Gorispela vicentiniana, Dumitrică, 2024

Dumitrică, Paulian, 2024, New Middle Triassic Bell-Shaped Nassellarian Radiolaria From Alpine And Carpathian Areas, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 20 (1), pp. 51-75 : 62

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.35463/j.apr.2024.01.05

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Gorispela vicentiniana

sp. nov.

Gorispela vicentiniana n. sp.

Figs. 4 d-g

Diagnosis. Shell dicyrtid bell-shaped with initial spicules without dorsal ray. Cephalis usually poreless except its distal part that can have several small circular pores in the vicinity of the thorax. Apical horn conical, usually slightly dorsally tilted, with distal part slightly three-bladed, interbladed grooves more or less visible and probably connected with the cavity of the horn (fig. 4e). Ventral horn in subhorizontal position, shorter than the apical horn and three-bladed, its basal part with a very short conical portion. Ventral ray directed to the axis of the horn. Thorax truncate conical, bearing two circumferential ridges, the last one better marked and the interval between them having usually a ring of larger pores. Distal end represented by a relatively short cylindrical body with a row of small pores below the last circumferential ridge or with small and irregularly disposed pores. Its distal end usually irregular.

Studied material. Four specimens of which one in Rc2 and three in Rc4.

Holotype. Fig. 4d, sample Rc2, coll. MGL.110279.

Dimensions. Length of shell with apical horn 110-130 µm, without apical horn 80-83 µm, of apical horn 40-50 µm, of ventral spine 28-30 µm; diameter of cephalis 43- 45 µm, of thorax 73-82 µm.

Etymology. From its occurrence in the Vicentinian Alps, North Italy.

Remarks. Gorispela vicentiniana n. sp. differs from the other species above mentioned by having the unbladed proximal part of ventral horn very short or almost absent. It is very close to Gorispela haeckeli n. sp., from which it differs by having the pores in the space between the circumferential rings arranged usually in a single circumferential row and the circumferential rings narrower. Also, it is very close to Gorispela fenestrata n. sp. by having the pores between circumferential rings disposed in single rows, from which it differs by not having the ventral horn with a conical proximal portion, the pores between rows smaller and the rows closer to one another.

Stratigraphic range. Buchenstein Formation of Recoaro, lower Ladinian.


Musee Geologique de Lausanne

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