Barsine hreblayi Volynkin & Černý, 2019

Volynkin, Anton V. & Černý, Karel, 2019, A review of the Barsine inflexa Moore, 1878 and the B. flavodiscalis (Talbot, 1926) species-groups, with descriptions of six new species from Indochina, India and China (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae), Zootaxa 4668 (4), pp. 543-561 : 551

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Barsine hreblayi Volynkin & Černý

sp. nov.

Barsine hreblayi Volynkin & Černý , sp. nov.

( Figs 17–20 View FIGURES 17–23 , 40 View FIGURES 40–43 , 50 View FIGURES 48–53 )

Type material. Holotype ( Figs 17 View FIGURES 17–23 , 40 View FIGURES 40–43 ): ♁, “ Thailand, Changwat Nan, 25 km N of Bo Luang , 1150m, 11.XI.1999, leg. Márton Hreblay ”, slide MWM 33683 Volynkin (Coll. MWM / ZSM).

Paratypes: THAILAND: 1 ♀, same data as in the holotype, slide MWM 33684 Volynkin (Coll. MWM / ZSM) ; 1 ♀, N Thailand, Chiang Mai, Fang, Doi Ang Khang , 1425m, 29°54’11’’N, 99°2’32’’E, 19–23.IX.2006, leg. T. Ihle (Coll. CKC) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♁, same locality and collector, but 5. VI.2006 (Coll. CKC) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♁, same locality, but 25–26.IV.2006, leg. K. Černý (Coll. CKC) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀ N Thailand, Chiang Mai, Fang, Doi Pha Hom Pok , 2110m 20°06’16’’N, 99°07’46’’E, 23–24.V.2011, leg. K. Černý (Coll. CKC) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♁ N Thailand, Chiang Mai, Doi Inthanon NP, 1416m, 18°30’59’’N, 98°28’13’’E, 7–8.V.2008, leg. K. Černý (Coll. CKC) GoogleMaps ; 3 ♀, N Thailand, Lampang, Chae Son NP, 1496m, 18°51’22’’N, 99°22’3’’E, 9. VI.2005, leg. K. Černý (Coll. CKC) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♁, same locality and collector, but 10.V.2008, slide AV2790♁ Volynkin (Coll. CKC) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♁, 1 ♀, same locality and collector, but 1. VI.2005, slide AV2792 GoogleMaps ♀ Volynkin (Coll. CKC) ; LAOS: 1♁, 1♀, Lao-NE; Hua Phan prov., 20°12.328’N, 104° 00.621’E; Phu Phan Mt, 17.V.–3. VI.2007, 1750 m, Vít Kubáň leg. (Coll. CKC) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Forewing length is 11–13 mm in males and 14–14.5 mm in females. Barsine hreblayi is very similar externally to B. thagyamin , but differs by its narrower and darker yellow stripes on forewing veins and darker hindwing. The male genital capsule of B. hreblayi is similar to that of B. flavodiscalis , but differs by its shorter uncus, much broader and apically broadened juxta, valva being broader basally and slightly narrower distally, less curved costa with smaller medial process, slightly longer distal costal process, much smaller distal membranous lobe of valva, slightly longer medial saccular process, and well-developed distal saccular process (that is reduced in B. flavodiscalis ). The aedeagus of B. hreblayi is slightly larger than that of B. flavodiscalis . The vesica structure of the new species differs clearly from that of B. flavodiscalis by the presence of the large dorsal and ventral diverticula bearing clusters of large and robust cornuti, and the small medial diverticulum bearing a small cluster of small but robust cornuti. The female genitalia of B. hreblayi differ from those of B. flavodiscalis by the shorter apophyses anteriores, the broader ostium bursae with larger lateral lobes, the much broader ductus bursae, the broader corpus bursae evenly covered with stronger spinules and having no signa (whereas in B. flavodiscalis the corpus bursae has two clusters of weaker spinulose scobination, a posterior area of weak rugose sclerotization, and a long, barbell-like dentate signum), and the shorter appendix bursae situated postero-laterally (whereas in B. flavodiscalis that is situated postero-dorsally).

Distribution. North Thailand (Chiang Mai, Lampang and Nan provinces) ( Černý & Pinratana 2009, as B. inflexa ) and North Laos (Hua Phan province).

Etymology. The species name is dedicated to Dr. Márton Hreblay, the collector of the holotype and a paratype.


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute















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