Langxie feti, Tang & Jia & Liu, 2023

Tang, Victoria, Jia, Qingquan & Liu, Leonhard, 2023, A new monotypic genus and species from China Langxie feti gen et sp. n. (Scorpiones: Buthidae), Euscorpius 370, pp. 1-101 : 20-31

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.10831453

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Langxie feti

gen. et sp. n.

Langxie feti View in CoL gen. et sp. n.

( Figures 1–63 View Figures 1–4 View Figures 5–6 View Figures 7–8 View Figures 9–12 View Figures 13–14 View Figures 15–22 View Figures 23–26 View Figures 27–28 View Figures 29–46 View Figures 47–54 View Figures 55–57 View Figures 58–61 View Figures 62–63 , 65 View Figures 64–72 , 82–155 View Figures 82 View Figures 83 View Figures 84 View Figures 85 View Figures 86–87 View Figures 88–89 View Figure 90 View Figure 91 ; Tables 1–3) http: //zoobank. org/urn: lsid: zoobank. org: act: 02E49E59-


TYPE LOCALITY AND TYPE REPOSITORY. China, Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet Autonomous Region), Linzhi ( Nyingchi ) Prefecture , Chayu (Zayü) County, Gula (Golag) Township (the entire region; 古Ü乡 in Chinese ), ca. 29°12'91''N 97°57'73''E, ca. 2429 m a. s. l.; VT .

TYPE MATERIAL. China, Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet Autonomous Region), Linzhi ( Nyingchi ) Prefecture , Chayu (Zayü) County, Gula (Golag) Township (the entire region), ca. 29°12'91"N 97°57'73"E, ca. 2429 m a. s. l., 14–16 September 2022, 1♂ (holotype) 16♂ 42♀ 4♀ juvs (paratypes), leg. Qingquan Jia. Holotype and most of paratypes are in VT; 1♂ 1♀ (paratypes) are in BMNH; 5♂ 5♀ (paratypes) are in František Kovařík ( FKCP), Graeme Lowe, Ersen Aydın Yağmur and Rolando Teruel personal collections.

ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet is a patronym in honor of Victor Fet (Marshall University, USA), who has always been very supportive and encouraging to the first author in all aspects. Chinese equivalent. Î氏ffiffl (roughly as “Fet’s wolf scorpion” in English; see Tang (2022a) for the rules of designation).

DIAGNOSIS. As for the genus.

DESCRIPTION (based on holotype male and paratype female). Photographs of the specimens in Figs. 1–4 View Figures 1–4 were taken under white light. Photographs of the specimen in Figs. 5–57 View Figures 5–6 View Figures 7–8 View Figures 9–12 View Figures 13–14 View Figures 15–22 View Figures 23–26 View Figures 27–28 View Figures 29–46 View Figures 47–54 View Figures 55–57 were taken under UV light so as to depict the surface morphosculpture (granulations and carinae). UV photographs are more informative about the external structural morphology; coloration is referable in Figs. 62–63 View Figures 62–63 , 82a–f View Figures 82 , 85a–f View Figures 85 and Appendix. Due to the lack of live specimens, the holotype and paratype were selected from the specimens preserved in ethanol for about 4 months (see Acknowledgement), thus no in vivo photographs of details under white light were taken. The coloration description was instead based on other photographs taken when specimens were still alive ( Figs. 82a–f View Figures 82 ).

Coloration (in vivo) ( Figs. 82a–f View Figures 82 ). General coloration yellowish brown to blackish brown. Dorsal surface of chelicerae brownish and reticulated. Base color of carapace, tergites, metasoma and pedipalp (except for chela) yellowish brown. Pedipalp manus and tip of finger whitish yellow, same color as base of trochanter of pedipalp and leg. Base color of leg darkens gradually towards basitarsus from femur. Dark colors form maculated patterns on carapace, pedipalps (except for chela) and legs (less variegated on trochanter and telotarsus), inconspicuous in dry live specimens. Posterior margin of each tergite generally darker than anterior region, but anterior region still variegated with markings axial symmetrically. Brownish streaks of variable color present along carinae of metasoma and base color darkens towards the fifth segment (gradually changes color from yellowish brown to reddish black from posteriorly). Darkest areas often concentrated in pedipalp chelal finger (base to medial part), pedipalp patella, anterior margin of carapace, median ocular region, and posterior region of the 5 th metasomal segment. Femur and patella of each leg sometimes slightly darker than tergites, but anterior carapacial margin and pedipalp patella (and sometimes the fifth metasomal segment) always represent the darkest area. Ventral side of prosoma semitranslucently light brownish yellow, color saturation level of 2 nd coxapophyses higher than surrounding area. Pectines, posterior bands of the first four sternites (anterior area almost completely translucent) and book lungs whitish yellow. Telson orange red to reddish brown (may be relevant with age; can be yellowish in juveniles), except for aculeus which is black.

Prosoma ( Figs. 5 View Figures 5–6 , 7 View Figures 7–8 , 9–12 View Figures 9–12 ). Carapace generally flat, isosceles trapezoidal, slanting laterally with shallow grooves; anterior margin concave (triangularly incised) and thickened (weakly raised) until the posterior end of each lateral ocular carina, with four evenly positioned setae. Dorsal surface highly granulated, granules do not form conspicuous carinae, except for a pair of posterior median carinae weakly to moderately indicated; superciliary carinae weakly present, without granules in between; interocular distance approximates or is greater than diameter of one median ocellus. Intergranular surfaces either smooth or scrobiculate (present as lattice microstructures, never on granules/carinae), but both types of areas scattered axial symmetrically throughout the entire dorsal surface. Five pairs of lateral eyes, three major ocelli, two minor ocelli; PDMi posterior to PLMa, ADMi smaller and above PLMa (posterior to lateral ocular carina); posterior area of each group of lateral eyes on dorsal surface of carapace shallowly depressed and smooth. Ventral surface of prosoma smooth. Sternum type 1, sub-triangular in shape. Genital operculum medially separated with two macrosetae on each half near the posterior margin. Pectines with three marginal lamellae equipped with moderate length setae laterally, 1 st (basal) lamella conspicuously longer than the other two, 2 nd (medial) and 3 rd (distal) lamellae similar in length; one small piece presents between basal and medial marginal lamella; median lamellae subdivided into usually 7–9 pieces, scattered with short setae; pectinal fulcra strongly developed, scattered with short setae; pectinal teeth number 20– 19 in holotype male and 18– 18 in paratype female; sensorial area located anteriorly on each tooth, slender in male.

Mesosoma ( Figs. 6 View Figures 5–6 , 8 View Figures 7–8 , 13–14 View Figures 13–14 ). Tergites highly granulated, with size of granules and intensity increasing successively. One median carina composed of relatively small granules, flanked with a pair of shallow, smooth, oval depressions anteriorly, starting from the 2 nd tergite. Boundary between pretergite and posttergite pleated and undulate. 7 th tergite with additional two pairs of strongly developed carinae connected to the posterior margin; median carina on this tergite fades out medially. Ventral surface of mesosoma smooth, except for sternite VII with four carinae (the two in middle more prominent) and moderately granulated. Previous sternites glossy with posterior margins undulate; lateral margins of sternites to V–VII serrated. Spiracles located near the posterior corner of sternites; small, slit-like, posterior area with lattice microstructures.

Chelicerae ( Figs. 23–26 View Figures 23–26 ). Chelicerae with typical buthid dentition, basal and median denticle forming a bicuspid on fixed finger which is armed with one enlarged accessory denticle ventrally; movable finger with dorsal distal, subdistal, median and basal (bicuspid) denticles dorsally, one ventral distal denticle and 2–3 ventral accessory denticles ventrally. Fixed finger with long, fine, curved (appearing soft) setae ventrally, manus with few, fine, sublinear setae on fixed finger dorsally and long, fine, sublinear setae ventrally, concentrated on the area beneath fixed finger; internal margin of manus equipped with numerous long, thick, dark, nearly straight setae ventrally but fine, short setae dorsally; ventral surface with single accessory denticle.

Metasoma and telson ( Figs. 15–22 View Figures 15–22 ). Entire metasoma and telson glabrous but granular. Metasomal segments slender and increase in length posteriorly; I–II with 10 carinae (dorsosubmedian, dorsolateral, median lateral, ventrolateral and ventrosubmedian, all in pairs), III–IV with 8 carinae (dorsosubmedian, dorsolateral, ventrolateral and ventrosubmedian, all in pairs), V with 5 carinae (dorsolateral and ventrolateral in pairs, and one single ventromedian); all carinae strongly developed and costate-granular, becoming more granular towards dorsal surface and more costate towards ventral surface. Median lateral carina on metasomal segment II become vestigial proximally; this carina is replaced by scattered series of granules that do not form distinct carinae on subsequent metasomal segments. Dorsosubmedian and dorsolateral carinae of metasomal segments I–III terminate in a tooth which is relatively enlarged. Granule density of ventral surface higher than that of lateral surface which is higher than that of dorsal surface. Granule intensity of dorsal surface between dorsosubmedian carinae decreases from metasomal segment I to III. Dorsal surface of metasomal segment IV shows two inconspicuous series of granules between dorsosubmedian carinae; similar series pair also exists on dorsal surface of metasomal segment V. Anal arch without prominent lobes; ventral margin of anal arch nearly straight, equipped with four evenly spaced setae. Telson weakly granulated, elongate, ellipsoidal in shape, bilaterally with shallow sulci and one carina comprised of small granules. Subaculear tooth distinct, triangular, sometimes with a secondary tubercle on dorsal surface. Ventral surface of telson and subaculear tooth with fluorescent setae, moderate in length; dorsal surface with short, fluorescent setae; few additional non-fluorescent macrosetae present on subaculear tooth, middle range and proximal end of ventral surface. Aculeus moderately curved and long, approximating the length of vesicle.

Pedipalps ( Figs. 27–46 View Figures 27–28 View Figures 29–46 ). Pedipalps slender and glabrous; short, fluorescent setae dominate, but longer, non-fluorescent setae also present; patella wider and relatively longer than femur. Orthobothriotaxic, type Aβ, femur trichobothrium d 2 prolateral to prodorsal carina, close to i 1-4 series, patella d 3 between retrodorsal and dorsomedian carina, close to latter; periphery of each trichobothrium on femur and patella locally appearing brighter in fluorescence intensity under UV light. Femur with five granulated carinae, intercarinal surfaces with small granules and lattice microstructures; proventral carinae weakest, prodorsal and retrodorsal carinae well developed with fine granules, promedian and retromedian carinae indicated by larger granules. Patella with seven weaker carinae, intercarinal surfaces with lattice microstructures; promedian carinae formed by moderate granules, prodorsal and dorsomedian carinae formed by fine granules, other carinae smooth. Pedipalp chela slender, with smooth carinae which may be discernible throughout the length of the fixed finger; chelal finger conspicuously longer than manus (ca. 2 times), weakly curved inwardly and upwardly. Fixed finger with 7 oblique rows of MDs; row 1 to 5 gradually increase in length proximally and slightly curve externally when approaching the final MD; row 6 and 7 similar in length and together form a linear arrangement; one IAD proximally flanks row 1 to 6 respectively, EAD absent from all rows. Movable finger comprises 6 oblique rows of MDs that successively increase in length proximally; row 1 to 5 end in a moderately enlarged MD proximally which is flanked by an IAD but lacks an EAD; row 6 obviously longer than previous rows, without EAD along its length and is not flanked by an IAD, apical row anterior to the 1 st row very short, composed of less than 5 subterminal denticles, distal end flanked by one or two terminal denticles.

Legs ( Figs. 47–54 View Figures 47–54 ). Weak, smooth carinae comprised of small granules present from femur to basitarsus. Tibial spurs of leg III and IV similar in length and shape, both short and reduced. Femur and patella with only a few setae; setal density increases from tibia to telotarsus retrolaterally and ventrally; tibia and tarsus without bristle combs, most setae on tibia similar in length, retrolateral setae relatively longer than ventral setae on basitarsus, distal setae conspicuously longer than ventral setae on telotarsus; basitarsus and telotarsus with two rows of ventral setae. Tarsal ungues curved and stout; two pedal spurs and one dactyl on each leg, short and stout.

Measurements. See Table 1.

Variation (see Appendix, Figs. 90–155 View Figure 90 View Figure 91 ). As mentioned above, there is variation among different individuals in both the overall coloration and the coloration of telson. Some individuals, presumably older, are blackish brown with dark red telson, while others are yellowish brown, especially their tergites. For PTC, among the 109 pectines enumerated, 33 belong to male specimens. In these male specimens, 2 pectines were recorded with 18 teeth, 11 with 19, 14 with 20 and 6 with 21. In the remaining female specimens, 9 pectines were recorded with 16 teeth, 21 with 17, 35 with 18, 10 with 19 and 1 with 20. In one female specimen, a basal tooth was found to be dilated and appeared to be a result of incomplete partition ( Fig. 57 View Figures 55–57 ). Granulation and carination on the carapace may vary, but neither of them was found to be consistently related to certain development stages. There is also a variation regarding the relative slenderness of the pedipalp chela finger, and the relative width and length of the pedipalp chela manus with respect to the fingers, but no consistent positive correlations with other features (e. g., body size, 5 th metasoma, telson) were found. Variation in body size was found in both adult males and adult females ( Figs. 62–63 View Figures 62–63 ). It is interesting to note that although two different adult female specimens were similar in terms of the telson size, the relative ratio of their 5 th metasoma sizes can be different; usually, larger females have more slender 5 th metasoma.

Statistic p-value

ROI area 7.33e +8 <0.001

ROI Feret's diameter 7.37e +8 <0.001

Note. H ₐ μ Female <μ Male

DISTRIBUTION ( Fig. 86 View Figures 86–87 ). Known only from the southeast region of the Tibet Autonomous Region in China, and at least had been recorded in two townships, Chawalong (Cawarong or Tsawarong) and Gula (Golag), both close to the border between Xizang and Yunnan Provinces.

ECOLOGY. The new species is extremely abundant in the region (Gula Township; Figs. 83a–f View Figures 83 ) and nearly 400 specimens were discovered on three nights (14–16 September; no early instar individuals were found at this period of time). Most of the specimens were found hiding in rock crevices or wandering on walls of the flood embankment slope, as well as in the nearby rocky grassland ( Figs. 84a–f View Figures 84 ). The elongation and slenderization of appendages and metasoma are probably an adaptation to the crevice microhabitat. The habitat and habitus of the new species are consistent with the lapidicolous ecomorphotype (sensu Prendini, 2001), or the lithophilous ecomorph (sensu Coelho et al., 2022). Scorpions became active after 21:00 pm, and they were found to be feeding on a variety of prey, including crickets, spiders, scutigerids, and hemipterans, clinging on the stone wall and facing downwards ( Figs. 85a–f View Figures 85 ). The new species also exhibited a rapid escape response with high velocity of locomotion. Regarding the surrounding environment, a river (presumably a tributary of the Nu River) flows through the Gula Township and dense vegetation is found on both of the river banks. This may have provided sufficient humidity to the region to make it a favorable habitat for this scorpion. Under captive environments, this species demonstrates high tolerance towards other conspecifics when kept in a community. It exhibits positive thigmotaxis and an escape response can be easily evoked by a single tactile stimulation or a flipping of shelter. It is observed that this species will quickly seek narrow shelters once they find themselves exposed to bright light.

Conservation status. Only two scorpion species are regionally protected in China: Mesobuthus thersites (C. L. Koch, 1839) and Olivierus martensii (Karsch, 1879) . Little is known about the authentic distribution range of the new genus, therefore the evaluation for its conservation status is undecided. Scorpions recorded in the adjacent region belong to the genus Scorpiops and it seems that those scorpions have been negatively affected by anthropic activities as few species had been found since their initial description (Zhiyong Di, pers. comm.). However, the errant species of Buthidae are not soil-dependent and they may show a higher level of dispersal ability. Furthermore, the current study discovered an extremely high density of this species within a small region, and the geography of Tibet Autonomous Region can prevent the excessive hunting targeted at this species (entry is difficult). Local residents also showed great respect to those animals due to their religious beliefs. The Tibetan people do not kill animals unless necessary, and they also protect them, living in harmony with those wild species in nature. The protection of this species is nonetheless recommended until its population is fully studied.













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