Pselaphodes wanchaoshanus Feng & Yin, 2024

Feng, Ting & Yin, Zi-Wei, 2024, Notes on the Pselaphodes Westwood complex (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) of Hubei, China, with description of a new species and additional faunistic data, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 231-239 : 231-239

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1206.126696

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scientific name

Pselaphodes wanchaoshanus Feng & Yin

sp. nov.

Pselaphodes wanchaoshanus Feng & Yin sp. nov.

Fig. 1 Chinese common name: 万朝山长角蚁甲 View Figure 1

Type material

(1 specimen). Holotype: China: ♂, “ China: Hubei, Xingshan County, Wanchaoshan N. R. , 31.3217 ° N, 110.4906 ° E, 1700 m, 19. viii. 2023, Guo-Hao Wei leg., 湖北兴山县万朝山保护区, 魏国豪采 ” ( SNUC) GoogleMaps .


Male. Body length approximately 3.2 mm. Vertex and frontal rostrum with coarse rugose sculpture; maxillary palpomeres 2–4 each roundly protuberant on lateral margin; antenna distinctly clubbed, antennomere 1 with row of dense setae on lateral margin, 7 oblique, 9 subtriangular, 10 broadly impressed on dorsal surface, 11 constricted at base and broadened apically. Center of pronotal disc with large punctures, lacking rugose sculpture, with distinct median longitudinal sulcus. Metaventral process in lateral view short, narrowing apically. Protibia with small apical spur, protrochanter with thin spine, profemur with broad triangular spine; mesotrochanter with one distinct spine and few small denticles, mesofemur with small denticle on ventral margin. Tergite 1 (IV) dorsally more than 3 × as long as 2 (V). Aedeagus with broad, extended median lobe, endophallus composed of two long and one short sclerite.


Male. Body (Fig. 1 A View Figure 1 ) length 3.16 mm; head, antennae, pronotum and abdomen dark red brown, elytra reddish-brown, tarsi and mouthparts lighter. Dorsal surface of body covered with short pubescence.

Head (Fig. 1 B View Figure 1 ) roundly triangular, subtruncate at base, slightly longer than wide, length 0.69 mm, width across eyes 0.65 mm; vertex with coarse rugose sculpture, with large, setose vertexal foveae (dorsal tentorial pits), with short medio carina between foveae; rostrum prominent anteriorly, covered with rugose sculpture, with large setose frontal fovea; clypeus sharply descending, its anterior margin carinate and moderately raised. Venter with small, widely separated gular foveae (posterior tentorial piss) in broad and deep impression, lacking median carina. Eyes greatly prominent, each composed of approximately 55 ommatidia. Maxillary palpus (Fig. 1 C View Figure 1 ) four-segmented, palpomere 1 minute, 2 pedunculate in basal half and broadening apically, 3 with short stem at base, apical part broadened and subtriangular, 4 subfusiform, elongate, with elongate apical palpal cone; 2–4 each roundly expanded on lateral margin, with short, dense setae at apex of each expansion. Antenna elongate, length 2.35 mm, with modified antennomeres 7 and 9–11 and distinct club (Fig. 1 D View Figure 1 ); antennomere 1 long and thick, subcylindrical, lateral margin with row of dense, short golden setae, 2–6 each submoniliform, of similar width, with 6 slightly longer than 2–5, 7 oblique, longer than 6, 8 shortest, 9 greatly enlarged, subtriangular, 10 broad, narrower than 9, broadly impressed on dorsal surface and with longitudinal row of setae at middle of impression, 11 asymmetric, constricted for basal 1 / 5, then obliquely broadening to apex.

Pronotum (Fig. 1 B View Figure 1 ) slightly longer than wide, length 0.69 mm, width 0.66 mm, widest at approximately apical 1 / 3, sides subparallel posterior to broadest point and convergent apically, with almost straight anterior and posterior margin; disc moderately convex, central portion smooth and with large punctures, rest portion with coarse, rugose sculpture; with distinct median longitudinal sulcus and large, setose median and lateral antebasal foveae. Prosternum with basisternal (precoxal) portion at middle shorter than procoxal rests; with setose lateral procoxal foveae; hypomera fused with sternum, smooth, lacking hypomeral grooves and carinae.

Elytra subquadrate, much broader than long, length 0.91 mm, width 1.26 mm, length / width 0.72; each elytron with two large, setose basal foveae; with complete sutural striae and broad longitudinal discal impressions; humeri roundly prominent, lacking subhumeral foveae or marginal striae; posterior margin with row of dense setae. Metathoracic wings fully developed.

Mesoventrite short, laterally fused with metaventrite; mesanepisterna and anterior region of mesoventrite forming transverse prepectus, posteriorly mesoventrite smoothly broadening, with lateral margins moderately diverging; median mesoventral foveae broadly separated in setose transverse impression, lateral mesoventral foveae large and setose, not forked (straight) internally; intercoxal process blunt and short. Metaventrite weakly impressed at middle, with pair of elongate metaventral processes, laterally each process (Fig. 1 E View Figure 1 ) narrowing toward apex; large, setose lateral mesocoxal foveae present; posterior margin with narrow slit in middle.

Legs elongate; protibia (Fig. 1 F View Figure 1 ) with small apical spur, protrochanter (Fig. 1 G View Figure 1 ) with thin, acute spine and profemur (Fig. 1 G View Figure 1 ) with large, broad triangular spine on ventral margin; mesotrochanter (Fig. 1 H View Figure 1 ) with one long and acute and few small denticles, and mesofemur (Fig. 1 H View Figure 1 ) with single small denticle on ventral margin; hind leg simple.

Abdomen widest at lateral margins of tergite 1 (IV), length 1.08 mm, width 1.18 mm, with well-developed paratergites 1–4. Tergite 1 (IV) in dorsal view approximately 3.3 × as long as 2 (V), with broad, setose basal impression, discal carinae broadly separated, extending posterior for approximately 1 / 4 tergal length, tergite 2 (V) and 3 (VI) each short, subequal in length, 4 (VII) longer than 3, posterior margin angularly convex at middle, 2–4 each with one pair of basolateral foveae, 5 (VIII) transverse, posterior margin narrowed and roundly emarginate at middle. Sternite 2 (IV) longest, with densely setose basal sulcus and one pair of mediobasal and basolateral foveae, 3 (V) to 5 (VII) at middle successively shorter, each with one pair of small basolateral foveae, 6 (VIII) transverse, posterior margin with small emargination at middle, 7 (IX) (Fig. 1 I View Figure 1 ) elongate, semisclerotized in apical portion and membranous basally.

Aedeagus (Fig. 1 J, K View Figure 1 ) 0.61 mm long, dorso-ventrally asymmetric; median lobe with broad basal capsule and large, oval dorsal diaphragm, apical portion broadened and greatly extended, with narrowed apex; endophallus composed of two elongate and one short sclerite; parameres (Fig. 1 L View Figure 1 ) each elongate, membranous, with five small setae along ventral margin in apical part and four long macrosetae at apex.

Female. Unknown.

Comparative notes.

This species is placed as a member of the Walkeri group (sensu Huang et al. 2018 a) based on the asymmetric male antennomeres 7. The subtriangular antennomeres 9 of the male resemble those of P. anjiensis Huang, Li & Yin (Zhejiang), P. antennarius Huang, Li & Yin (Guizhou), P. pseudowalkeri Yin & Li (Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi), and Pselaphodes walkeri (Sharp) (Zhejiang), but the new species can be readily separated by the broadly impressed antennomeres 10, basally constricted and apically broadened antennomeres 11, moderately long metaventral processes, the spination of the legs, as well as the configuration of the aedeagus. The antennomeres 11 of this species are also similar to those of P. nomurai , but the forms of the antennomeres 9 and 10 are quite different.


China: Hubei.


The species is named after its type locality, i. e., Wanchaoshan.











