Storozhenkotettix, Patano Jr & Skejo & Amoroso & Kasalo, 2024

Patano Jr, Romeo R., Skejo, Josip, Amoroso, Victor B. & Kasalo, Niko, 2024, Storozhenkotettix, a new genus of Trusmaditetrigini (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Mindanao, with notes on Bolivaritettix, Zootaxa 5453 (4), pp. 577-586 : 580

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5453.4.8

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Storozhenkotettix gen. nov.

Justification of the establishment of the new genus. Storozhenkotettix amphinotoides comb. nov. was previously assigned to Bolivaritettix Günther, 1939 , of which the type species is Bolivaritettix sculptus ( Bolívar, 1887) . The new genus differs from B. sculptus in major ways, namely: (i) the shape of vertex (rounded in B. sculptus , trapezoidal in S. amphinotoides comb. nov.); (ii) the structure of pronotum (median carina forming crests, other carinae low in B. sculptus ; median carina low, many elevated carinulae in S. amphinotoides comb. nov.); (iii) the structure of femora (mostly smooth in B. sculptus , tuberculated in S. amphinotoides comb. nov.). S. amphinotoides comb. nov. is thus excluded from Bolivaritettix and assigned to the new genus, which is classified under Trusmaditetrigini due to its similarity to Trusmaditetrix Storozhenko, 2023 .

Diagnosis. (i) vertex as wide as an eye; (ii) carinae of vertex forming low horns; (iii) vertex trapezoidal in dorsal view; (iv) bifurcation of frontal costa at top of face; (v) paired ocelli in bottom third of face; (vi) top of antennal groove at bottom margin of eyes; (vii) fore femora approximately as long as the combined length of the head and prozona; (viii) pronotal apex narrow and bifurcated; (ix) lack of tegmina and alae; (x) bilobate apex of pronotum; (xi) lateral lobes projected outward; (xii) third segment of hind tarsus approximately equal in length to the first.

Differential diagnosis. Most similar to Trusmaditetrix , but easily differentiated from it by: (i) fore femora much shorter than in Trusmaditetrix ; (ii) facial features lower in Trusmaditetrix due to concave vertex in anterior view; (iii) lack of wings ( Trusmaditetrix is fully winged); (iv) bilobate pronotal apex (narrow rounded apex in Trusmaditetrix ).

Easily separated from all other Trusmaditetrigini members by: (i) narrow vertex; (ii) long pronotum (reaching tip of abdomen; (iii) relatively narrow bilobate pronotal apex.

Type species. Storozhenkotettix amphinotoides comb. nov.

Composition. Monotypic, including only S. amphinotoides comb. nov.

Distribution. Mindanao, Siargao.

Etymology. Named after Sergey Yurievich Storozhenko, a tetrigidologist who described many important taxa. The suffix -tettix refers to the Ancient Greek word for “grasshopper”, making the name of masculine gender.











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