Handroanthus speciosus ( Candolle ex Martius) M.Nascim., J.F.B.Pastore & Zuntini.

Nascimento, Matheus, Pastore, José Floriano B. & Zuntini, Alexandre R., 2024, A new combination in Handroanthus (Bignoniaceae) from Brazil, Phytotaxa 640 (2), pp. 171-176 : 172-173

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.640.2.5



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scientific name

Handroanthus speciosus ( Candolle ex Martius) M.Nascim., J.F.B.Pastore & Zuntini.

comb. nov.

Handroanthus speciosus ( Candolle ex Martius) M.Nascim., J.F.B.Pastore & Zuntini. View in CoL comb. nov.

Tecoma speciosa Candolle ex Martius , Flora 24(2, Beibl.): (1841: 13). ≡ Gelseminum speciosum (Candolle ex Martius 1841: 13) Kuntze (1898: 245) . ≡ Tabebuia vellosoi Toledo (1952: 34) . ≡ Handroanthus vellosoi ( Toledo 1952: 34) Mattos (1970: 2) . syn. nov. ≡ Bignonia longiflora Vellozo (1829: 252) , nom. illeg. non Cavanilles (1801: 58). ≡ Tecoma longiflora Bureau & Schumann (1897: 324) . nom. illeg. ≡ Handroanthus longiflorus ( Vellozo 1829: 252) Mattos (1991: 3) . Protologue: “ Habitat silvis maritimis Pharmacopolitanis ”. Lectotype (designated here):—Icon. ined. “Didyn. Angyosp. Bignonia longiflora Tab. 52 ”. Secção de Manuscritos , Bibliot. Nac. (Rio de Janeiro), nº. I-17,03, 002; mss1198655_056.

Note: —The neotype designation provided by Gentry (1992) is superseded here due to the presence of the original set of unpublished plates of the Florae Fluminensis which is still archived at Biblioteca Nacional in Rio de Janeiro ( Brazil) and constitutes part of the original material ( Pastore et al. 2021). The lectotype chosen here, an unpublished plate, is the sole extant original material, following Pastore et al. (2022), and excluding a contemporary copy of the lectotype in Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo (Lisboa), at collection “Manuscrito da Livraria”—PT-TT-MSLIV-2776_m0111.TIF.

Type locality: —The original locality and habitat of Bignonia longiflora was described by Vellozo (1829) as “ Habitat silvis maritimis Pharmacopolitanis ”. This reference was interpreted as being the municipality of Paraty (Rio de Janeiro state) ( Lima 1995, Pastore et al. 2021), where Handroanthus speciosus occurs frequently ( Lohmann 2023, POWO 2023, SpeciesLink 2023).

Habitat, distribution and phenology: — Handroanthus speciosus is mainly distributed in the southern and southeast of Brazil, usually in places above 1000 m ( Gentry 1992). This species is found in the Atlantic Forest phytogeographic domain, in Seasonal Forest and Ombrophilous Forests (Pluvial Forest) ( Lohmann 2023). This species blooms generally between July and September and its flowers are well-known in attracting birds, especially in urban regions ( Silva et al. 2021).

Taxonomic Note: —Although Handroanthus speciosus is presumably close related to H. catarinensis (Gentry 1977: 318) Grose (2007b: 664) , these species were not sampled for the phylogeny study of Handroanthus presented by Grose & Olmstead (2007a). These two species can be easily distinguished by the morphological features observed by Gentry (1992) (see Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).

The Florae Fluminensis illustration, here designated as lectotype, represents well represents the species, showing all leaves 7-foliolate, secondary veins disposition, relatively long flowers, and calyx with presumably simple trichomes. The comprehensive morphological description of H. speciosus (as T. vellosoi ) was provided by Gentry (1992). Tabebuia vellosoi was published as a replaced name for “ Bignonia longiflora Vellozo, Florae Fluminensis (1825) p. 252, VI (1827) tab. 52, non Cavanilles, Icon., VI (1801) p. 58, tab: 581”. Toledo (1952) also commented that Martius (1841) did not effectively linked Bignonia longiflora with T. speciosa . However, Martius (1841) cited “ Tecoma speciosa Candolle in litt. Bignonia longiflora Vellozo VI. t.52.”, therefore, the link between these names is unequivocal. On the other hand, Tabebuia speciosa is taxonomic synonym of Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl 1798: 46) Nicholson (1887: 1) [≡ Handroanthus serratifolius (Vahl 1798: 46) Grose (2007b: 666) ], and not related with Tecoma speciosa [≡ Handroanthus speciosus ].

Specimens used to compose the distribution map: — BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Barbacena, Santos Dumont , [-21.219782, -43.7690], 15 August 1988, Tabacow & Chamas s.n. (MBML, MO, US) GoogleMaps ; Caraça, Parque Natural de Caraça, trail to Cascatinha , behind monaster, transition between cerrado and campo de altura along black water stream, [-20.25, -43.50], 16 January 1985, Gentry et al. 49602 (MO, RBR) ; Itambé do Mato Dentro, Distrito de Santana do Rio Preto ( Cabeça de boi) APA do Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó , Terras de José Agostinho , na mata, [-19.396147, -43.4020], 15 December 2007, Santos 447 (BHCB, RB, SPF) GoogleMaps ; Jaboticatubas, Serra do Cipó, Km 126 ao longo da rod. Lagoa Santa — Conceição do Mato Dentro — Diamantina, [-19.513599, -43.7449], 05 September 1973, Semir et al. 4433 (UEC) GoogleMaps ; Lima Duarte, Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca , [-21.842500, -43.7930], 15 July 2005, Trovó 189 (SPF) GoogleMaps ; Patrocínio, Serra do Salitre , cerrado oeste da Lagoa Campestre, região dos carbonalitos, [-18.943715, -46.9923], 24 March 1994, Ceccantini 248 (BOTU, SPF) GoogleMaps ; Rio Preto , próximo ao burraco de ouro, [-22.089199, -43.8278], 27 July 2006, Matozinhos 283 (CESJ, SPF) GoogleMaps ; Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, ao longo da Rodovia Belo Horizonte — Conceição do Mato Dentro , brejo próximo à estátua do Velho Juca , [-19.168899, -43.7144], 03 September 1995, Lohmann 48 (SPF). GoogleMaps Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia [-22.450461, -44.6100], 17 August 2004, Pereira 38 (RB) GoogleMaps ; Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, [-22.967436, -43.2248], 08 November 1984, Carvalho & Costa 619 (RB) GoogleMaps ; Serra dos Órgãos, [-22.500140, -43.0692], 04 October 1876, Glaziou 8213 (F, G, K, MO, US) GoogleMaps ; Teresópolis, [-22.416667, -43.9833], 31 January 1978, Peixoto & Gentry 935 (MO, RB). GoogleMaps São Paulo: Boracéia, between Moji das Cruzes and Biritiba-Mirim, crest of Serra do Mar , [-23.583333, -46.0000] 05 February 1987, Custódio-Filho et al. 4708 (MO) GoogleMaps ; Pico do Itaguaré, Alto do Pico do Itaguaré , limite de estado entre Minas Gerais e São Paulo, Cruzeiro, [-22.569999, -44.9599], 04 June 1995, Parra 35 (SPF) GoogleMaps ; Piracicaba, Campus ESALQ/USP São Paulo, [-22.710980, -47.6353], 02 September 1994, Faganello 1 (ESA, MO) GoogleMaps ; Salesópolis, Estação Biológica de Boracema , [-23.531037, -45.8465], 20 August 1965, Mattos 12457 (MO) GoogleMaps ; Santo André, Estação Biológica do Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba , [- 23.659999, -46.5299], 15 August 1988, Sugiyama et al. 779 (SPF) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo, Cidade Jardim , [-23.540000, -46.6300], 26 September 1932, Hoehne s.n. (SPF, MO) GoogleMaps .














Handroanthus speciosus ( Candolle ex Martius) M.Nascim., J.F.B.Pastore & Zuntini.

Nascimento, Matheus, Pastore, José Floriano B. & Zuntini, Alexandre R. 2024

Handroanthus longiflorus ( Vellozo 1829: 252 )

Mattos 1991: 3

Handroanthus vellosoi ( Toledo 1952: 34 )

Mattos 1970: 2

Tabebuia vellosoi

Toledo 1952: 34

Gelseminum speciosum (Candolle ex Martius 1841: 13 )

Kuntze 1898: 245

Tecoma longiflora

Bureau & Schumann 1897: 324

Tecoma speciosa Candolle ex Martius

Candolle ex Martius. However 1841

Bignonia longiflora Vellozo (1829: 252)

Vellozo. Listed 1829: 252

Bignonia longiflora

Vellozo. Listed 1829
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