Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) gorochovi Zhang, Liu & Shi, 2017

Zheng, Yanna & Ma, Libin, 2021, Taxonomy of the genus Duolandrevus Kirby, 1906 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Landrevinae) from China with a new species of the subgenus Eulandrevus Gorochov, 1988, Zootaxa 4942 (2), pp. 252-268 : 259-260

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4942.2.7

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Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) gorochovi Zhang, Liu & Shi, 2017


Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) gorochovi Zhang, Liu & Shi, 2017

( Fig 6–7 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 )

Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) gorochovi Zhang, Liu & Shi, 2017: 316

Examined materials. 5 males. China: Guangdong, Nanling , Sep. 22, 2020, coll. He, Zhixin ( SNNU) ; 2 males. China: Guangxi, Daming Mountain , Oct. 1, 2020, coll. He, Zhixin ( SNNU) ; 1 male. China: Guangxi, Longzhou, Nongang , Aug. 22, 2020, coll. He, Zhixin ( SNNU) ; 1 male. China: Guangdong, Nanling, Pingding Mountain , Aug. 6, 2019, coll. He, Zhixin and Zhang, Tao ( SNNU) .

Measurements (mm). Male: BL 20.14±1.62; HL 3.25±0.20; HW 5.29±0.40; PL 3.25±0.16; PW 5.20±0.28; FWL 7.70±0.39; HFL 9.60±0.44; HTL 6.66±0.08; Female: BL 19.90; HL 3.84; HW 5.12; PL 3.44; PW 5.53; FWL 2.62; HFL 10.75; HTL 6.88; OL 13.97.

Description. Male: Head smooth and light, conspicuously wider than pronotum. Vertex broad and flattened, weakly inclined. Frontal rostrum slightly convex in frontal view, slightly wide in dorsal view. Face transversely broad, area of antennal socket and area of lower side of eye distinctly depressed, between the two areas ridged. Antennal socket and lower side of compound eye depressed rough or wrinkled; genae shiny and plump. Median ocellus small and transversely ovoid; lateral ocelli large and rounded. Clypeus extremely small, distal narrowed portion is short. Labrum rhombus-like, with angle lateral margins and concave apically. End section of maxillary palpi longer than the third. End section of labial palpi longer than remainder sections, depressed and widened.

Pronotum widened and depressed; anterior margin concave and arch-like, posterior margin straight. Middle of both lateral edges slightly convex. Hindwings aplasia, small (reaching posterior margin of metanotal gland) and entirely covered by forewings. Tegmina reaching the fifth abdominal tergite. The basal region of forewing elevated and slightly higher than the rest of the forewing surface. Oblique veins five; diagonal vein forked, not connected to CuA vein. Chord veins three, they proximally connected together and converging on CuA veins; the third chord vein distally forked, connected to 3A veins. Mirror inconspicuous, replaced by multiple irregular wing cells, of them, most of proximal ones somewhat larger than the apical ones. A chord vein and wing cells connected by several veins (numbered from two to four). Apical field armed with reticulated veins. Lateral field bearing seven branches of Sc vein.

Both inner and outer tympana ovoid, inner slightly larger than outer one. Hind tibiae equipped with spines on the half of proximal portion and spurs on distal part (numbered 4:4), and armed with five apical spurs, of them, the inner ones numbering three, and the ventral one shortest with remainder ones nearly equal to each other; and outer apical spurs numbering two and dorsal one slightly longer than ventral one; as a whole, outer apical spurs longer than the inner ones. First tarsus of hind leg armed with six spines respectively on sides. Super-anal plate simple, trapezoidal, about 2.3 times longer than width. Subgenital plate pike-liked.

Genitalia ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ): Genitalia tapering distally in dorsal view. Middle lobes of epiphallus short. Lateral lobes of epiphallus about three times longer than the middle lobe, its tip not bifurcate, but armed with a small hook on lateral side. Lateral lobes of epiphallus apex obtuse and hairy. Ectoparameres acute, about two times longer than epiphallic middle lobe.

Coloration: Head, thorax and abdomen colored dark brown. Tegmina brown. Femur colored light brown, tibial and claw brownish. Cercus yellowish-brown proximally and apically brownish.

Female: Similar to male. Forewing reaching anterior to the second abdominal tergite, with longitudinal veins, which shorter inside and gradually lengthening outward. And only the sixth longitudinal vein yellowish-brown remainders colored brown. Ovipositor smooth, brown, arrow-shaped and slightly longer than posterior femur.

Remark. This species is related to Duolandrevus (Duolandrevus) Kalimantan (Gorochov, A.V., 2016), but the shape of the lateral lobes of the epiphallus and the shape of tegmina are different. Especially, ectoparamere of this species is obviously shorter than epiphallic lateral lobes. Size of body and spines on hind tarsus as well as number and size of wing cells which replace mirror varied among individuals of this species. Most literature records that this species does not possess hindwings ( Zhang et al., 2017a). We discovered that it does but they are undeveloped and rather small (almost reaching posterior margin of metanotal gland), and entirely covered by forewings.




















Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) gorochovi Zhang, Liu & Shi, 2017

Zheng, Yanna & Ma, Libin 2021

Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) gorochovi

Zhang, Liu & Shi 2017: 316
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