Synagelides huangxin Lin & Li, 2024

Lin, Yejie, Li, Shuqiang, Mo, Haolin & Wang, Xihao, 2024, Thirty-eight spider species (Arachnida: Araneae) from China, Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam, Zoological Systematics 49 (1), pp. 4-98 : 55-60

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Synagelides huangxin Lin & Li

sp. nov.

Synagelides huangxin Lin & Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 47– 48 View Figure 47 View Figure 48 , 49E–F View Figure 49 )

Etymology. The species is named after Huang Xin, a character in the classic Chinese novel Outlaws of the Marsh; noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. The male of the new species resembles S. gambosus Xie & Yin, 1990 and S. subgambosus Wang, Mi, Irfan & Peng, 2020 by having similar S-shaped retrolateral tibial apophysis and distinct prolateral cymbial apophysis but differs by the following characters: curved embolic tip longer than tegular apophysis (vs. embolic tip straight and almost as long as tegular apophysis) and in retrolateral view, tegular apophysis tip strongly curved (vs. almost straight). The female resembles S. angustus Li, Wang & Peng, 2021 and S. subgambosus by the similarly shaped epigynal septum and spermathecae, but differs by the copulatory duct coiled 180° (vs. straight).

Description. Male (holotype). Total length 2.82, carapace 1.47 long, 1.01 wide; opisthosoma 1.36 long, 0.75 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.31, ALE 0.17, PME 0.20, PLE 0.05, AME–AME 0.03, AME–ALE 0.05, PME–PME 0.81, PME–PLE 0.28, ALE–PLE 0.24, AERW 0.99, PERW 0.87, EFL 0.86. Chelicerae with 1 promarginal tooth and 1 retromarginal fissident tooth with 2 cusps. Leg measurements: I 2.05 (0.95, 1.50, 0.33, 0.27), II 2.08 (0.66, 0.74, 0.42, 0.26), III 2.18 (0.66, 0.74, 0.42, 0.26), IV 2.90 (0.82, 1.02, 0.70, 0.36).

Coloration ( Fig. 49E View Figure 49 ). Carapace red-brown, widest between coxae II and III, covered with white setae. Clypeus dark brown. Fovea subtriangular. Chelicerae yellow-brown. Endites yellow-brown. Sternum brown, covered with thin setae. Femur I red, other femora brown. Opisthosoma elongated oval, dorsum with 2 pairs of white dorso-lateral spots, covered with white setae on spots and laterally; venter black.

Palp ( Fig. 47 View Figure 47 ). Femur modified, approximately 2 times longer than wide, with a ventral apophysis near edge, triangular, almost half the width of femur. Patella strongly swollen, 4 times longer than and as wide as tibia; tibia 2 times longer than wide. Retrolateral tibial apophysis S-shaped. Cymbium with well-developed retrolateral process. Tegular apophysis flattened, slightly broadened basally, with hook-shaped process at the anterior edge in retrolateral view. Embolus enlarged at base, almost 0.5 times wider than bulb. S-shaped in ventral view.

Female (paratype Ar44858). Total length 3.37, carapace 1.48 long, 1.04 wide; opisthosoma 1.02 long, 0.92 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.35, ALE 0.21, PME 0.22, PLE 0.06, AME–AME 0, AME–ALE 0.04, PME–PME 0.77, PME–PLE 0.20, ALE–PLE 0.27, AERW 1.06 , PERW 0.91, EFL 0.89. Chelicerae with 2 promarginal teeth and 1 retromarginal fissident tooth with 2 cusps. Leg measurements: I 2.69 (0.86, 1.32, 0.28, 0.23), II 1.97 (0.60, 0.69, 0.41, 0.27), III 2.17 (0.63, 0.71, 0.54, 0.29), IV 2.98 (0.82, 1.04, 0.75, 0.37) .

Coloration ( Fig. 49F View Figure 49 ). Similar to that of male.

Epigyne ( Fig. 48 View Figure 48 ). Epigynal plate almost 1.3 times longer than wide, with pair of lateral arcuated rims. Median septum narrowed. Copulatory openings located medially. Copulatory ducts coiled, terminally with well-developed gland ducts which are longer than the fertilization ducts. Spermathecae elongated, extending transversely and touching each other prolaterally. Fertilization duct wide, directed at 1:00-o’clock-position from spermatheca.

Material examined. Holotype ♂ (IZCAS-Ar44857), China: Chongqing, Chengkou Co., 26.VII.2023, Yuyang Zhou leg. Paratypes. 2♀ (IZCAS-Ar44858, Ar44859), same data as holotype .

Distribution. Known only from the type locality.













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