Bostrichopyga crassipes (Zetterstedt, 1838)

Ozerov, A. L., 2019, Morphological and nomenclatural notes on some Scathophagidae (Diptera), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (3), pp. 328-330 : 328-330

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.3.13

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bostrichopyga crassipes (Zetterstedt, 1838)


Bostrichopyga crassipes (Zetterstedt, 1838) View in CoL

Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–3 .

The genus Bostrichopyga was described by Becker [1894] and primarily included only one species in the World — Bostrichopyga crassipes (Zetterstedt, 1838) . The second species, Bostrichopyga borealis Hendel, 1903 , was described by Hendel [1903] from Norway on a single male specimen and after that no specimens were found. Ozerov and Krivosheina [2014a], studying the holotype of B. borealis , discovered that this specimen is conspecific of B.crassipes . Now the genus Bostrichopyga is monotypic with the only species B. crassipes .

Bostrichopyga crassipes View in CoL was registered in Sweden and Finland [ Hackman, 1956], also in Norway [ Hendel, 1903 (as Bostrichopyga borealis View in CoL )]. Gorodkov [1970] mentioned this species for Russia from Kola Peninsula and Yakutia (Verchoyansk), but without specifying the material. Later, in Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, Gorodkov noted this species from the Europe- an territory of Russia only [ Gorodkov, 1986]. Ozerov & Krivosheina [2014a] did not point this species for Russia because the material mentioned by Gorodkov [1970] seemed to be absent in the collection of the Zoological Institute, St.- Petersburg (ZISP). However during the repeated revision of the ZISP collection in 2018 the specimens of B. crassipes View in CoL from Yakutia (Verchoyansk) were found as well as several specimens from Altay (see below).

B. crassipes View in CoL was known from male specimens only till now; male of B. crassipes View in CoL was fully described and illustrated by Ozerov & Krivosheina [2014a]. The female of B. crassipes View in CoL was unknown. I discovered female among Altay material. Its description is given below for the first time.

MATERIAL. RUSSIA: Altay, Kosh-Agach (49.9975ºN 88.6706ºE), 14. VI .1964 GoogleMaps , Nartshuk (7 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZISP); Yakutia, Verchoyansk (67.5483ºN 133.3961ºE), 15. VI .1913 , Mikhailov (2 ♂♂, ZISP).

DESCRIPTION. Female. Length of body 7.6 mm. Length of wing 6.2 mm. All setae and hairs on head and thorax yellowish.

Head. Fronal vitta black in upper quarter and yellow in lower part, matt. Fronto-orbital plate and ocellar triangle black, greyish dusted. Parafacial, face and gena yellow, whitish dusted. Postcranium black, greyish dust- ed, covered with setae and hairs. Setae: 2–3 orbitals, 2 frontals, 1 ocellar, 1 postocellar (weak, convergent), 1 inner vertical, 1 outer vertical; 2 pairs of strong vibrissae and several pairs of short subvibrissae present.

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Antenna black, postpedicel rounded apically, approximately 1.5 times as long as wide. Arista bare. Palpus yellow, distinctly spatulate. Clypeus and proboscis black.

Thorax black, densely grey dusted. Scutum with following setae: 2 postpronotals, 2 notopleurals, 1+1 intra-alars, 1+1 supra-alars, 2 postalars, and 2+3 dorsocentrals; acrostichal setulae short, in two rows. Proepisternum and proepimeron with several hairs. Anepisternum covered with hairs in posterior half and with a row of setae along posterior margin. Katepisternum with one strong seta in posterodorsal corner. Anepimeron bare or with one setula at middle. Scutellum greyish dusted, with a pair of strong basal scutellar and a pair of strong apical scutellar setae.

Legs yellow, only mid and hind coxae, also hind trochanter blackish. Fore femur simple, with rows of thin posterovental and dorsal/posterodorsal setae. Fore tibia with irregular rows of small setae ventrally, with 1 long dorsal seta at middle, also with 1 preapical dorsal and 1 apical posterior setae. Mid femur with 1 preapical posterodorsal seta. Mid tibia with 1 anterodorsal and 1 posterodorsal setae at middle, and a ring of apical setae. Hind femur with a row of anterodorsal setae and 4–5 anteroventral setae in apical half. Hind tibia with 2 anterodorsal, 1 dorsal/posterodorsal, 1 preapical dorsal, and apical anteroventral setae.

Wing tinged with brownish, veins blackish. Vein R 1 bare. Calypteres, including margins, and halteres yellowish.

Abdomen black, subshining, covered with hairs. Syntergite 1+2 with several setulae at sides.

Ovipositor ( Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–3 ) short and compact, more or less cylindrical. Tergite 7 is divided medially into two sclerites. Sternite 7 relatively large, rounded antreiorly with posterior excision ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–3 ). Tergite 8 is represent- ed by two narrow separated sclerites ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–3 ). Sternite 8 like two long plates ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–3 ). Proctiger shifted on dorsal side and formed by entire epiproct, pair of cerci, and hypoproct. Epiproct, cerci, and hypoproct with long setae pointing upward and backwards.

DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic. — Europe: Finland, Norway, Sweden; Asia: Russia (Altai, Yakutia).


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences














Bostrichopyga crassipes (Zetterstedt, 1838)

Ozerov, A. L. 2019

Bostrichopyga borealis

Hendel 1903
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF