species.













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