Lebertia (s. str.) maglioi Thor, 1907

Esen, Yunus & Erman, Orhan, 2015, Some new records and one new species of the genus Lebertia Neuman (Acari: Hydrachnidia: Lebertiidae) from Turkey, Turkish Journal of Zoology 39 (5), pp. 781-789 : 781-788

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https://doi.org/ 10.3906/zoo-1408-44

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scientific name

Lebertia (s. str.) maglioi Thor, 1907


Lebertia (s. str.) maglioi Thor, 1907

Material examined: Erzurum Province, Tortum, Çıpak stream, 40°14.10′N, 41°29.57′E, 1950 m a.s.l., 13.09.2006, (2/3) GoogleMaps ; Ilıca, Toprakkale , 40°11.46′N, 40°56.51′E, 2150 m a.s.l., 14.09.2006 GoogleMaps , (9/8).

Description. Male: Integument smooth, idiosoma L/W 900/696, Cx-I/II mL 176/158 (ratio 1.1), Cx-II posterior W 31, coxal field L/W 658/607, genital flap L 165, genital field W 150, capitulum vL 217, chelicera L 285, Ac-1–3 L 50– 48–33. Palp ( Figure 1A View Figure 1 ) total L 388, P-1 32; P-2 97; P-3 94; P-4 126; P-5 39; P-2 ventral margin slightly concave, P-3 enlarged distally, P-4 with maximum H in basal part, peg-like seta small, ventral setae insertion 1:1:2. IV-L-1 with 1 dorsal seta and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-5 with 2 long swimming setae ( Figure 1B View Figure 1 ), IV-L-6 with 2 ventral setae, IV-L-5 L/H 283/47, ratio 6.0, IV-L-6 L/H 261/50, ratio 5.2.

Female: (n = 3) Idiosoma L/W 770–1040/594–776, Cx-I/II mL 158–175/140–165 (ratio 1.0–1.1), Cx-II posterior W 28–40, coxal field L/W 632–700/537–642, genital flap L 176–192, genital field W 144–173, capitulum vL 215, chelicera L 269, Ac-1–3 L (56–60)–(50–55)– (39–41); palp total L 328–374, P-1 26–30; P-2 82–94; P-3 83–97; P-4 106–115; P-5 31–38. IV-L-1 with 1 dorsal seta and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-5 with 2 long swimming setae ( Figure 1C View Figure 1 ), IV-L-6 with 2 ventral setae, IV-L-5 L/H 252–260/47–48, ratio 5.4, IV-L-6 L/H 240–248/49–50, ratio 4.9–5.0.

Remarks: Specimens from Turkey are in good agreement with European Lebertia maglioi in the combination of a smooth, finely porose integument, the medial sutures of Cx-I/II similar in length, low number of swimming setae, and reduced number of ventral setae on IV-L-6. They differ in the length of the 2 swimming setae of IV-L-5, which is more than half of the next segment (in particular in the juvenile specimens, the 2 swimming setae on IV-L-5 are very long; see Figure 1C View Figure 1 ), the greater distance of dorso- and mediodistal setae on P-3, and the distally narrower P-4. Turkish specimens here attributed to L. maglioi are similar to L. alia Semenchenko and Tuzovskij, 2010 (with one swimming seta on IV-L-5 longer than onehalf IV-L-6). L. alia differs from Turkish specimens in the very slender P-3 with dorso- and mediodistal setae closer to each other ( Semenchenko and Tuzovskij, 2010). However, more extensive variability studies could demonstrate the synonymy of L. alia with L. maglioi .

Previous record from Turkey: Niğde Province ( Gerecke, 2009).

Distribution: West Palearctic ( Gerecke, 2009).

Lebertia (s. str.) marasensis sp. nov.

Type series: Holotype, male, Kahramanmaraş Province, from a limnocrene spring near Lake Kumaşır , 37°22.22′N, 37°22.58′E, 460 m a.s.l., 12.09.2012 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: Same locality as holotype (4/7).

Further record: Kahramanmaraş Province, Çağlayancerit, Lake Değirmen , 37°43.18′N, 37°29.10′E, 880 m a.s.l., 11.09.2012 GoogleMaps (3/4).

Diagnosis: Integument smooth, laterally with fine striation, idiosoma slightly elongated; Cx-I/II mL ratio 0.8–0.9, posterior margin Cx-II wide, medial and lateral margins of Cx-IV forming an acute angle; IV-L-1 with 1 dorsal seta and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-6 with 4–6 ventral setae, number of swimming setae III-L-5, 2; IV-L-5, 3 (one of them very characteristically distanced from distal edge); P-3 equally enlarged from base to distal margin, dorsal setae distanced away from each other, medio- and dorsodistal setae close to each other, ventrodistal setae close to distal margin, P-4 with maximum H in distal part, ventral setae insertions equidistant (1:1:1), peg-like seta slender.

Description. Male: Idiosoma ( Figure 2A) L/W 1025/746, Cx-I/II mL 174/200 (ratio 0.87), Cx-II posterior W 48, coxal field L/W 720/583, genital flap L 184, genital field W 149, capitulum vL 214, chelicera L 308, Ac-1–3 L 63–52–37. Palp ( Figure 2B) total L 376, P-1 39; P-2 100; P-3 93; P-4 112; P-5 32, P-2 ventral margin slightly concave. IV-L-1 with 1 dorsal and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-6 with 4–6 ventral setae ( Figure 2C), leg swimming setae: III-L-5, 2; IV-L-5, 3; IV-L-5 L/H 282/42, ratio 6.7, IV-L-6 L/H 256/48, ratio 5.3.


Female: Idiosoma L/W 1070/800, Cx-I/II mL 180/197 (ratio 0.9), Cx-II posterior W 44, coxal field L/W 725/590, genital flap L 200, genital field W 154, capitulum vL 244, chelicera L 318, Ac-1–3 L 72–61–40. Palp total L 400, P-1 40; P-2 108; P-3 100; P-4 118; P-5 34. IV-L-5 L/H 298/47, ratio 6.3, IV-L-6 L/H 273/50, ratio 5.5.

Etymology: Named after the province of Kahramanmaraş in which the species was found.

Habitat: The specimens of Lebertia (s. str.) marasensis were collected from a limnocrene spring.

Remarks: Due to the relatively long mL Cx-II, ventrodistal setae on P-3 close to distal edge, and 3 long swimming setae on IV-L-5 (one of them characteristically distanced from distal edge), Turkish specimens are different from L. cognata . While the position of the ventrodistal seta on P-3 has been found to be variable in L. cognata specimens from Central Europe ( Gerecke, 2009), the latter differ also in the higher number of ventral setae on IV-L-6 (about 6–8) and Cx-I longer than Cx-II. Furthermore, the new species is similar to L. fimbriata in integument structure, shape, and setal arrangement on the palp, and number of swimming setae on IV-L-5. It differs from the latter in elongated palp segments and a higher number (4–6) of ventral setae on IV- L-6 (in L. fimbriata IV-L-6 with 2–3 ventral setae).

Distribution: Turkey, only known from type locality.

Lebertia (s. str.) erzurumensis Esen & Erman, 2013

New records: Siirt Province, Başur stream, 37°57.42′N, 41°47.19′E, 525 m a.s.l., 05.08.2012 GoogleMaps , (0/1).

Previous record from Turkey: Erzurum Province ( Esen et al., 2013b).

Lebertia (s. str.) fimbriata Thor, 1899

Material examined: Kahramanmaraş Province, Andırın, Fındıklı stream, 37°35.22′N, 36°21.54′E, 1095 m a.s.l., 27.07.2010, (18/27) GoogleMaps ; Fırnız stream, 37°45.32′N, 36°41.53′E, 655 m a.s.l., 31.05.2010, (1/2) GoogleMaps ; Elbistan, Sevdili stream, 38°15.54′N, 37°33.42′E, 1480 m a.s.l., 29.09.2009, (1/0) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 27.05.2010, (17/4) GoogleMaps ; Söğütlü stream, 38°15.15′N, 37°32.00′E, 1360 m a.s.l., 27.09.2012, (3/1) GoogleMaps ; Göksun, Ardıç stream, 37°32.50′N, 36°26.55′E, 820 m a.s.l., 30.07.2010 GoogleMaps , (1/0).

Description. Male: (n = 5) Idiosoma L/W 770– 887/590–755, Cx-I/II mL 140–150/150–171 (ratio 0.9), CxII posterior W 37–40, coxal field L/W 565–580/435–486, genital flap L 132–150, genital field W 120–132, capitulum vL 154–172, chelicera L 238–250, Ac-1–3 L (40–49)– (40–47)–(26–34). Palp ( Figure 3A View Figure 3 ) total L 274–316, P-1 30–32; P-2 67–80; P-3 65–71; P-4 85–103; P-5 27–30, P-3 ventrodistal seta slightly distanced from distal edge; IV-L- 1 with 1 dorsal seta and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-6 with 4 stout ventral setae ( Figure 3B View Figure 3 ), swimming setae: III-L-5, 1–2; IV-L-4, 0–1; IV-L-5, 2–3; IV-L-5 L/H 209–218/34–37, ratio 5.9–6.1, IV-L-6 L/H 190–194/38–39, ratio 4.9–5.

Female: (n = 3) Idiosoma L/W 968–1165/751–923, Cx-I/II mL 150–171/170–202 (ratio 0.8–0.9), Cx-II

ESEN and ERMAN / Turk J Zool posterior W 42–48, coxal field L/W 720/541, genital flap L 160–178, genital field W 142–151, capitulum vL 160–200, chelicera L 222–260, Ac-1–3 L (60–70)–(56–68)–(35–41). Palp ( Figure 3C View Figure 3 ) total L 335–366, P-1 32–34; P-2 89–98; P-3 80–91; P-4 104–110; P-5 30–33. IV-L-1 with 1 dorsal seta and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-6 with 4 stout ventral setae ( Figure 3D View Figure 3 ), swimming setae number same as male, IV-L-5 L/H 253–290/42–46, ratio 6.0–6.3, IV-L-6 L/H 224–267/42–49, ratio 5.3–5.4.

Remarks: As compared with the diagnosis established for Central European L. fimbriata , specimens from Kahramanmaraş Province differ as follows: specimens from Fındıklı, Fırnız, and Ardıç streams have 2 swimming setae on IV-L-5, a short swimming seta on IV-L-4, and ventral setae insertions on P-4 distanced 1:1:1. Specimens from Sevdili and Söğütlü streams have 3 long swimming setae on IV-L-5, 1 long swimming seta on IV-L-4, and ventral setae insertions on P-4 distanced 3:3:2. We interpret these differences as examples of geographical variability in L. fimbriata .

Previous record from Turkey: Kemaliye district (Erzincan Province) ( Esen et al., 2013a).

Distribution: West Palearctic ( Gerecke, 2009).

Lebertia (s. str.) glabra Thor, 1897

New records: Kahramanmaraş Province, Elbistan, Pınarbaşı spring, 38°11.13′N, 37°12.49′E, 1145 m a.s.l., 28.06.2009, (0/1) GoogleMaps ; ibid. 30.08.2010, (0/1) GoogleMaps ; ibid. 28.10.2009, (1/0) GoogleMaps ; Göksun, Ardıç stream, 37°32.50′N, 36°26.55′E, 820 m a.s.l., 28.10.2009, (1/1) GoogleMaps ; ibid. 31.05.2010, (3/2) GoogleMaps ; 30.07.2010, (4/5) GoogleMaps ; Ekinözü, Nergele stream, 38°00.49′N, 37°13.05′E, 1215 m a.s.l., 29.10.2009, (1/1) GoogleMaps ; ibid. 31.08.2010, (3/4) GoogleMaps ; 30.09.2010, (5/2) GoogleMaps ; 29.10.2010, (7/5). Siirt Province, Başur stream, 37°57.42′N, 41°47.19′E, 525 m a.s.l., 05.08.2012 GoogleMaps , (3/5).

Previous records from Turkey: Niğde Province ( Smit, 1995), Kemaliye (Erzincan Province) ( Esen et al., 2013a), Bingöl Province ( Esen and Erman, 2013).

Distribution: West Palearctic ( Gerecke, 2009).

Lebertia (s. str.) maculosa Koenike, 1902

New records: Kahramanmaraş Province, Elbistan, Sevdili stream, 38°15.54′N, 37°33.42′E, 1460 m a.s.l., 27.05.2010, (7/8) GoogleMaps ; Söğütlü stream, 38°15.15′N, 37°32.00′E, 1360 m a.s.l., 27.09.2010, (1/0) GoogleMaps ; Çağlayancerit, Göksu stream, 37°44.26′N, 37°22.21′E, 975 m a.s.l., 26.10.2009, (1/1) GoogleMaps ; ibid. 30.06.2010, (1/2) GoogleMaps ; ibid. 27.09.2010, (2/3) GoogleMaps ; ibid. 29.09.2012 GoogleMaps , (2/1).

Previous records from Turkey: Rize Province ( Pešić et al., 2007), Kemaliye (Erzincan Province) ( Esen et al., 2013a), Bingöl Province ( Esen and Erman, 2013).

Distribution: Central, western, and southeastern Europe ( Gerecke, 2009).

Lebertia (s. str.) rufipes Koenike, 1902

Material examined: Kahramanmaraş Province, Çağlayancerit, Lake Değirmen , 37°43.18′N, 37°29.10′E, 880 m a.s.l., 09.08.2012 GoogleMaps , (0/1).

Description. Female: Idiosoma slightly elongated ( Figure 4A View Figure 4 ), L/W 1134/750, Cx-I/II mL 171/202 (ratio 0.84), Cx-II posterior W 48, coxal field L/W 720/541, genital flap L 207, genital field W 161, capitulum vL 240, chelicera L 318, Ac-1–3 L 70–68–41. Palp ( Figure 4B View Figure 4 ) total L 366, P-1 34; P-2 98; P-3 91; P-4 110; P-5 33. IV-L-1 with 1 dorsal seta and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-6 with 4 stout ventral setae ( Figure 4C View Figure 4 ), swimming setae: III-L-5, 1; IV- L-5, 1; IV-L-5 L/H 290/46, ratio 6.3, IV-L-6 L/H 267/49, ratio 5.4.

Remarks: In the presence of one swimming seta on IV-L-5, the P-3 ventrodistal seta located away from distal edge, and ventral setae insertion distances 1:1:1, the single female agrees with L. rufipes . It differs from the type series in the relatively long Cx-II, the swimming seta on IV-L-5 being longer, and a lower number of ventral setae on IV- L-5–6.

Distribution: Central and eastern Europe ( Gerecke, 2009). New for Turkey.

Subgenus: Pilolebertia Thor, 1900

Lebertia (Pilolebertia) longiseta Bader, 1955

Material examined: Kahramanmaraş Province, Andırın, Kesik stream, 37°36.34′N, 36°34.37′E, 545 m a.s.l., 27.08.2009, (0/1) GoogleMaps ; Körsülü stream, 37°38.14′N, 36°37.36′E, 450 m a.s.l., 27.08.2009, (3/5) GoogleMaps ; Fındıklı stream, 37°35.22′N, 36°21.54′E, 1095 m a.s.l., 27.07.2010, (8/13) GoogleMaps ; Çağlayancerit, Göksu stream, 37°44.26′N, 37°22.21′E, 975 m a.s.l., 30.05.2010, (0/1) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 30.06.2010, (1/0) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 28.08.2010, (2/0) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 28.10.2010, (4/11) GoogleMaps ; Lake Değirmen , 37°43.18′N, 37°29.10′E, 880 m a.s.l., 26.04.2010, (1/2) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 29.05.2010, (1/1) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 26.06.2010, (3/2) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 27.07.2010, (2/0) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 11.09.2012, (3/0) GoogleMaps ; Elbistan, Sevdili stream, 38°15.54′N, 37°33.42′E, 1460 m a.s.l., 27.05.2010, (4/5) GoogleMaps ; ibid., 30.09.2010, (1/9) GoogleMaps ; Söğütlü stream, 38°15.15′N, 37°32.00′E, 1360 m a.s.l., 27.09.2012, (2/4) GoogleMaps . Siirt Province, Kezer stream, 37°57.42′N, 41°51.25′E, 545 m a.s.l., 05.08.2012, (1/2) GoogleMaps ; Başur stream, 37°57.42′N, 41°47.19′E, 525 m a.s.l., 18.05.2012, (0/2) GoogleMaps ; Biloris stream, 37°48.36′N, 42°10.33′E, 720 m a.s.l., 01.10.2013 GoogleMaps , (0/3).

Description. Male: Idiosoma L/W 688–1037/509– 862, Cx-I/II mL 164–180/126–162 (ratio 1.1–1.3), Cx-II posterior W 30–32, coxal field L/W 622–710/600–645, genital flap L 163–177, genital field W 142–165, capitulum vL 210–232, chelicera L 257–261, Ac-1–3 L (6–62)–(53– 60)–(32–34). Palp total L 368–406, P-1 27–30; P-2 99–108; P-3 90–112; P-4 123–126; P-5 29–30. IV-L-1 with 1 dorsal seta and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-6 with 2–3 ventral setae, leg swimming setae: II-L-5, 5; III-L-4, 6; III-L-5, 8; IV-L-4, 6–7; IV-L-5, 9–10; IV-L-5 L/H 255–264/46–53, ratio 5.0– 5.5; IV-L-6 L/H 259–267/49–58, ratio 5.4.

Female: (n = 5) Idiosoma L/W 790–1200/689–1026, Cx-I/II mL 161–179/142–157 (ratio 1.1), Cx-II posterior W 30–37, coxal field L/W 660–730/588–690, genital flap L 174–190, genital field W 157–161, capitulum vL 202–227, chelicera L 252–264, Ac-1–3 L (60–63)–(53–55)–(39–40); palp ( Figure 5 View Figure 5 ) total L 400–445, P-1 33; P-2 103–119; P-3 107–110; P-4 130–153; P-5 27–30. IV-L-1 with 1 dorsal seta and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-6 with 4 stout ventral setae, leg swimming setae: II-L-5, 5; III-L-4, 5; III-L-5, 6; IV-L-4, 7; IV-L-5, 10–12; IV-L-5 L/H 268–272/52–58, ratio 4.7–5.2; IV-L-6 L/H 252–260/54–57, ratio 4.6–4.7.

Remarks: Turkish specimens agree with L. longiseta in the long and slender ventral seta on P-2, a relatively long P-3, and the setae insertions dividing P-4 ventral margin 4:2:1. They differ from European specimens in having the P-3 mediodistal seta located in the middle of the distal edge.

Distribution: Central and eastern Europe ( Gerecke, 2009). New for Turkey.

Lebertia (Pilolebertia) pilosa Maglio, 1924

Material examined: Antalya Province, Kurşunlu stream, 37°00.03′N, 30°49.19′E, 45 m a.s.l., 19.08.2007 GoogleMaps , (0/4).

Description. Female: Idiosoma L/W 891/672, Cx-I/ II mL 158/119 (ratio 1.3), Cx-II posterior W 30, coxal field L/W 632/565, genital flap L 150, genital field W 119, capitulum vL 170, chelicera L 220, Ac-1–3 L 50–41–34. Palp ( Figure 6A View Figure 6 ) total L 325, P-1 22; P-2 76; P-3 88; P-4 110; P-5 29. IV-L-1 with 1 dorsal seta and 2 dorsodistal setae, IV-L-6 with 2 ventral setae, swimming setae ( Figure 6B View Figure 6 ): II-L-5, 3; III-L-4, 2; III-L-5, 7; IV-L-4, 4; IV-L-5, 6, IV-L-5 L/H 203/34, ratio 6.0, IV-L-6 L/H 178/30, ratio 5.9.

Remarks: Lebertia pilosa differs from all other species of the subgenus in shape and setation of palp, in particular P-3 (drop-shaped, basally narrowed, mediodistal setae shifted to the medial segment surface) and P-4 (straight and slender, ventral setae close to each other in the distal part) ( Gerecke, 2009).

Distribution: Europe ( Gerecke, 2009). New for Turkey.

Lebertia (s. str.) porosa Thor, 1900

New records: Kahramanmaraş Province, Çağlayancerit, Göksu stream, 37°44.26′N, 37°22.21′E, 975 m a.s.l., 27.09.2010, (10/7) GoogleMaps ; ibid. 26.10.2010, (20/32) GoogleMaps ; 28.10.2010, (23/27) GoogleMaps ; Elbistan, Söğütlü stream, 38°15.15′N, 37°32.00′E, 1360 m a.s.l., 27.09.2012, (1/1) GoogleMaps . Siirt Province, İkizler village , stream, 38°03.53′N, 41°55.32′E, 895 m a.s.l., 15.09.2012 GoogleMaps , (5/8).

Previous records from Turkey: Afyonkarahisar, Bingöl, Elazığ, Erzurum, Konya, and Rize provinces ( Erman et al., 2010; Esen and Erman, 2013).

Distribution: Holarctic ( Gerecke, 2009).

Subgenus: Mixolebertia Thor, 1906

Lebertia (Mixolebertia) separata Lundblad, 1930

Material Examined: Artvin Province, Şavşat, Karaköy village , spring, 41°15.15′N, 42°30.13′E, 1625 m a.s.l., 17.10.1992 GoogleMaps , (1/0).

Description. Male: Idiosoma L/W 690/528, Cx-I/II mL 160/128 (ratio 1.3), Cx-II posterior W 38, coxal field L/W 607/515 ( Figure 7A View Figure 7 ), genital flap L 152, genital field W 130, capitulum vL 163, chelicera 180, Ac-1–3 L 45–40– 31. Palp ( Figure 7B View Figure 7 ) total L 361, P-1 30; P-2 89; P-3 96; P-4 124; P-5 22. IV-L-1 with 11 setae, IV-L-6 with 5 ventral setae ( Figure 7C View Figure 7 ), IV-L-5 L/H 207/38, ratio 5.4, IV-L-6 L/H 198/35, ratio 5.6.

Remarks: Lebertia stigmatifera and L. separata are very similar. The latter differs in having V-1 not fused to CxIV and posterior margin of Cx-IV not extending to the posterior margin of Ac-3. In the single male collected from Artvin Province, Cx-IV extends to the posterior margin of Ac-3 and V-1 lies close to the posteromedial edge of Cx-IV.

Distribution: Central and southeastern Europe ( Gerecke, 2009). New for Turkey.

Subgenus: Brentalebertia Gerecke, 2008

Lebertia (Brentalebertia) minutipalpis K. Viets, 1920

Material Examined: Bingöl Province, Karlıova, Lake Azizan , 39°06.03′N, 40°50.32′E, 1600 m a.s.l., 26.06.2010, (3/11) GoogleMaps ; ibid. 20.07.2010 GoogleMaps , (1/1).

Description. Male: Idiosoma L/W 620–848/458–656, Cx-I/II mL 184/83 (ratio 2.2), Cx-II posterior W 38, coxal field L/W 578/480, genital flap L 160, genital field W 151, capitulum vL 156, chelicera L 236, Ac-1–3 L 39–37–34. Palp ( Figure 8A View Figure 8 ) total L 220, P-1 30; P-2 55; P-3 49; P-4 62; P-5 24. IV-L-6 with 4–5 ventral setae, IV-L-5 L/H 194/33, ratio 5.9, IV-L-6 L/H 173/30, ratio 5.8.

ESEN and ERMAN / Turk J Zool

Female: Idiosoma ( Figure 8B View Figure 8 ) L/W 864–960/698–762, Cx-I/II mL 194/98 (ratio 2.0), Cx-II posterior W 50, coxal field L/W 611/523, genital flap L 195, genital field W 183 ( Figure 8C View Figure 8 ), capitulum vL 239, chelicera L 264, Ac-1–3 L 47–46–38. Palp total L 238, P-1 32; P-2 58; P-3 53; P-4 70; P-5 25. II-L-3-4 with stout setae ( Figure 8D View Figure 8 ), IV-L-5 with 5 ventral setae ( Figure 8E View Figure 8 ), IV-L-5 L/H 219/34, ratio 6.4, IV-L-6 L/H 198/30, ratio 6.6.

Remarks: Lebertia (Brentalebertia) minutipalpis is characterized by the combination of the following features: Cx-I with distinct downwardly curved tips; Cx-II very short and posteriorly wide; Ac-1–3 rather short and placed on elevated and strongly sclerotized acetabular bases, at least some of them slightly constricted in the center; palp

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